HAMMERS_SUB_2-1-6_HMM' 4as.J 2mik6 0 6.6 HAMM��RS Subdivison of Lot 2 BK II Hi.ghschool Addition t0 I? ,MONTANA Scale /"=/DO fee/ /Q 2 --C-/--Ty—— — — — --E4 G-H T I —S T R E E T ---L-/-Af/�� NINTH STREET 6Ib Uj D W Q W 66 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION 1 LuCiIle I%- iiarnmee- OF FLA'THEAD COUNTY MONTANA do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed and Subdivided info lots blocks and slreets and alleys as shown by 4he certificate of survey hereunto annexed, -the following described tract of land /a wit ,Being af/ of Lot 2 , 8/oeK // of Hi yhschoa/ Addition to the Ci/y of Kalispell, Montanav to be ifnowq arid desiyrroted as 1141VMERS SUBD/V/S/ON 0/'Lot2 6K.. // L1i9hschoo/ Addi/iovi /o ffa//soae// Manfgrrp and the /or7c/.ixe/uded its o// s /reets crud o //err shocx,q 017 Savo/ P%t are h e ve GJ • y roh/ed and don v/ed Ai the Public use so. -ever. 1 In witness whereof !have hereunto selmyhond onthis day of w.v �. /947 A.D. STATE OF MONTANA, �55. COUNTY OF FLATHEAD On the li day of in the year one thousand nine hundr d an,d, /forty severe% A.D. before me a /Votary Public In and for the Sfa e- of Montano, personally apioecrrad i� Z f� �. v we-.00 -m fk i ,mown >o me 7� be persons whose nci r e.s are susce,bed to the foreyoiing Certificate of Dedication and actnowledged>a me that they executed the same. In Witness whereof `/Aove hereunto se/ mr hand and affixed my No/or/al 5ev/. Notory public vii ono" the state of /v/onlana Residiiry at lf&41a,oe//, Montano CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY My Commission expires 6 /y /9s o STATE OF MONTANA ss COUNTY OF FLATHEAD 1, 4vnbro4a �r. %�%asu�r� County Attorney for Flathead County, State of Montana hereby cerfify /hat /have axon,%nedthe abstrocfaftitle tof/he/onddescribed ibe anmexed and .�QQ�.,,,r��c vs /fie owner in fee s i..np/e of the /and so P/a/tea'. DATED ATAAL/SPELL,MONTA A sllrct �, /90,AA CE�RTI'F-ICIAT of JAUNTY COMMISSIONERS / 1, �P + ' Chairman offhe board of County Comm,35 'Hers of the County of Flathead, State of/vlontanaand Clerk of said Bobrddo hereby Certify / tatomeetinyof.30AYBoard held on Mc .,7r�/r day of n1L / 42 A,D., the annexed play was exam tried and appeoved by fhc said /3oard of Counfy C6"7r issi er5. In Witness whereof we have hereunto . sefourhrands andcaused -Me Sea/of the County of Flathead to be affixed. ✓1• 4✓' CflalYman A/lest /l Clerx CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR DATED AT KALISPELL, MONTANA this ;T I day of /997 4.D. STATE OF MONTANA Iss COUNTY OF FLATHEAD County Surveyor for Flothe d County /"lcontana do hereby certify that Move examined Me annexed plotandopProved of the some.7 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY cv.9�.. TA.Taschereou a competant Surveyor do solemnly swear that beiweean /he 2l doyof April /947 and /be 23 aizyof Aprit /94r A.D. Imade. a careful and ace urate survey of Me-, trac/of land designatedonthe annexed plot Matsaidphxtwas made In strict accordance with svrvey, that the dimensions afa///ots, blocks and streets and the courses thereof are as shown there on are true and correct t* the best oif rely knowledge, that /set iron monuments /Yz. inches iir diameter and /Sinches /any at the intersan/ion of d// boundary /ines andindica�d thus. That said survey was made in strict accordance. wilh Chapter.V40 of the Po/iiA:%1 Ca file $cafe of Man !aria. SUBSCAIBED AND SWORN TOBEFORE t %� day of /947A.b. STATE OF MON'ANk Ss C("ryyOfF11.9,THEAD NO U in for the Sta a of on fana Filed on thv�day o A. er De" Residing at Kalispell, Montana My commi9sioro eKpires---e 1V