JUNIPER_BEND_NO_4_5-9-35_JURo4 . ... .. OWNER& JUNIPER BENI) DEVELOPMEUr NO., I AND DANIE3, mucium. own imuss sivouni BY THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS A16 SUNSET PLAVA KMASPELL, MT 59901 DAAPE� OCTOFlER, 2002 8"`11R 0, RE'LOCATIMN OF ('0MAWT BOUNITARIT3 1 A'M 1I:Tq1.)FJt) 1 1AFF In I 1UPS 4 -lll A 0.1 A, hS)e: 4 —13" E'31,40�. 'X 4., A NJ,) JDCATFA) IN THE OF' 1`111r, �-),ounnvST QUARTER 011' 6q 'I'OWNSHIP e28 W)RgI411, R.A.M`*] Wl�'Sl% PRINCIPAL NIERIIMAN, MONI:WNA, FIATHEAI) C,.10LJNTY, MONFANA. .. ... ..... . 0) 6—Al PRIMARY ENTRANC',E, err Vol' VO as AC- .. . ........ Atyd r A . . ......... '0111" � tC,A CY ki'tl Ay RN f,$N1, (O!OMMtcopp tit� I —o ", .. .. .. ... . .. <r! C, o) . ..... ... . .... C $oC \All C11", ............ 0 NN . .... . ... Ab pe .. ..... .. . . ar A n. N, X" 0%, C, f Ug /o Nil sq /v 19 RESUBDIVISION OF C'y HEMIRICICSON Al'.11), NIA 70 . . .......... S C, A I , F ) 'IN III \ 1)k to I Ill ND. REHAR W/CAP MARKED "SANDS 19/5 S'' SIJBJf,TI BOUNDARY OIL) 1,04 HOUNL)ARY AL7JAG1:191 f'f1()PER1Y BOUNDARY (fly) SIREFf ADINRESS LXA1�ININ(', IAND SURVEYOR REG', NO. ..... .... Y."Affl'L OV MONIANA C',0UNTY N I I AHIF r AD S 4ERTIFICATE OF CONSENT We,, the undershjned prl()I).,Arlty ()WfkffS, (to hereby ceritify thot %me hove csluised to be survey(rd Cu"'ll pkAted 4.1to lots as shosrn by the pkrl aojj (',0ftjfjCx]te of Survey hereunto the following des(,Jibod Uocl, of lond, to wit: N, LOP; 4 A & 4-H, IMJX3( 4, AND FOK3, (�f A & 13 B, BUXT 6 OF JUNPLR HIND V1 MSE W, A I OWN 11OU !3E SUBDIVISION PLAT I OCART) IN GOVERNMENf IfS 12 Afff) 1,5 Of' S'&C'lION 6, R)WN�dilP 28 NORIlt RANcr 21 WESI, F=COML MERUMAN MONIANA, (1All I(N) COUDrq M()NHANA, 1he above trcu:f,w of land to tJesiirpwded avr4t k) be known cts Jurdfoor HetRI No. 4, Arnondc,,�d Plat of lots 4 A & 4 V3, B!C:)(Ak 4, and Inks 6 A A 6-B, likx,,k 6 of Jrrnipes Bend 111, k)C(�le(j ir6 t1r4r', Northwest quarltm of the Qutheast quattei tl 4 Section 6, township S 28 Notth, Ronge 21 WoW, Pr66p6 Mcridi(,ui, Mc"k tcusR , l-Ialhecrd County, Montano, 0.212 crues. ,QYM(1112Me�(131" 1)"W" 111-�,, We lmreby certify that i:he ptupw,'e of this division of 4"Ind is for the bnloccAk,)n of (lornmorr %puimies (5 or fewer) in o plaUod subdivision, therefore Uiis division CA lond exernpl, korn revk.,,,vv i as <r subdivision pkusuant fo ;ecfiox76 -3- 207(1)(d), MC,A, X furUmv catify tiltat this division & kind is exturnpt 0nu sunitory revievi pufsucrnt 1c) Sectku; 17.36,605(2)(b), ARM, which ex(ludes pwYeW Not hove, no exusbnq locifillies fix water suf,jfly, wostcvrrhm disposal, rnsolid waste disposal oliier URin those ftit we�e previously opprovedby the ieviewind,� withcoily k,inCier Jifle J(j, (drapter 4., polf 1, MG& DANKA, M110*11, sw(Asl I AIMFIR HEND DEVELOPMENI NO. I County of .... . ..... ...... ..... On 2002 b0ore vvie, %, �ryf undersigned, a Notary fr',w the State ol person(flly Alppear('Cd 11 -. 12--.�-11-11 L known to rne to be the pen�on nofnr� is subscrit)("<1 to this il'Klhumen�, onrl acknowled,,fod h) vne WrCA she extowled the saine. Nolary Ptklic fir th Slate (A Residing at My cofnraission o�XpiTeS WoLn of of 13s. Q'I this duy of - ,, I I'll, �11'1 1, '1 l' 2002 bekne rine, the undersigned, a Nolory kn the Stote CA pan sors-Illy 6AJI Its (L known W rrxC to be the potsoi�i who norne os sub,,-,uibed to this 4,asfrutnent, ond acknowledged to rTr(C tjjrat Sujj. ffi(ra