GREENACRES_AMD_L21_and_22_BLK1_7-3-48_GNRJkl0c,4r"cr-'ra0 _ AAA) rn(?_f- -00it169,Y Br, ILA Ph*M.* And &NMOMP InIzio P-01 DWA40A L&Wo ALS Jeff H. LWWWo AE-o AALS (COS 17) ­­ . Ill. nenkn 4V NE1/4 SECTION 20, T. 28 N., R. 21 W., P.M.M., FLATHEAD CO., MONTANA 50 0 50 100 150 Feet QJIM"R 91 _0.fflq77Y=/C147W I (We), the , undersigned property owner(s), hereby certify that the purpose for this division of land is to relocate common boundary lines between existing lots in a platted subdivision, fewer than six lots are affected, and no additional lots are hereby created-, therefore, this division of land is exempt from review pursuant to Section 76-3-207(1)(d), MCA I (We) also certify that Lot 21 is exempt from review by the Montane Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) because it is a remainder of an original tract created by segregating a parcel from the tract for purposes of transfer if: (I) the remainder is served by a public or mulitple-user sewage system approved before January 1, 1997 pursuant to local regulations or this - W chapter.AWrsont t -4-1125(2)(e�)(Q,. A.R. I (we) also certify that Lot 22 is exempt from review by the DEQ because Lot C) 22 1 n ma, planned area and facilities for water supply, sewage and solid waste disposal available to said lot,, a, to S' , Ion 17.36.603, �11 tp State of Montana) Qz. �' State of Montana) SS. County Flathead) County of F h q) / 1, ��Qy of eve sipyear, ,'% 20 On this d( of 1,,� L in the On this day of __-, in the year 200-, o,Y J before me, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed At4% 41e before me, p sonally appeared — known to me t&\Pe the person whose name is subscribed 6- to e within instrument, and acknowledged to me that to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that _Z�,kGald p zns Explve6 ted the some. /7 --executed e. *'Som NOTARY PUBLIC for the Site of Montana NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of­mantana RESIDING at RESIDING at My Commission Expires 7 My Commission Expires i IS& A Tract of land, situate, lying and being in the NE1/4 of Section 20, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montano and more particularly described as follows: Lot 21 and 22, of Block I of Greenocres, (Records of Flathead County, Montana), all as shown hereon. Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. Containing 4.71 acres. The above described tract of land shall hereafter be known as: THE AMENDED PLAT OF LOTS 21 AND 22, BLOCK I OF GREENACRES. State of Montana) SS. County of Flathead) On this ____Aoyof in the year 200-, before me, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that executed -executed the some. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montano RESIDING at My Commission Expires — State Hof, Montana) SS: County of 'Flathead) On this ---day of in the year 200 before me, personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that _--executed the some. NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of Montana RESIDING at My Commission Expires + SECTION CORNER (AS NOTED) Poe 1/4 CORNER (AS NOTED) CENTER OF SECTION (AS NOTED) S 1/16 CORNER (AS NOTED) * FOUND 1/2' REBAR (UNLESS NOTED) * SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED LARSEN 9250-ES IVTawa 00? TIFIG 4, 7 F OF 6 EYOR OF H. LARSE14 4kfARSEN,'RE'GISTOATION NUMBER 9250-ES 92%-ES APPROVED 20 ST EXAMINING LAND SURVEYOR REGISTRATION NUMBER STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FILED THIS 6Y OF_��,20A.D. M AT; Z�,'CLOCK A.M.,,1 W 0 NOTE, ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET ever.dwg Plat # 07-03-48 Abstract# NA 201000024652 Fees-, $6.00 by: NC by LARSEN ENGINEERING &SURVEYING Date 10/26/2010 Time 11:40 AM Paula Robinson, Flathead County Montana A5 4 zi 1� oo� Z INSTRUMENT RECORD NUMBERot: v 4­4­ Zi SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET(S)