HOLMQUIST_ADD_9-3-2_HOMr r i i P LAT HOLMQUIST ADD SEC 4o 7 T 28 N — R 21 w KALISPELL.- MONTANA � I L. SCALE I"m 50' WEST CALIFORNIA' ST. /ahem. G ' !.G 6 V 5 v .O 4 3 - .I 2 O k - .L Q MON ST- W CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WARS OP llgWMk Or NAIMM woo the wmio d* Chairman Of the Board of County Commissioners of plathsad,OsafRys Mo tamas am wo 0 as=" alosk a said Oeetetrs do hereby owtirr that the plat of N =ww ADD[TIO/ as Prommed I& rp1 dlMto. has brlri wLltfsd to the Board of 00=4y Commlesioaers of Flathead oguNys Nesfafa for oaedantlss I0d blue been fowl t•� fe law and was approved is dvpuato at their rqular mgutdmg hell at the at 1!a_, sal that the retairomo st of a Park be valved due to the are& beint 10" then tv sw n I . Chalrama aim B. WILLzom .. County Clerk gIl1' N►BSLLL E. NQ21d1 STKit: G mONTANK t A letter from wo *moft Attormeys I .� stau" ewnerwp* OOUNTY OF FLATHEADS mud a artifisfte of title from a Items*" obstructor was filed with the Filed ore tkelO-day of_ +jrTa:-- Oaetty Clerk and Lnrdor upoe Aar of D.191CatY&T :o'Cl"rf_-Al `rtfl� CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Io DOOKU R. BIISIOP, a registered Leal Surveyor is the State of Mostosae da hereby oortif y that on the 7tLe Any of 1pemMr 199►s I cads a care. ful and assaratw surrey of the tract of load $kow on the annexed plat 04 that the distance* and owsw• ss Ghow are true and correct to the boot of my kfowlredp and belief and that the oosaers Of all lots are oloar- IS mark" on the ground with iron pbw amid that mad survq was mado is @$riot oonformame with standard soreayind pWtisoo of J oataoa aim OF Noun ) Sa CWM Orsar"MpAD�) Omit this � 61of 9&9 before so a 14tas7 public for the State of Montana„ personally "go". allow Me 114wl. b I to ao to be the pore who executed the Certificate of Samep and he aebevled;od to me Neat he seeatod the sane. Notary !a fort State of !lost... 1Niding at J4�7 1.pO11• By 00001186i0a A1ZdrO1',4&1LII /// CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION No, the aderOitnd property weero, do hereby osrtify that w M" anew tf be sar.god. sul•dividod sad platted into lots as shoes by this plat sad described In $Me C1WMGLTl OF MIOL 090 un of the follewiug doOeribod tract of land in hatboad Coatys Monteme to wits • treat of Iced in the Northeast Quarter of the dsathm"s r o! ggutdq S.vea(T). ! 21 1 .. 1 21 Woo M. to M.o described aO fsllowst letiaflag at a point 1132 feet northerly fro► t h@ast Oof 411syail sowasite Coepanyos Addition amber Ong to Nallspell* MeatOna41 eOMWAL t to Wo plat thereof On file and of regurd in the Offioo of the County an . Clark d heesrder of Flathed County, MOatofas cad en a line whioh is the mrnwrly emtto joa of the asateat lies of said Bleok lug "woos eo tiaaiay &low "it mermnrly emeenol" or the sastorly Us"", of @aid JIM* 1"* 300 $gut to a polat or the southerly bmmdary of CdirIPDMUt I I thnr@ sa%hreeterly &leas the 0"Shfrly, bo"6W of Oaltforaia Strwt. 126.6 foots own or lose, to the ease beawAs r line at a ae not Aioai woo" Oomflrriy u the �k 'y um ro Odd County loads 309.4 feet. Bore or Ieses to the mertbrly boomwa line of CEO" ammi theme nrthowts lr aloft the morthorly boaadnry life of OrWa 1tsrOts 202,3 !guts Moro Or 1e44, to the tree peiat of bmtmdit and eemtaialat opproslnately 1.152 asses of lad* ears or less, Said treat Of land is to be knows and devipated as ACUM42 ADMICN to 14ai mpoll. / / dy �.,,� / _ -_ . . / � 71 � rim of nounower ) m(w Puma s:oeeted the same. - " 196LL before " 0 Notary tumist in ad for the State of seatmm* personally appear"o rigor am wit# a"d hembad and wife* end noagu are osheOsibad to the foretoing Certificate of atlea sad aokn"dWgod to as that tb,y - Ia POA* r r 0 for✓ Mate of Moatafa diet at Saliopoll, ya ana erG�ossem lrpirgu � � s — CERTIFICATE Of .CITY EE,N§INEER Is L• i• MaCLINTICL. City A waser of the City of laliepoili Meataas$ to kwoky carroty that I have Quoin" the accompanying AM of BQUWIST ADDITIM and that it oofforw to the other matioas in tlhe Cdtr of =aliopall and I de barew approve of sow. Dated tbis nay of iz•.df 0 11.l L. Be ok •• City agur CERTIFICATE CITY woo the vm and the CITT ale of the City of Ialiepeu, Meataoas do hereby eortify that the aeoomipmmwt t plat of mjmgm3? ADD ON woo duly emodsed and approwod bs the City Ooaoil. of 41108116 amday at its regmur wtiat held on the of _ ._STATY OF MONTAL ) tS COUXT! Of FL►THB►D ) Is DOULD D. US, County Sarveyor of Flathead County. Moataaas do hereby owtify that I have mudaed the saoompafpiog plat of HOLMQUIST ADDITION in doplsates of Flathead County. Mostaca, and the MssT it reprosets pal that I find the Game ooafonas to law and I to hereby approve of @ems. %J Dated this L4 ,fly of X96,3 XZUX • US - County Samyor F W411401% r•..•aaaawvsa + vae Flathead county, Mostae&