GRAND_VIEW_HEIGHTS_ADD_2_12-4-5_GH2-44-J AREA. A8.9NDD.(iED BY d o/Ty G=oUiC/L Of �A"S�« By-E���T,D� 8980OA-6os,43l O CT, /3 /97G GRAND ViEW HEIGHTS ADDITION No. 2 , Fd. Sieel S+aka (YeFadr) _ SCALL —STREET CEN i'ERUNE DATA A ; 65' 3V'00" ®{® P= 5-5.50' t_ _ G 3. 5/' LEGEND: Fd. Point as rated O �Je+ 3/q" ZO" tmn pipe Make Y`^a-br sere and bvpb5 ,iix . ar"d LS'Zgeg- _ L'I, SUNNY VIEW LANE 0 &M 30, M CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION f WE, TED 4C. WAGGENER and LOIS E. "'AGGE-N,R, husband and wife, JERRI A. KAS:AL A and C l,_AIRE 1,. KAS:ALA, husband and•wife and VER\:A Al. EAII• 'SO\, owners of the following descrihed propertv-, (io herehv certifv that we have caused to be survcved. subdivided and platted into lots, streets and allevs as shown by this plat and described in this C'EHTIFI C':ATE OF DEDiCA'TIO\, all of the following described tract of land: T;.zt )ortiou of Lot 13, Section 6, 'Towinship 28 'lorth, Range 21 West, Principal Meridian, Flathead C'OUtiv", ltlont.ana Le- scrih t as follows: C'ommenci::g at a steel stakt at the -Northeast corner of Lot 3 of Grand Vieav if( ighis. :Additio:: Ao, 1 atcordinl to recorded plat thereof: thence along the Pi'csterly lin( of llountaiu View Diive Aorth 3'04'00" Fast 20.00 feat to the Point of Rt gini,i:,h: ba ne( contiinuii,g \ortlt 3' 04'00" Fast 5, 50 feet to the beginning, of an 81 , 00 foot ra(iius curve concnvc Sootizeasterly: tilt net• \ortheaLsterly along said curve thru :t central angle of 37' 4:3'00" a distance of 5:3. 3'. fer t: A'orth, 750 1!055" t\( st 57. 03 feett: the nc, -North 3" 04'00" East 280.08 feet to a poii:t in tl:e Soutitt : 1c line of '-at par- c, 1 s!iowu o❑ De, (i Kviii,it V). :372 fitctd in fill Office- of the Couniv Clerk anti Recorder: fill nut along siti(' SOuthc--rlV line iu t its i:asier'IV projt ctio:. S nrth 86° 591035" host (South 85c 29'00" E:.st R(cord) 258. 74 fc( t to ;a 3/4"x20" iron pi;,e stak, is t r vA sit z Iv lip, of (iran , Vicw Addlition :,:cording to recorclet! pLtt thereof; tilt list• at(ML, said bAcst, rlv line a:at the vt, sir ric lint' of 'Te,''s :Ad,'ii io:, Ao. 2 atccoi :ingto recorded pLtt th, r, of South 2° 56'35)" a\ r st (Sout'::3' 04' vS (-st Record) 282. 3fi f, ct to it,( South,., st corner of Lot I of Tcd's Ad(:ition At). 2: th( nct along tL< Aort1,, rlr ti:o. of Trt?'s .AdQitio::xo. 1 or 'i':; to rceor,ted plat thereof South 890 17'00" vest 90.00 fc. t: thence aong'thc ttcst, rl-, line of Ted's addition \o.I S-xrti, 3' 08'25" v1csi 19, 93 feet (Record 20 feet) -to the -Northeast corner of Lot 1 of Grand View Heights addition \o. 1; thCni( alor,l the Aorlhf 1.1% line of Granid Viev% He ights :Addition No.I the following courses: Southr 89" 20'10" West -0.00 f- t (Suutl, :390 17' at. st Ill coi(') io tin Lt gir.i:ig, of a 30 foot ra,;ius cure: concavr Soothe::sit rl- : t'.:enct South,( stcrly :,Ion}, sai' curvt t„ t{tc Soit:.iasitr1, corns r of llou:.