KAL_ADD_3_L2_BLK_218_AMD_12-2-21-K3Di,�,_ -�--�-� - JOTH STREET AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 2, BLOCK 218, CEPTr,rDTo OF DEDICATION KAL I S P E L L T 0W N SITE COMPANY'S I, KAwnERr, d M. hereby certify also known as Kcaused M. be curve also known as KATIIplattINE d intR, the ui.a :n property owner, do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted int�� tracts as 5i%%n by the plat and Certificate of Survey hereunto included, the following described parcel <,f land, to wit: ADDITION NUMBER 3 A parcel of land known as Lot 2, Block 218, Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition Number 3, in lh S tiCh- .-as_ ; of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, Principal "leridian M(>ntana, Flath�,ad County, tl,nt"na //�� more particularly described as follows: S. E. 1/4 � SEC, 18 � T 28 N, � R. 21 W, � Beginning at the Centerline Intersection of 12th Street and 3rd Avenue West; thane, S 13' 49' 00 ' E, stand_ of 33.00 feet along the Centerline of 3rd Avenue West; thence N 76011100" E, a distances (,f 33.00 f_A t: P M.M. FLATHEAD C 0. M O N T A N A west corner of Lot 2, Block 218, Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition Numbere 3, thTru of Pint ,1 (rinrnmd: thence N 76°l.l'00" E, a distance of 142.00 feet along the South right-of-way of 12th Str -t tr, th" I st al'" right-of-way; thence S 13049'00" E, a distance of 92.90 feet alonq the West alley right )f-wa., t.h-n,- S ql W, a distance of 145.43 feet to the East right-of-way of 3rd Avenue west; thence N 13049'00" W, a d�^tangi 61.50 feet along the East right-of-way of 3rd Avenue West to the True Point of Beginning. Said pare-1 c-nt_ains 0.2517 acres, more or less. &13 .33 LEGEND /6 ' 12 TH STREET _ Al 767 a //'00 " Z- 4, TRACT A OO. /247.416+ O G48 e Z42. 00 �� r ,) 64 SO ' TRACT B 07 (V FT=— �0 TOT.9L = �iQO�E�TY BOU/l/��4f�Y SUB/EOT T�.9C'T BOUit/��4� Y • FOUiL/� /.4'Oil/ y10it/UililEiL/ T o SET 4a "X 24 " DEB-9FT !mil// SC.4G E / "= 20 60' Z W r The above described parcel is to be known and designated as "Amended Plat of Lot 2, 'lock 218, !,alisp-11 Townsite Company's Addition Number 3". Dated this day of A.D. 1982. ERIUKSUN, Uwner NOTARY CERTIFICATE On this 23TR day of _ )ULY 1 1982, before me a Notar Public in and for the Stat,-_ <,f Montana, personally appeared KATIIERINE M. ERICKSON known to me to be the per 'on whose nam.- is affixed to th- Certificate of Dedication and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. tar, P lc ;.c'r State of Pl"ntan,z Res; ding at - ` '� ��i (✓LL -- Montana. My commission expir-�s MA� 123__• CERTIFICATE OF CITY COUNCIL We, the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, do h reh} c rti`;- t'lat this accompanying Amended Plat of Lot 2, Block 218, Kalispell Townsite Company's Addition Number 3 as describ- ed above has been submitted to the City of Kalispell for examination and has been found by ti.m to conf;,rm t law and was approved, with the park requirements satisfied by the or'ginal dedication to, th,- City of Kalisp--11, by them at their regular meeting held on the day of 19 �e o- .. c dwell, Mayer, City (•f I:al i s,,;) 11 ATTEST: (/ L - va_--- - Mar3or e Giermann, C erk City c Kalispell CERTIFICATE OF LAND SURVEYOR I, WAv']E W. DEAN, a registered professional ENGINEER and LAND SURVEYOR, Montana Registration Numbs 42 do hereby certify that the above described tract of land was surveyed betw,t,,n th- dates of May 28, 1982, ,n(. June 4, 1982, and the description prepared under my supervision. Dated this 14 "1" day of jul-y _ , 1982. i,PPROVED: Examining Land Registration No r"Ze- , 19gz urveyor y 73f` MoWna Registration No. 742 ES STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF FLATHEAD) Filed on the day of , 19 8` ` Clerk and Recorder By: �� c� D, ' Deputy r��. in - BOOK PAGE INSTRUMENT REC. NO. /a �'o:j