KAL_ADD_4_L4_and_5_BLK_224_AMD_2-3-21_K4A/ LE • FD(ANOTED_) J PI PLAT OF DOYLE ENTERPRISES 285 N. MAIN ST. KALISPELL, MT. , 59901 755-6481 FOR: GARY CHRISTIANSEN JULY, T ,198 2 t i O s T 4i 14//G9� ,5TI�iY/��EO (DOYLE 2�5/6 S� PURPOSE OF SURVEY, Amened Pl.t B,urdary Line A.'.justment 57, 5/, it V1` ✓ ,A� N �1 AMENDED PLAT OF LOTS, 4 & 5, BLOCK 224, KALISPELL TOWNSITE CO, ADDITION N° 4 IN THE S.E.I/4 N.E.I/47SEC.77T28N.,R21WIPM.M,FLATHEAD CO. MONTANA O /O PO 9D Ed CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION ! 'We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed and platted into lots all of the following described property as described in the Certificate of Dedication and shown by the annexed plt or map and situated in Flathead County, Montana, and more particularly described as follows to wit: Two (2) tracts of land situated lying and being in the Southeast � , Y g g Quarter Northeast Quarter (SE}NE}) of Section Seven (7), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-one (21) West, P.M.M., Flathead County, and more particularly described as follows to wit: Lots Four (4) and Five (5), Block 224, of Kalispell Townsite Co., Addition No. 4, a plat or map of record on file in the Clerk and Recorder's Office of Flathead County, Montana, and subject to and together with all existing easements of record, the above described tracts of land shall be known as "The Amended Plat of Lots 4 and 5, Block 224, Kalispell Townsite Co. Addition No. 4". In witness whereof we ,have caused our hands to be set thisday of ' e i , 198 0 SET 5� PCBR Z a(70 /q.? elry - F(O A //V S J1VZ- m STATE OF MONTANA ) SS (COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) (Df this day P 198before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appearedt,V 1_' and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing, nat t !Note y PLAbl for the State of Montana � Kea iding at a%,l wy commission expires nt and acknow Ciwuo to me that they executed the same. ACQUIRE ADDITIONAL LAND «le hereby certify that the purpose of chi snr% y is to rel,,rete common hrundaries of existing lots in a platted subdivision, fewer than six lots are affected, and no additional lots are hereby created; therefore, this survey it exempt fr- review ;,, subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3-207 (e), M.C.A. We -P!ttfv that the purpose f r O is divl�f�n of land Is to acquire aJriiri,nal land to become part of a pzircel that has no sanitary restrictions imposed on it, and that no structures requiring uuater "r Rowage '.1I! be errrted .n the addi.i ^.:41 ac,;.i,e,+ parcel; therefore, this division of land is exempt from review by the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences pursuant to 'u ;TATE 94 MONTANA ) SS ':OU40PY OF FLATHEAD ) _ o,n this �, day of " � 198hefoirk me a Notary Public for the State ofntana, personally aAbearcd �[ `-• , am+ k icwn to -,r t^� )e the person ,a,hose name is subscribed to the fore.."ink i s�-.rent and ac�r;�u•:<,dtird t:. they executed the same. Q1 tilotar'y nu4T,ic fr, the Style "f "ort?r.i � xsy COfimiSSiPn er;ireS 77ES ,� s °!� 00 1 BY 25/6-S ,SET s� ';PCB.9.P By 25/6-S' PE/2 C/TJ; TiE,S' !'AP f o.Y "ice srauE ;SET -C e6gq? By25l6-SF /L Ciry T/E5 — uo A' %v57o C PPOJECT 5/TE 1 Q Q BY 6-SBF OM F.UO B.P,4S.S' APPROVED: 198 Examining Land Surveyor Reg. No. CER IFICATE OF SURVEYOR 1 e z- Charles W. Doyle 2516-S STATE OF MONTANA ) SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) riled for record this day of 198 a[' f�_ —p lock al M. r, County Clerk and Recorder By: ('ry��_ BOOK: INST. REC. NO.