- uii,. �'it Di iv, , itcor,'i:ai to said map; thence South 89° 17'1\est 51 feet to the Poi:n of I3egi:.:zing, co:,tau-i :g 1. (31 acr( anti iLat sal, ,lilt is to he known anti tit ;icl.ied as Gratid View Heights, Addition \o, 2 ; d that till streets and ,:11F 's as sl.o.cn on said ,lat art dedica.tcd to tht ,is,- of the public as streets and att, Vs. In . iUiess them of ,%c !lave cnusrri ou:1,1 ;.::d scal to !' si t this 13 .r* day il AdG usi 1970. 74 S A"I'F: O NIO-ATA\A ) . C'OT'\TY OF FL:1'I'HF,:AU) I 0 t'n` a4=# tav of 157u 1970, before me a \otary Public illau(i for the State of Nil) -slid,. �:n o.illy :,pp ;it(I.TED 1%. 1V AG�.R .uld�i. IS E. aA AGGF:AER, husband and %%ife. JERRY A. KASA[ A and CL:AIR11 L. K \S:1I.-1, husl;,,n - an,' w if(- anti VF:R\ \ Nit EiIIC KSO\ and knowr. to me to tie the persons whose name s are affix, to th, CF.RTIFi('-1TF: OF DEDiCATION and acknowledged to me that they executed the sam, . ot: z c P ,lie fog tilt 9t::t, of NI tt:tna Residing at Kalispell, llont:u:a, llv Commission expires iv?r CI RTIFICATE OF ('01 \TY C OMMISSIONF:KS STATE OF MOVI'A v A )SS COUXTY OF FLATHEAD) Wre th(- undersign(:.,DONALD BUCKINSHAM CL,,irman of tilt. Hours. of County Commissiow rs of Flathead County, Mont- ana and GLE\\ E. lI1LLI Sr . Country Cle. k of said County, do herr -;y certify that the plat of GRAND VIEi4" HEIGHTS, ADOITIO\ NO. 2, as ;re pat" 1 in duplicate, has hecn submitted to th, Hoard of County (,ommissionere of Flath:�adC'ounty, Rio our„ foz x.rminntion ant. ivas fit en f' un( to conform to law :.0 \ s :.n;troved in duplic:,tt at tLeir re+gularl\ held meet- ing on th, � day Of 1970, auc, that the provision of the requirement of a Park be w'airvecl in that the area rocs aot xc(e )i ef my 2 acres iti size. DONALD BUCKINGHAN C'i:;=i: nt.t GLEN E. M IL1,F1 USE -Clerk CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR STATE OF N1O'vT9-NA )SS COU-N1'Y OF FLATHEAD)' 1, WILLiA\l E. WHEELER,('ounty Surveyor of Flatht ad County, Alonta is do 'reby c( rtifv that I have examined the ac- como:unving plat of GRAND VIF:�t IIEIGLITS, :xi)i)rnoN \O. 2 ill dllplicatt and s the ure, v'it represents and that I findthat t}:r s:_me conforms to low anci i do hcrclby approve of sam, . Daft C this ('ay of 1970. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY STATE OF VIONTAN.9 )SS COU-NTY OF FLATHEAD)' ' I, 1). K. ]iAR(,)UARDT,n i, cist,,rcd Civil Engineer arrc, band Surv( yor, c':o he.z­eby certify that in June 1970, I made a Care- ful anti accurate su; vt v of GR:1SD VIE'M' HEIGHTS, ADDITIO-N \O. 2 as shown on the plat her ( on, that said plat is in :-trio eonfo: natty Aczlli Si it %. A', ,. - flit t ctol I'S c _s:...a'. s t.., . t,,, ,,, (3 tru, aa�. coi r, ct _ii, tl.nt the cor'nct s of Al lots were pldnly marke�' on tin crouud r, .th iron stakr s, and that sill,: olat anc' surv(v were made in conformity with the ap- plic;thjjt�,4ims of the State of Montana. se Ai. A . day of 0 Iv Commission ( xpirt s A letter from till C'ou;:ty AtIot lit }, Jaui,rs ii. oil sou, stating owner ship ana a Certificate of 'Title from it liccz:sen ah- stractor was filed with th( Count}- Clerks and Recorder upon this ay of t970, dv Deputy -