MONTGOMERYS_ADDITION_4-2-6_MNGCAM OF DEowAnON IMF Jpsld►b i..lMnfjewNry a! fiuN M. Meafgo ry► hosbo�ld and wife of Flotbeod County M ORt000. do bsnby esrtify fbof 1pm S 16 be SWOysd red SWWA% i MNir£,tobdi 611,0is sfnofs oni olltys os sbo+wl by flyd osrHfioafe of sir hm+ �d fM+ hrllowMy tact of twirl In ace i✓e f¢ of s a� qF a .atfon i, Tow�sf ZBN.Rolgr 21 W,Inole partiallarly dsseribod vs . � `' 'r°�� s>• o RomoL dybl�t 4TAFWA of Me c*rm w of Wook 10 of Gornsrrrell AddMids Mitre city of YAWsO M M00*4W, WwAwil hoaadary at the Sef+ of tbt MWff of JAW#n7 Awnship XOM• Reap sfw, tl►s/►.e SeryiW,6wjee% *00 168 Oft •o'tsst AlMYr& Joe ot'W aw toot to the rlortbar/y b"mfery 4f Hoe Wfd/orly production of cadfonok sfremo� thehceNNldr , "+�►li Av)%ft toAt* vhwA rl t - amnavey of the MgrMwHy troduchien of t-** Avon" Wstf Mor#b.* Hmmw M WOW W srstdw h five pwiF 1 s. sAr lai4W N L be idrewn s;rs r &%4$"Wter/ as Mor►lyonssry"s�ltien l+s tl s City rf Kslisptfl, ond tyis/oaddomim.w :#w e1'h+tsE4 ems• •ird ,oer/ts ,fiiwwn on t/ro;,:sArrscd plat is bsr+ryl lronNdand dona/+d M tbt pwNie. ferawn D oitilil�ise3� ey April /m "• 'FATE OF M ONTAN A . COUN,T1t" O1' YLATH EA D on this aZ g day o�/li� w/e� wss a Wwry PvAh6 in +sr� f#rt•tbs4 S/mAv of NenfaJ7a perl�rvAW slyyeaped &vWp*L• Mel7ifeAoeTl► earl Awn:: A. IMenl+yom" Iwsbend and wits Ir*4t� ,t N Dm:• /7 ►o tar: persons r+elJsert 1lrrfr+Rt Ors skinrii" to thre forsroi� i' JDadiev/yen .ond oaXQow/eddy !C'` J»e tAeJ► hjr tJWtsrt#wl Rka ioJ1ri Tn wllnsss wJ�oe„oef I h•ws spt rsry tra 4/fi Mrl+risl Sso% TC Nefory Public in orths to !f ;n��Y'isu$hICfnrt9e�teoeMoih� CERT�afC M C1t A Y COI�JMD%1,C1� ding at Kalispell, Montana. 1 �"'` my commiwion espirea Inq ath, loud '%y- (C�qA~nsp tar Ns City o/ mplispell M / vow nder hereby co.div that t have sxvommedtho. { sbslaof •f title. M 9-ho lofrd de"rtbod *"the Wmmxsd Plot and that Jesdph.l.. p+oatponaery arod Hazahmen,romery ena t+ir+e ownirl iJlr too `siwapla *f #*a land se pMF#" r Dm4ed at. 1;mRSt" MonAmna, Jfbis 2,$ dy of �_O�f Hilt AD. CERTIFICATE OF CITY COUNCI L k _ � tF B N i LL Is Ae?IKcM eyo r of the sward 'qf C;,sy ca vocib"ea qc A*e CAY of Arbfispol! v&nd#+ Wpq s rMd kiypoerRG Clok :,;Of PWdWrd *# ber9 y .00J.A#y P*ar qt a m0e04/S df.004 S"VW AAA MALE &*.V aft 41.0. tM 4Mot was e1lar►7irJred and of city, Cowsai/ir+sA and rs p/aySrsJrdmwecr be T*A oxide o� dsa/ieo/ad, persaaJ� %v seefierr. I! -sod srrf y AIiM:It6 Acrw6� pteyar Goo CMTIF{CATg OF C 1 TY E1 O i NE E R Ff� ,��oT� Gffy trrwamee of !•he City of Xalispell Maw-ana do hereby certify thaF I have sxeAii't' rrl thcr eftne"d plot ond approve of,#ke pond eft Kovlispell Nen#"rnm this -Sdtatr of /Play ns"AA.D ILI CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY' 1 T.A.Tweeheream a comrpetsrrt .vurvoyer elr Solsnoo/y swear thvf- between the I st d•y ot• April and l-he dot.of Aprl/ 196s.11.D T mm4a •r eore/wl and acerrrr#s srwey et fhs I-r.Wal' of /ond shown onfhe oirnsYsd ptab rho ,laid plat woe /reads in 106ridt ac&ordoace wifb said survey, that the dimensions op a/i lofs, b/ocKs tFraePs and vNJrys ond Mae courses :how" Aherwan, are t*Ws and correct. to Erse. /rest of Amy know/edit, N/of p sot /srsnvrsraNs of the in/Srrsoel�isn 9c sh«ti�4i lLhs inhrsseNeos eye o// boundary /�DeJc ond %o+dieafod Hiss • on ohs !IIsJt. 7Trst sail darvey, q/ot Malt in sfri42l4L �acoordonot ~4f* dropjLmr s rtls Rerisor codos Of /-he $I -at* of nJby*er°-.J1�17'• _,�IGZ.l�il�JaP.�l�al-�= , p�� Ir 54WA40r•J6e4f 4Or4 swora Ae bsfoft Pre. Phis 25 ntey sif (T ""e f9S`sR•O_ i t Notary public i►+ and for tbs Slots: of/Pentane residiiry ot. KolApe//Nemr= lei r1 ` commission expires y/ 2.3- 1�53 r. SZATZ OF MONTMJL t OW.Wff MIATEM o O C9