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0 • MAP OF KALISPELL TOWNSITE COMPANYS ADDITIONNU ict KALIS FELL MONTANA. MBER FOUR CI FIC&TE OF QEDICA.TION,. CITY :ENGINEERS CERTI FI C A,Tt- 6 73. + '.,6¢ yve, the ell �wnsife Gbm,pniany, acorporahon orggar/ized and doingI, Ci . ;�tnith Uty�n ineer, in and for the sty of /ispel/, ontana: o business under and by virtue of the tawvs of/yontan4• at`(a/ispe//, in the flounthereby ce�tify, What I have made an examination of 1p'he annex d plat- of is 66' otathcad, /n said-vatg�Uo hereby�cer-tify,7"hat we have caused to be survey- �a/is,oe//wns/te �/ompanysyldditi•on�umberur. to�a/isppe// ontana, iz G6 ed, subdivided and. platted into. /ols, bloicKs, streets, avenues land alleys; as a/so the Tact of /and embra ed wi thin said addition and >that' he sameis " shown by the map `or plat and certit/corto, of survey hereunto annexed, the fol- surveyed and platted in conformity to the original town -site oY�'(a/is�f }�, /owin described tract of land to -wit: and addi t/ons thereto, as near as the nature of the land will permit. 11eg%nn%ng ata int which is t%re irntersection ofthe westerly line of -Second s e;: /lvenue�ast, and:shington Strec,t in the original townsite of `(a/i'spe/% C, i j► pn7ana• thence running /3°t9'J/IC,�a+nd onalinc which is a continuation of tyN n9 eer in and for the Clity io g"�- the Wes torly line of said Second/lvenue�'ast ,a distance ofioss feet; thence - of ',a/os e// ontana. hUnntn 76�//' a distance of isc.a ,feet; thence rune/rag -•S 4o s7', adis- %�. /o e a q' tiQy 4 °�f NO. X3J9 tan ce O 163.E fee thence running 8¢' 4' ; adistance ofn/.s feet- thence z• w�rh.r�.y,.ai'c. c.....:/ of running.S i3°l9 C a di ta/7Ce O ruts feet; thence rUnnin N 76°//�, a dis- oUrsa r. eF Ha/i,�.a/� rr, t� a lance otls8 feet; t/lenGC running,5 l3 °f9 , d/stance 032 feet t0 an inter- secr` on with the northerly line of said ashington -Street; thence rune- S 117Y ,T 76 //' along the dortherly line of Bald street a distance. ots,�o feet h 7 s h to the place of beginning. Xbove de5c ribed tract containing abouti302 Arcs. 66 / z' l6 /42' 66, ,be known and de i natcd as a►/lspe// � wn'site-..CAD1*panys ffd4/ flpnAm- - - - "' " // E• berur to(a ntana. f/n f/he. lands included`'n all streets avenues x p , CERTIFI CRT Q ciT cQN,cxL I + CALIFORNIA + STREET � and alleys shown on said plat, are )hereby granted and donated to the use 1, of the pupji- fore ve / J t IA/ T f A iJ' // /_ // /,•t L_ 1C/_ / 42' ti 10 s 8- h 7 Z 1 h R 3 4 s s h h 12 •ii io 9 e 0 7 2' '6 Ifl WITI`l s yVr��� ot- rne., hfarispe// / ownsire crompany, oy auinoriiy yve, , / y , ` /�nua./� v/ / y v /ern n aF/a cur /c v/ / y or s. of it's'' by-laws have c use.d these presents to be subscribed by h!f1 Vonrad, �q//'sp e /, lk� ntana moo_- hereb�y er./f bt afa meetin of the Clit CiounciL /n i its vice president, and .L.� se% i#s flssis taut -Secretary, and it's c r- and for said ci ty, held on the c7� c�aof ay, f1J� /909 7%iaf the anneared porate . hamo and sea/ to be hereto affixed on th/'s 8—� day of,rT�.r p/at ofalispc// �wrisite �mpany�ical/t/on/✓umberur to�a//'spe/lontana, ,D. 1.9 was examined and aFv roved by safd City 06unc// rN yvrr E'-5,S' y�j ,� 0� we hive hereunto setourhands andcaused fiAlispeillwnsl a Company, the sea/ o said �i/to'be hereto affixed on the day and /date in this. cer- 3 �tte s t :- �� By ti.fi c a to written. e re i Asistont .S"ecretaIvy, � fittest: �a ayor'in and,�for the City ofla/ispeN, fA ��/ -'- may!