GOLF_COURSE_ADD_2_6-2-4_GL2Lm --�---_- o o o, h U 3 9 A .o w O M It I N4Cor, Sec-7 N 6-2-4 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION STATE OF MONTANA S.S. COUNTY OFFLATNEAD We, H.E. SirnFson and /felen C. Simpson, hoxhand and W.1e, as Join/ /enon/s Wi1,4 ✓/,Thi of Surwva+'sh/p, aF Ala/," ed, /70nflana, do hereby Car/i 1ha/ we have Civ:ad io be Sarrryed and/o/abed in/o Sf/ae�s, .Cots oNd b/eclr as shown 6y flhe R4i and Cer//�CO% of .fmrvt/ here /o a#ach.d, 6// of /he Allow; o%scr/6ed /roc/ p 1 ' ' of JCCA.on G, .n TeWnship O♦ land 4-W,Tj fl AraCJ e% /and Sr/unit, and itiny /n,Cef /'4 ,2d .✓orfh of fanre .cl WesJ; descried as A//ew.r, te.W. ; 9t�/nninT o/ a p•%ni on tha /'emu/or su6div%seen line $6'O fie/ _loufhar� i+•r.� /he .✓er/heosT Cornrr 09 Sa%d L of /4 of said Jea /ierr G, 7ewnfh/P ,t?Arfij of }route Z/ tdis><; E (hence Wesirry o/a hA an,T/e, a dui/inee of /`s' iis� rLo a ,00/!r/ j fhtrrct Soulher/y end on w /lira perw //el Wifh the sss/ 6ou»der). /%ne of slid La/ /4 of sold .Sec//on 6, o di/ance of 44G.43ferJ{ more or less, /0 fhe ,Vv,/h boundary /.ns of H1„�h/end Por,E as shown /;? the oFfc.e/ P/a/ of said N/,rhiand PinE on 4-14 ono/ of racoed in the of.ACc of fhe Cl rA and ere-ordeow of A*14eod Coun y/ PJon/or/a; lhares tas/ sv/y and a/onf fhe Warlh boundary of said N.,�r�r/end Aor/c, at dis10nest of /LS-" OeeeT /0 /he eos/ lrourro%ry of said Le/ 14, a o4a/ants of 436 Awl, rrrors or less, /a /he pan/ of by/nnin,T of /he /reel 441rein described, Con/e1n/A's,r/.67 Ocres, more ea /ass and 10 he ,rnoww as GOLF COURSE ADDITION NOg and 1.4• /end /ieo/adtd+� •// s//tells ando/lays is /rtrejy wranled' and done%d /a /he use of 1Ars p,,ihi 'orovaP. � .T•n Wi/Ness Whereof r have hero, uw/e se/ my /land and offered my see/ an lhr,t fhe--'9--= diy ------- GOLF COURSE ADDITION NOT IN LOT 14 OF rm / SEC. 6 T.28N. R.21 W. FLATHEAD COUNTY MONTANA SCALE 1"■ 100' DECEMBER 1955 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR STATE OF/11ONTANA COUNTY of FL A iN ¢A D S $' I, T.A.Tesehtrequ, Count' Surveyor•, de /sere6y Cer/icy (halo, /his f•hc�[,� deyoi-1yauch_ /-q", I exor%rred rho annersd P/q/ and hereby apprors the s s. -- - Coaw/y Sarrtyer CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY, COMMISSIONERS STATE OF17OWrhA'A s.s COUNT)' of FLATHEAD We, R,W. Corr, /fonry reWlrn o.+d Nar/iy .ye us/en, Coun/y Cen,.n.uionars /., o»d lei,/hr Ofppo✓esOid C•aw/y of F/+/4t+d de hero/y Cerr,Fj� fhe/+f o nree�rr a f 'f,,,�� .9aard of Ceun// C'i,.rwrrssroners hold oN 144__- day(�--/OS Wi eron..:red ond ef►R �Shw y fhe onnatad p/q� ond are /lie J/rao/s a.ed ollefs /vai/ic /roaw�, end woirc the se//,' osida arras for ,per(rs i1t is / ss lhon /wen(/ oerer/ir area, COanyeverh-l>1r )/1LL1P11— Lae.wnr/ssioacr c fvl tom, &a Avow 1;S.ener STATE of MONTANA COUNTY or FLATHHEEA D onfhis_/= diy o0t_✓a�auTf=�(__ 19y-�a, f+ef'oro sees ____________- a no/ery vaAki. in and for Vbd oForesoid .!i•/s, persona//y op/oeer_o!d /i. i, Sir»pson ono/ Ne%n C. .i/r++psero, and known /o me 1e he the Persons Whosc nc,"es are .fubscr4rd /e fhe fere1jWoir? Cer/i ce/e and oaEnea./idye 1a MI /he/ /hey have srseu/ecf /•lie sore. Tn Wifnsss Whereof i hare s[/ na.<iry flmy sew/ the e%y and yea^ rsr{ 06ere No/iry Pu/iiic A'es/dn,T rf 1fo//spe/l, l'fon)arJa /yy ComneiasrON expires � �f_/ _7 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY STATE OF PfONTANA COUNTY OFF ATHE j,----------- ecuoll A//ornsy, in and for fhe q/'ereseid nqCounly of C/o/%itO7 0/0 lit/sly Cer/.fy /hat T have eroMined the ec./;fe.fe o/t /e %6e /eeddtscribsd on tha IP/w of GOLF COURSE ADDITION NO.2 one' Mal N. E..Y invson and Nolen C. Sri., son are /ha owners in %s of the land' so p/4 //s d. Doled o/ Xolo' ea, Mon/oN• CERTIFICATE --^------------- Covn*, Attorney I,E 'SURVEY STATE OF HONTANA • COUNTY of F1A7*14EAD , ?, L. B. J7ecl;n�iek, a eey/�/ered lourveyoP de heresy Cer!'iy the/ teaNp /hs Wren/ii Of Dt ,T mods o Cereia/ ond oceueole durvey of fhe /roc/ of /ond shown on /ht p/o/, 1ho/ said p)4 dads,!/e t Sire/ Con%r.nr/y ie Soid Survey ond the Courses and o/.:/orrcts /htrton are /rue ond Correc /lea/ of r»y .nformo/inn ond hchi , ond the/ !ha Corners ej A// /c/s and 6/oc�s Were p/o//r g f` an 'he ,yr'ound ond /ha/ s/ant Or'COnCre/e rnonre.»aN/s Wtr♦ .Sr/ a/ e// pain/s /ndieoled, +>►r + _laid p/o/i 1ho/ said survey x/as /node %N S/ric/ ♦ecordenee W.;/h Sec//on 4910 /o 4994 al aw..►ret7 ri1/sai� m�i� peh/.tiol Cedes of Mon/ana and drop/t.► J/9 of /ht sass/One' /iW e/ 1ha /.s-14..4tT/s/i11re .9sssrn6/y• Surveyor Suker4rd ond sworn /o �'Aee me //J/i- _ difof _ -��- 7J9T� ----------7-77/� ------------- - NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of'4ontana: Residing at Kalispell, Montana. My Commission expires June lst, 195n, i