HIGHLAND_PARK_ADD_2_9-4-11_HG2N " , HIGHLAND PARK SECOND AD Scale I" s 100' 0 < ttt000���N N JO' 3. 7BO.56 I 91.9, I I p t° 244 in HIGHLAND ° O y 368.1 I 2 oPARK , N. 89° 24 E, 312.0 56.1 6.4 , n' FIRST a - - n 6y0-z . ` 3u` ADDITION r--- 3 7:5 G 4 t _t C> r 0 z 6D I 2 3 - �- S. 890 24� W. 520.0' 56.12' I N t - -- N to 324 25 0 r— - NORTH EAST CORNS BLOCK 5 HIGHLAND PARK Q J U e L) I;�tI,: SY i,.AVE:. BAPTIST 'JiiGa;ir, a l-iontana corporation, o ,ior.t _a corporation, aird P'R1nf: uiP HG:�_, I;;_., a .orti, :iaxota corporation., uo t„,reby certify that theavc causeu to be surveyed and platteu into lots, streets a,.u;s sh, r, by t:, plat aria certificate of survey hereto annaxea, the followin, described tract of lanu to wit: All that portion of Government .,ots I' anu 14 of Sect'�on o, ':'owns__ip 2a .,orth, Ianr-•e 21 nest, I•....rl. in Flathead ,Jounty, Montana, more particularly iescribuu as .jllow.: Bew,inning at the ::ortheast corner f Block of L,ze r.'. 1 �, 3uIVi::1C : a recorded pi at being, on file in the office of the Flatheadd unt,, ;lerk ar,. .te;order; tr;is bei-. tnu true i t of be;Zinning of the SE,;CNi, ,1 _; T10?• Tl HIG::LAN;: r'ARn 3LI J it;I,.. thenar, 3° lu' E. 2Uu.. Leet to the point of intersection of tt,e west art, north bL daries ;larerrw, Street; tt,ence e99a..' r, 4u•, feet along the nortr: boun,dar; -)f Jlare.,riunt atru,,t tt- pulut, el. (j 3u' 6. )82.:,. feet to o point; the„ce S 89° �'4' W. 84,.f5 feet to a i,oint u,. the , est L _ un . +ry ri, way 93; Lue:,ce a 1 784.9 feet along the east boundary of :wilway 9-. -u a c,oii,- the..ce t °Ly' 76.1c feet along the north boundary of the A;.derson "heatre spa proper... to u toint; t:.euce L-1.5.6 :eat to the point of beginning a::d containi;: 1:'.u6 acres of la;:u; to be known and desi,7nated as Hlj:; A`;L ln ,3E�1'J Ai._i rti t, Kal .-sl,e.Li, Monta:,a, anu th.e lands '.nciTlaed ir) all streets and avenues shown o:, raiplat, art Mere',. ranteu t,,uu to ,...e use .,i L.,e public forever. tti Dated thisday of C2 __, 1967• .�/./_ r: A i- I _• A., ATTEST: ---- President Donald A. Ra3MUSSer. aC. ATTE --- rresiaent o "r re J Gordon 3. Hifra STATE OF MONTANA ) s COUNTY OF FLATHEAD )s On this oz6z,/ d'a : of 19o7, •-e: ore me, the undersigned a Notary Public in and for the State aforesaid, personal y appe-re�RVILLER. JAMES ;O :. F. BALL., �35i IE l+. FATIiEREE, known to me to be the Trustees of the .,.iT P P i t corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to :ne mat sac:. r;,or : ex,- tau same. IN WITNFS:: AHER' F I hn,re ner� t: my Iu affixeu my of ial Seal the day and year last above written. "otar' : lib . c , ur .Tate o. '.ontana ife _nt Kalisl-eil M ntana expires � �Lf11 2O, /C%O . STATE OF MONTANA )s COUNTY OF FJ.ATii,.,Ai ) s On tnis,daj I) , _ c,(, be:�re me, the undersigned, a Notary i,ublic in and for the State aforesaid, persona ., appeareTC° ;:_ %ttj L J�i,:ISOIN a„a ✓O1i&Lo A. RA614USSEN, known to me to be the President and Secretary respectively :;, the K,,..