-�--�. -� �Vo n tan a. lk /ty cllepkj Wa OREGON r } STREET 'Lao'", VF mate of -Montana) 6 6' Z. 66' / r ss 'IQiz 1 'ay 12 County Of flathead J On this day odd rM� /909, before me G� Grubb a Mary ub- 11 11 lic !n and for the aforesai fate, ersona/ly appeared y✓�/.lbnrad, anL. Tnse/, known to me to be the Jfice lresiden , and flssistent-S"ecretar•y, res-CERTIFICATE- Q pecti ve / of the corporation exec ut'-i ng the foregoing c ertifl cafe of de d/ca- 10 3 10 tion a- or to me that tlhe same was executed for the uses and T3 ©,ARp Q'F C'GU N TY C O M M I S S I QNERS. got0 purposes jherein expressed. Wf, 4`0f'I . have hereunto set m hand And affixed my 8 • 4 : 9 Motaria eal the day and year f!,'rst above writt n. ' W M��, �. j��a/n, Chairman of tho Board`ofCounty Co missioncrs,:and w Tyoar, County Geri( in and for j7athc.ad County, jWon7tana.,,VP hereby 8 5 a serf fy, at afa meeting of the Bgard 'of County Crornrnsssioners ,6f 54ald Q; ('county, held on the erz A'' Ofc7N1 /909) that the annexad plat oy f/a/)spell otaryfublic in and for the -.State of h 7 s o 7 N • �ownsito Clomp any' f(ddition/�lum e>i"tour,to�(afispeAl,,IJA�ontdha, wascxami�nedanA Montana, residing at allspell,insald-Mate, approved by said oard of Cl unty-- mmissloners, dr"d �t the street avcnucsr l4z -"= - and alleys, shown thereon were dew areal to be pub./ic hways. �/ ,�U . we'havc set our haiuls and-causeci`t�ie WASHINGTON ,14 STREET IN1T/"� }N/? sea/ of zh1d County tQ be affix- e Ikon the day and date in, this certrfica '' written. Iy I hl Ih hl +,r` ------I --- --------1 - �=~ - C.:E:R T I T I C A TE OFSURVEY.C-hr .: I I I I � -- I .. I • ` '* . •`ltte 5 t: � ., - I airman of the -Board of Go an Commissia I------ j-------I------1------� 3, /yjarsh, Civil' -Engineer and...5"urveyor, Do hereby certify, rat between - y the zsth;bad loth ways ot�lpri/,�1 /cos I made a careful/ and accurate sup- ours G/ in and for said Gttanty, F.� 4 .,, vey of th' tract of land embrgeed /rl a/i,-5)veU%wnsite °';omloanys `/ddition A V I I ti I I /yumbet, or to �[a/ispe/% ontAna, &-shown by the annexed map or lat �. /p p J and as c,teserl` d in the toreyoin9 certificate of dedication, that said survey g y I I -1 . was ma in conformity t S,e tions .3,f6S to 34-7e inclusive of the revised Codes �, I •I I I of, thc,,•5' *r, ofMontana. �/at I set stornc monuments at the intersection.of the cntre line of'all streets and avenues in theground notless than six inches by K� I � I al I d six inches in size with a cross indicating -the point thereon, that the tops of I /�—_,¢z -- said monuments were placed not less /than twelve inches below the surface and I�_/'�'2---1,E �•f2-_—�I 66' L—�+Z -- that said monuments are indicated t;h✓s "t' on the plat, and that all angles - and measurements shown on said plait are true and correct to the best of myaoi information and belief ,.subscribed and sworn too before me on,this %!day oflVay,f/p. CtY AFt ? ax C is;ts�. q lolaryublic in and for the Mute of fontana, residing atV4/is,oell, /n said / si.dn of 89 County of Flathe Faedont y, a n. tso _atl.�i t1apr;iv.