KAL_AMD_L9_and_10_BLK_52_7-5-29_KOZ5121 O ?Al95 --L-c* 1 a �f�®s�o — 4-07e-/o Amended Subdivision Plat LOTS 9 and 10. Block 52) of Kalispell T28N R21 W, P.M. , M. Original g g1.g6 - ' Rec } '� 32 00 Rec ° 6, p n. (m 16 r,N 6•,i E S� W eSt J St xl i411 3 Y•� t ;Roc t 3fi65.R` 1} W 1555"E GOnd St w2S 35 LA r " . - ` c•.t� o at 99 ' i ice,+. o E o o `r• N� > / r-• W, , t r Rec } -� 3(6' r, 3300 1rG D. Lit tyf afs �` O SET 5/lr diameter X2W' long rebar with 1 1 /4" yellow plastic cap marked, "SMITH 4740S" 6 :.i yji 4 SET "FENO Survey Marie, a 5/6' diameter X 24" long aluminum shaft with extended anchors, magnet, and 2•' diameter brass cap marked, "SMITH 474W in monument core FOUND 2" diameter aluminum cop per City of Kalispell Corner Recordation FOUND 5/H" diameter rebar, no cop 11 FOUND 2" diameter brass cap in monument case 111 FOUND 5/8" rebar with 1 1/4" yellow plastic cap per CS 1453 ' 40 FOUND 1 /2" rebar, no cap T ' Rec 1 Record measurement per Kalispell Original Rec 2 Record measurement per CS 11837 Rec 3 Record measurement per CS 1453 a SMjd--q iy a r ` 3 = = A ma`s 1131 South Main P.O. Box 7323 t' Kalispell, MT 59903 Y" {406) 25 7- 4323 rt t J. s ix . ��i�'a ram•. lr! o , / W / -�I �0 -+ • 1 N �--SEE DETAIL 'A' n LA , �•. SEE DETAIL QA o- N,. a� ro `fl. \ 41 / o. o o O �41 E � 1 n + Nj6��00N76�\o0„ St es�65 3300' �Y�1rd N76.11'0o0 �EPRINGS Pet 36596 Rec 2) �� \ Ngb•19 2-7"E (Wryl 'E 366 DETAIL 'A' no scale DETAIL 'B' no scale DETAIL 'D' no scale � O• J9S�3!5- DETAIL 'C' no scale CERTIFICATE OF DEDI TCA TION i, /idle%`%oel J k'elly, Executive D%rectar, for Folhead Industries For The i-lan rapped, a nor, —,,refit Montana Corperoti-,n. the undersigned property owner, do hereby ;:er-Gfy that we hove caused tc be surveyed, subdivided, and plotted into vets, blocks, streets, and olleys o� ,h ;wn f y the plat hereto anrexed, the following described lond situoted in r itheaJ 1cunty-, Montana: Toot portion of the Northwest 114 cf the Northeast 114 o/ Section 13, Tcwnshlp 28 North, Rogge 21 West, Princ%pat Meridian. Flo In, eod -con.ty, M^mono, described as follGw" �ct5 9 ono 71 . B' - 52, Kal 5peN Jr,gmol The above ye5cribPd tract of land I's to be known and designoted us The Arnen ed Sobdio5ion Flat cf Lots 9 and 10, El CK 52 Kalispell Original 1 do hereby further certify that the approval of th., governing body is not required pursuant to Sefton 76-3-20?(1), M A as amended. Dated this ��// coy of 1995. IL -a, A Michael J Ketl Executive Dtrec or Flotheod industi-W For The Handicapped, a nor, -profit Montano Corporotirn STATE 7F MONTANA r - C IJNT'r CF FLgTH G % c_ (,,)r(' n tots { v �doy �f - 1995, before me, the undersigned. o P-jbl�c F%r the State of Wnt ,o ersonolly oppeored Michoel i. KellyExecutive D,to Flotheod Industres For The Hondicopped o nor prof;t Montana corporation,r^n�known to me to be the person whose name is subs-rlbed to the lF_- /Jfcegomg instrument and 9Cknowleged tr, me that he executed the some IN WITNESS WHEREOF, r have hereunto set my hand and off,xed my k Notonol Seat the day and year first above written. Oz i40 Notary 0ublfc for/thee St ctono kes,dir.g at ��U,r//,]G(p• j.•vr.-Gpw My romm,ss,cn ex— expires T / J CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINING LAND SURb£YOR 1, James H. avrton, acting as an Exomining Lord Surveyor for Flathead County. Montana, do hereby certify that I have ea-om,ned the final plot of Amended Sub2yis,on Plot of Lots 9 and 70, Block 5Z Kalispell anginal, and find thot the sru.vey data shown thereon meet the conditions set forth by er pursuant to Tit'& 76, Chapter 3, Part 4, M.CA. Doted this-l. day of __ 1995. J mes H. Burt egi5 tro tiOn No- 54285 Flathead County 1, S .R Smith, o Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify thot 1 have performed the survey shown cn the attached plot of Arnended Suhdivision Plot of Lots 9 and 10, Block 52, Kalispell original, ,hot such survey was performed on March 30, 1995, that said survey is true and complete as shown and that the monuments found and set are of the chora-ter nod occupy the post%t%-:ns shown thereon Doted this 0 j duv of—:Iul-_, i995 "" ty O Tq SAMUEL R. e SMITH 4740LS �,Ia� sTeR�°•• Oq- '� SUR%jF;,w, S. R. Smith Registration No. 4740S r 131 South Main Kalispell, MT i9901 STATE ?F MONTANA COUNT' aF FLATHEAD FILED ON THE-10DAY 0 _.i991 A.D- AT9•L10'CL0CK-PM- 4) 6r GUN CLERK AND R ORDER OEPI INWRUMENT REC. Na. q5—)_131S KAL6B-D