�iE" ASSEMBLI GOD ;HUh(;Ht the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and ack::owlea.:ea to me ti:at such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS *HEItEOF i nave ,,ereunt, ,(,t my ;sand and affixed my Jotarial Seal the day and year la above written. _ � t1r'� V y ..c or tF:e tnte o Montana esidi., at ralispel', Montana MN .;ommission expires Q� STATE OF NORTh ,)AKOTA ) s COUNTY OP STUTSMAN )s On this /A- day of , 1967, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State aforesai , persona appeareT G. L. itIFi' kn.;wn to me to be the President of the FRIENDSF QKES, INJ., the corporation that of euteu the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me tnat such corporation executed the same. IN 'WITNESS ;nHEREOF I have hereunto set my iianu and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and y st above written. ,iesiding-at My Commission e th Dakota i;o. ak. N CO.. N. VK JAN. 26, 1973 STATE OF MINNESOTA )a COUNTY OF SCOTT )s /J On this oday of (/-G , 1967, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public the State aforesaid, personally ppeare�Tc-GORDGN S. RIFFS known to me to be the Secretary of the DSHIP HOMES INC., the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have herunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. I 6 EA 6CB .,...,:.r'luali. Li' auttVEY o'fn.n "'•' MGlrl'r. '. � s ,.GUNTY ut' ..+1'tiiiAli J s i, A1111ew, P. wh,,:elor R MonLm , RePistered ,and Surveyor, Hog. 'lo. n, S. do ue reby cortlf,r tnat unuur -:- supervision; a careful , ,1 ncuurt,'o s rvoy ..as made , -,ne tract as s..:.wr. upon ti,e aru,exed IC 1,,,iK :ik:CUiJI) Ali..;'I(/..; that said plat .ns Inaua it. Itrict, (ronmf, ,rmlty to 'I .9 ^vey and that the c 'uses and uiatnncaa os sh„wtr; tt-rout; are tr,:e a: 1 correct to the best of know.lod -o ui.j t�,ollut , Ua, , '"nrvey w', nade : , strict c formlt. wit... "mot, „n:1 11-rt01 to 11-616 of tti'P 1947 :revised ;OUe . ,.: MM0,11111A. WI I II NITI E, ...,. pei er NO. R � lE6 ub;rr rlhna U11il rowt,; I, t- I,o; .re , the IVotar f'ul,ilr, 1n 4u,1 f,,r• t,I .,Leto of Montana, .s a a y u t 1 t" I• i, ,r;1 ��,i F rho St 'e'o, Montana rl i nt, spe) onto; A :na .�,mm1Aa41 ex,,irPa die %;b (1. .t "'TY oln , ti 1, W7 1 I i mm I'.. 'N I'ir,n I or, ''rt,i� L,, 3urve,jor for tt]e 'ounty of P'JuLhatxl, .11at.n „f W ,nl,tain, her^t , ;err' "' that aVe exaottuau Olin 1,11t. 'if' f' 111 11 I'MO .',,;ON. ITION v d do hol•alrj al,I.rtrVn Lr,,, nnrrnn. LaLr,d IS 1. h I I I I n 1,°,11 , Ml'1.1 {I119 tr to of ,J.967° w „ er Cl,ufI'i ,till:, 'J";::S1v.,_nS I , Lunal,l ,i. un:k 1 r 'h$4 , ;1161 Of itr^U of .Oullty onuul nal,n,r,r ;i ,( , I u t ww., nty, of ,:Ia R. 1 I, �ilnnn 1:. nil I 1 tn,unn, .I nr v „f t t,9 ",� , do rDy r•. .fy that. al. , ,,,I.ln,,, ,.f .'u„rl no 'n t , vj of 1 �,,/. Llir. r,n gYXet4 ,i.t. ..• rl�h,, N„✓ t:. .K or,., Gull TLDIT; wt,a n nnili,n ; un 1 .1 l l' b oat Co'" G,nwnt;:;01„u.,r.:. :.u,, I',,,r1 wt{1•d• :ie vey,.tre >f t= rK 111 :,b]a duLd1Vt', n a,q 1rCl] t IC1 _ L-,Hit Gv aGreso f t.Int Ruard of .nty ;omen: ss oner•s if F1 Athes:: nty, tan& G a ,i r(17iT"11r,0, nl^K f a h1': 11U❑rvl. I;„t 1A 'tc,.t.n of (;„alit,;; At.Lurney' anted t.. // day of It()(, In sel aratei; ''lie- ,n the records rk „tri i0), nT Dior <.f Flatio ad „cl,nty, YontEna o,nn 1ol;se, 1 .,rk a; . ecorder f r'latn„au .;ounty, Montana Z= rthe��dayot__ vJ CCounty aa.�. o'Cloc Clerlt-,and 1 Notary Public for the State 101' Minnesota Residing at ARUTM L 001 Minn. My Jommission expires Nlf"Vuwlc,