KAL_ADD_3_L10_and_11_and_12_BLK_208_AMD_3-5-36_K3J��—�;—<�-- N112 lob 1/ L 91/ eF Lo4 to ; 0 04g1'70 7 L,4)4 IDt S•�Sf0-(t•// = �fo22SSl� BY.' ON AN A MAPPING ASSOC/A T ti. 1NC, sr 111 & `I '),II m4w',i) ,A ( ,Godel . con .m:tr/ 115 VALLEY l l/ I L.' /i'R/ I l Phone.:0 Darren R. arockonridge, P. L. S. Lots fO W . ck2O8 AMENDED FLA„7 is ,q f f oc? f 2z Blo Ka,z /Z all Addition Moo Q:5j' SP NW 1/4 8 SW 1/4 Seclion 17, 7- 28 N.., R. 21 W., Principal Merld/an Flalhead County, M017IG17G F6. 5/B" tabor p0„E 33 33' \\ D �C 60 33r N 7670g0 LO \ 76°\0`56 \ N 70 g0„ Ui ° N 76°10 53 \ LO 0 6 'to \ 3 n�} 7p9 80 sq \ N �0(S 3Q ft + w I �Op( Gl� \ iGl5318 D2 �' Boundary o Former m Former t \ , , Boundarywo 76°10 56 0 lam/ \ N 70 91 o N 760 j0 39„ \ 70.91 Lo '0 cn Lo \ o o LQ. o Z 886� 66 s4 ft + �° 0 °? m_ 0 9 ` E rn oo N 76°\0 3 P iA185 o 'o D Z 0 w 00 Q Z N O {^ 0^ N 76°lp 32 E ° o X. LO 4184 to 0 LD O 0 a'' E m \ ,o N 76°10 26 \ � \ 14V 85 0 w 0 \ 'o N 76°10`56 E V4162 16 00 \\ cn g5 2g9 71` ,- 'O \ 16°Va21 W \ 33 s 33 \ Owno . A N THON Y J. & CHRIS Tl L. GURUL E Date: MARCH, 2003 \ Fd pVUminamM°n'e''' N -+6° V0 3g„ E 1 trot �) , 365:72 S 76°V0`211, W • • 30 .• •• wigPOW D z w LO ° Z LO to w a m O r r,, o •m w m o Lo D 0 N 76010`32" E \ \ N 76°V026„ E \\ 14V B5 0 \ 366 0B, S 76°0g2B„ W CET; 7 /F/( �1 TFiF nEl071CM75 We, Anthony ✓. Guru/e and Chrlst/ L. Guru/e, hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and p/oiled into lots as shown by the plot, the following described tract of land to wlt: A tract of land situated, lying and being in the Northwest 114 and Southwest 114 of Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, Principal Meridian, F/afhead County, Montano, more porticu/or/y described as follows: L ots /0, // rf 12, Block 208, Kalispell Addition No. 3, according to the plat on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Flclheod County, Montana. The above described tract is to be known and designoled as The Amended Plot of Lots /0, // & 12, Block 208, Kalispell Addition No. 3 Flathead County, Montano. We hereby certify that the purpose of this division of land /s to relocate the common boundary line between adjoining properties and no add/bona/ 'parcels are hereby created. Therefore, this division of land is exempt from review as a subdivision pursuant to section 76-3-207(l)(d) M.C.A. We o/so certify that Parcel / is exempt from sanitation review by the Deportment of Environmental Quality pursuant to M.C.A. 76-4-125 (2) (d) os the dIV/s/on is located within jurlsdictiorio/ areas that have adopted growth policies pursuant to Title 76, Chapter / M.C.A. or is within a first-class or second-class municipalities for which the governing body certifies, pursuant to 76-1-127 M.C.A., that odequote storm water drainage and adequate mun/cioo/ facilities will be approved i CHRIS Tl L. RUL E State of Montana) ) ss. County of Flathead) On this C'� day of r 20'e'-3 before me the undersigned, a Notary P blic for the Stotq of personally oppeared ✓ r known to me to be the perso s whose names are subscribed to this instrument, and ocknow/edged that they executed the some. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. a�gg I�L'iN9A'I Al for Public f �e,Stote of Montano �rt�?�z4 Seal - State 01 ,a tea i' eft Residin usidin�a at } s g at, "�t1i13 My commission expires LEGEND FOUND 112 " X 24 " REBAR W/TH PLASTIC CAP, STAMPED LARSEN 9250 -ES, UNL ESS NOTED O SET 518'W4"REBAR W1TH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED BRECKENRIDGE 11706L S �ONTANA CHlRYiFOC A TF OF SURVEYOR DARREN R. * BRECKENRIDGE * Z 117061_s REGISTRA RON NUMB �R�,1157Ot6LS 4'EGIST E� A PR VE1q 2003 SURvE�o s EXAlW lNG LAND SU T/EYOR REG. NO.. STATE OF MONTANA SS 6 COUNTY OF FL A THEAD FILED 4fSJ DAY OF�, 20o3A.D. 3� AT� 0' OCKPM. CLERK AND RECORDER too DEPUTY INS TRUMENT RECORD NUMBER 4 31 :33 / a .ev File name: H.•iSURVEYS�GURULE�AMDPLAT.DWG