NORTHSLOPE_the_7-2-12_NLSTHE NORTH SLOPE AaA., M S-3 a 1 0.7 91 Acme. U`r\M,j easetreri \t. x102 y Q CERTIFICATE OF i)E01C'ATION Vie the 1: do slig-hed i,ro,:ert- c ^ers. ROGER 1). BO0 %MAN w1d MARI,C:.XI:.1. 130t1N1:1N. ife. do �:-Crc - certtf� t,`at, c'"a e ,ie e s':r e•ed. suhdicicec anc. l;liitrul' i•itc, l:.ta. „_ by ti,e I,Iat a id a•ertvi, au 01 s :. e� (. (( i-( 1 de,i, the foltoAing desc: il,e,' ' of lichd, o - it: L(-t 3, Additio• No. ' tc Kili=,etl-O'Vf,l \ ,:itir a -: 1,(I 1 B (u c: E'ar;: ,ic Tprrilf-( cL5 vdCg,}EJ b Ljttie -Fiat-1i.at] L'JL.r>ty (,'atr (r]rSS ��,14iS nn tr`t 1-I"• Ca C.ed r� Vl'�a:�, S-f -:• The above described tra, t : la•-d is It, _ c c it d i!k sip fated as THE' NORT11SLOYE, Flathca( County, Montanan .":�1:�,.. 33 Date(: tl.is da: of A. 1).. 1 y.L_ ��-rz-.--- R OG PD. R ),:M N Gil�'t'�� <-� �elA�i�fl�✓ MARLINE .7. BO Nl:1N On t': is , day r.f' , 197L, t c(crc m". .. NWill l>, it, i ul' f,­ l j, State Nlcr-itna, perso :all ah_xar( ii orer D. Ho mac and Mie.I( _c .1. 13u ni,. it, (I r t,o me to ',r 1. e i,ev�(wic '(Use ifameS ill'( a ix l :o t'.0 (*cl.t lfil'ale' o! iJ(`(.n ;.,, is d I, -t(• If i'g('(: ''. Inn t. ar ('.,' l•xl'('1.'f.ed tf e salni('. hi,o C' V, Itiu_a ifl, C'('111rolS _ I.:s,.I! (°s C'ERTIFIC':ATE OF St11 E? Olt I, the unde•rsil .,,ed D. K. M•1RQI _ARDT. Ci it Engi (, I a:,d Lic-A Sire -of., Nlo-aar.a Regist: at.io .vni:,er 39£39 ES, c'o .e rel:.-certify t' at di:ring Nlat ( , 1 (174. 1 :=..r ( -e-I THE, NOR'fHSLOYI: ar(I Ltt,te(, same as Sl-,o n on the aco('omi.a" -i".g }flat a A as dc•s('t'ille(1 lti L''-, .U'l'(::;7;:EUi .-l::f' c'['rlifii of deli, atiw• a"': t-.at sami as made i - it",r�-:a^l e it the ; r(, isions of Tv 1l 1 1. C ,ia; tet 38, RCM 15).1-. Dated this ,$�� da•: of Registratio,: 'w. ES On t',is +� day of ')efore mc, a NotaT YnTilic i­ a d for t"t, State of Montana, l ersomallc appe e,. Iarquardt an' k"o n tome to I)(, r,'ic i ersoa osc ua_i.c is affixed to the C en-tificate of Sur evor and ackno ledge(t to me t'^at I_c ex(,( used tic same. Flat .ac Cwiu t,�, 'Montana My Commissio^ Ex__ires t CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINING LAN;) SVll :'C,YOR I, C HARLES X. DOYLE , Examining La --A S°_r e•. c.of Flat' ca_ Cof +Nic. _ta a, do ia i cily- Cert y that a ,'e examine t. e accoml;anving (`)tat of THE NORTIISLOPE, a-,: r. c el- it rel;. esents, and that I find the same conforms to la = and I do ;lereh- a, i ro c the ,alit . Dated this day of _ � 19 Zy . Examining La nC Siar ,evor Flathead C'ou-tr, Montana SECTION 6, T28N R21 VV SECTION I, T28N R22W CERTIFICATE OF CITY C'C.4i'?'NCII We, the Mavoi and t .e Cite Cl ��jk oft . Ciri of Katispi; Montana o hereby certify that the accom- panying flat is duly e and a p t i by the � wncil o the City of Kati 11 at its regular meeting veld or the 4 a of � 7 -ll Esk. bee bdiv ,led -and parax Gt R% CVc.Ll fs »�t#� N� F .nvz Fp3rK / aecAiwt;on c� cash :n l.u.0 yt�v..'t� ry tissar�' '_J'_7�.� - - -- - / /✓ _ _�.r .., _ AYY LLB\L.L 1)J Ali a or C" r of Kalispell, Cits- Verk City of Kalispell, , ontana CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER I `,1 MAN 1 NI DER I C n. b ngineei for t'.ie Cite- of Kalispelt, Montana, do hereby certify r.at t' e is ( ompa( 01 ing iaat 7 rr t( the adjoining additions or plats in the City of Kalispell; Montana, alread,. plattcd. its near as c i!'l'unlstanCes ill permit. STATE OF MONTANA: )ss. County of Flathead. ) Filed for record this Approval No.. 15 —"%u --K 111 E. s. y This plat with accompanying information has been examined and found to be acceptable- Approval is given herewith this day oi__Or f-1-L/_. 19 /'1_with conditions as set forth in the �(_ac.%;edp-''J� A certificate. r; nce s ed-. MONTANA STATE DFPARTMENT of HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES HELENA, MONTANA 59601 N'. MAX L/?1"ER City Engineer City of Kalispell; Montana. A / 9 _ at�� o'clock M. County Clerk & Recorder Flathead County, Montana c­,'k�d 3w/y