KJOS_ADD_9-4-6_KJOSE 1/49 NW 1/4
SEC. 8
T 28 N R 21 W
h P. M. M.
1 CO' ;57�0 SCALE I" = 100'
1 W-A L CiL !:. and LII.LIAN E. KZOS ! e !.rccerty I,e!n,, de c i, do her ,r certify That we save caused to be surveyed and
� husband and wife and owners rr •.
subdivlded ir:to a lot all o` ..e f ::owir?, d^scribed pr; erty a •iescri:.', t:.is 0"TIFIO�'s CFrt:d sr:owr by t.e annexed pi+:t or map situated
3a in Flut:.ead Corn' M-
o :. .".t..,. A.J. described as fclLws'
3c5r' 1 A r :,.nd lrcr:^d _ Sr.the-st �u%rter {1.,. ,fee.�.t .;,.:r+er(S3�I:wi) ` Se at! .ti'!, T 1 - -1 • i, � c•, e..d k.,
E �1 a"d described a„ ',.flows: Co--Pr.ctr• a'. t.e nor a' '. •, . - County, -,t:a
l r, te, c ;: u cck -wok I ...,.,okI, 1S A:.'.. N t . wit, ! t! '
�: .r.a c.,r,.i..•
et iv` Q, plt n le and rest"d In tr.e -,,,ice a` ..� ant•: 'Pr ar 3P " a P �� -' f, to a .far: ,r
M /� - c- lrrt �.e'd nun , .:.a, a nee N s ,
r r � 7., ., ,t.,. on �.: eztensl-�n -
33 33, ` n^ ,nerly boun'.nry line •d^ Black Two ) D,inrar.Is A d:ti Pr. i-
c a r.. 1 sin. .r �t land beinE; described; .ner.ce
4y '? �, N 13 ;� �., xid pa ral'. el t^ t(P efts rly c "+a 1 i r. A P r
'u ~ no b under ir.P ^f 0, n f, . t °v n,e \ .. ..t, l 1_.t• eeeN ,- ..� a,., -1r.•1 irrillel to the northerly 1 Q W1 0 1 "epcn J'r.et, 1,; to , v< P e S z r 1
7c ., a•. Warp. .el o �•.P n. e^i.•u;cr� .P +r1 e v r.;r;d r; ..t:...tr. Ave. ra. N
thence S �° 11� '+i ? , r , 1._. feet tc a point;
�! --re cr :Pas rvi that sr:i.1 subiivisi-n is t. `P vr.wn as K S A..I St,n:. t:..t 'rP e._ as ,l, c;rwn+rr t::e annexed nlai�rorcmap �are reservedcfor tie-i stall-
atisa and ca1r.'enance of P- lie `dt ili'. 1 es. _
In witnPas w+rereo, we :.aw c::uaed cur Wane sP=.1 tc ::e sPt t:.is_. Q75 _ _ -j,'..7:
rT.A'i 1TA A L'351 6 i J Li IaAS i.
n FLAT1 0
5 is► 3�,��E� a. K1CS, husband and wife and knc to CP ce ;.r, ..a wt.cae spa xrr P .i'ic•'ev JP`+.r ei n" ... a,nPwlear,ea is Jt . y Pc the
1 Gqq 33 33 y
i:t te'sTeli, -_nt,.:.a
My ComB:i e. .,.-.n r.x:Ares _3-.i5-_73_
I, DOCGLAS M. ZIS'iOF, a repistPred Land Surveyor. do hereby certify tnat
on the jest. day of A,rgust 1971, I mode a careful and accur:'e _survey o`
the above described tract of land and that the distances and courses Fie
shown are true and correct to the best c? my knowledF;e and belie' and
and that the corners are plainly marked on tkP grcuni with L-on :ins
.gin.: ti.:,t said survey was made in accordance with standard aurve_ving
practises of Mcnt:na.
o1A:a, OF MO:._ANA )
C.:l1NIf �_F F I ria,A.� )
On this __dav o1?71, before me a Notary 1,iblic
in and for the State of 1cntana ,ers;nalIy appeared DGU.:LAS M. bI.,,GF, and
known to me to be the person w, se name is af'ixed to tt.e Certi`ic.te
Survey and acknowledf;ed to me hat he executed tr.e same.
Not- f t:.e St::' -- —
S e o. . _ntanr.
Residing at Rai isrell , lo. tans My Commission rxplrerJ%�
CTy t'!;TYOF'?IAT4 AD ) JS
I, 'wILLIAM E. '►Hi31 , Co;:rty Surveyor of 71atnPad i:e••eb,;
ce-t.ify tnat I havP examined t:•.e accompynine plat of A:,A..I.I:.N ani trP
sur:o:' it rPnresents and find that same con`crms to 1 .w an- I d,) !.Pr,. n rove
c' same.
^need 'his _ - day o _1.71
William Z. + -
.n the 7 dqv o'
17/.. a'+y/q. %oiock ... M
Cr„r, r„ .._.._.-....end R-:order
�.A. :... ...,...: A:,A )
G :•i rmar. of ar%1 ;f , ,,,n y Ca d,! : nere of
F1 ..er;' ..C,..,t:, ar-1 Glenn Ntllr;;asP, .:er,c ..id beard of
,t,; o .,.. ,er=, do her� y certify trot at cu" re,,' �- •_ee!.i 4p ::.yid
tre &�t�_._ _a+''• .` C T1C __1 r'., we ex...i:r e annexed plat
AdditIrn In dap ic,..e nd do ,... L; a:. « saae. i:,e
;rk is ,e.Pt.y waiv,-d hs t.,As vi11 Le t.._n care c: by tr:
-1en M 11nouse - le
L..e 0oL.:.ty A',tcrne. Janes Oleson, stating-.wnership
.:erti:ic::'.e _. litie r_a a Licensed Abstracter was riled with
tre ..;.�e: erk r,t nerr:er F1.atnead County, h;:ntana on tt_is
Glenr. a. Miilhcuse - .a erk an,,, Recorder