KNOLL_ADD_5-3-6_KNOr �O — — C— CIS 4. y — —R--0 —A D — kfl 3 ^o. Z C9,9' SD' S0' 60' d0' BLOCK 2 I �0 2 3 4 5 6 JO' JO' 1b Z SUvvey by T, ATascfiereoa 4 'b� : N/ N� Sto' K N 0 L L g 5 -3- CERTIFICATE OF - DEDICATION cd� ofNWS'y ot5 E.y e�se0 1� We.. ,Q o� Kna liAI6;�4 t(�a.i� / {...... — �%t!........ ..... ........ .......... of FLATHEAD COUNTY MONTANA do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed and subdivided into lots, blocks streets and alleys as shown by the certify of survey hereuntoo annsxed�h� Vplowing described tract of land to—wi% Commencing at the South-east corner of the NW 1/4 of the S E V44 fhe'nc8 of S feet to the D i TM N Ob01 W Q f t t 4 *7 �BLC CK 3 M iq N . 1 2 3 4 5 8C A V E- N U E BLOCK: 4 IT I yv' Westerly boundary of the County Road, $019 point being the true point of e2inn ag, net 56 8 ee o a point, thence N 3102V W a .distance of 525' feet measured along the Westerly Boundary of the Catlbnty Rood, thence S 67.40 W 275' feet, thence S 11620 E 465 feet, thence S 17.50 E 470S fact' more or less to the South Boundary of said N W V4 of the S E 1/4. thence N 89034' E' 293,6' feet, more or less to the place of bFg*ih. a dlo be A A// Sfr�efs aid/,(�S -ghown oni�fis �✓�' "may dedirv�rd /a /He .pub/ic uSe for¢ye/- C/ /� A� IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR SIGMTURES this. A ..day, of. .,!.`'�' '?!'/A. D. STATE OF MONTANA se COUNTY OF FLATHEAD /- On the. �/.. -day of ..� in the year on thou 9gnd nine hundr-A and forty Six A.D before me a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the STATE OF MONTANA personally appeared.�r+w, .�1ra{I. G, Q. .fi/.bi+1 a. _qn,e !,/, , , . , kno me to be the persons whose names are suscribed to the. foregoing Certificate of Dedication and ocknowledged me they axe the same W IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED MY NOTORIAL SEAL h NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the STATE OF MONTANA, residfngvBKALISPE ONTA A• / My Commission expires 9.'• �/'% �. CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY N STATAE OF MONTANA COqNTY OF FLAT,tfE� a. I m i7rose {�� Pit �yt County Attorney for Flathead County, State of M ntana, he'rebyd^eerfi I have ominjd the abstract of title} to the land described on the annexed plot and that _,Z _ KQjL 4L 2 21 9 are the owners In fee simple of the land so p ofted, at DATED AT KALISPELL, MONTANA this._/ .day of1 6 A. BEING PART OF THE NW I/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 17 TOWNSHIP 28 N RA NG D' 21 W STATE OF MONTANA$ Sg COON TY OF BLATBBAD I A r An.a YCW, 1 era a CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ _ Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of t County of Flathead State of Montano and_ _ _ _ _ _ Clerk of the sold Board do hereby certify, that at a meeting of said Board held on the..�3,.,Q day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1946 A. D. the annexed plot was examined and approved by the said Board of County Commi%sioners, IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE HAVE HEREUNTO SET OUR HANDS AND CAUSEVTHE,�L OF TJiC� COUNTY OF FLATHEAD TO BE AFFIXED. CHAI RMAN ATTEST ' CLERK CERTIFICAT OF COUNTY SURVEYOR STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD I _ fOCC21�o29'L _ _ _ _ _ County Surveyor for Flathead County Montana. do hereby certify that I have examined the annexed plat and approve of the some, DATED AT KALISPELL, MONTANA. fills ... Zl..... day of..1946 A. D. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I T. A.Tasehersou a eompetont surveyor do solemnly swear that between the.. day of... and the.3!?"` day of _..,. Oc",6ar7 — . . . . 1948' A. Q. I made a careful and accurate survey of the trod of fond designated on the annexed plot, that sold flat was made in strict accordance with said survey, that the dimensions of all lots blocks and streets and alleys and the courses are -as shown tnereon, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, that 1 set iron, monuments IV., inches in diameter and IVY inches long at the. intersection of all boundary lines and indicated thus . That said survey+=, was made In strict -900 ro M99—,o/ i accordance with CHAPTER ,A of the POLITICAL CODE of // the STATE OF MONTANA. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this... �6 . day of . 619 D. 4WTAAY PUBLIC in and for the STATE OF MONTANA, residing a KALISPELL, MONTAN/A. it commission expires i