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GLACIER_VILLAGE_GREENS_PH_5_9-1-30_GUS-1-ND BY. SMS SURVEYING INC 1995 THIRD AVENUE EAS� KALISPELL, MT 59901 PH. MON 755-648I JOB NO: 10322 DATE • AUGUST 31, 1994 FOR; BITNEY 9 SCHULZE OWNER.- GLACIER VILLAGE GREENS LEGEND 0 FOLM 112" REB4R BY 7975-S 0 SET 1/2W4" RE64R WITH / V4" PLASTIC CAP, S7WDER- S4AVS, 7975-S O HOUSr ADDRESS LOT ARM SIZE SIRE NO. NBT GROSS (ACRES) (ACRES) IA 0.0917 0.142 IS 0.0917 0.142 2A 0.0917 0.142 2B 0.0917 0.142 3A 0,0917 0.142 3B -- 0.0917 0.142 4A 0.0917 0.142 4B 0.0917 0.142 5A 0.0917 0.142 58 0.0917 0.142 6A 0.0917- 0.142 68 0.0917 0.142 TOTAL 1.104 1.704 (12) Homeowner's Park - 0.298 AC. Road - 0.306 AC. 0.604 AC. NOTE: Gross Acreage: add 1/12 of 0.604 AC. Road and Homeowners Park Area Acreage per Lot. (0.0503 AC par lot) PLAT OF GLACIER VIL L AGE GREENS, PHASE V A SUBDI VISION /N THE NW114SE114 SEC. 32, T. 29N., R. 2/ W., P. M., M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA TOTAL AREA: 1.704 AC± LOTS 1.100 AC. ROAD 0.306 AC. PARK 0.298 AC± 10' UTILITY EASEMENT (COS 4764) NOTE: BASIS OF BEARINGS PER GLACIER VILLAGE GREENS PHASE ILIA S88'46'49'E /08.00' / $( LOT 4A O SSB'46'49E /OSO N g LOT 4B - C NM I SM-46.49 E AW..6 RITZMAN 60' PRIVATE ROAD & UTILITY EASEMENT SCALE: I" = 50' 0' 25' 50' 100' N88046'49-W /0.96' AM37;E 60.99, N78'2527"W d-20 35'40" R-3367/ L-003' d-O5'0674" R-40887' L-3666' N7 - a-e9•Sr26" R-25.00' - L-3925' /RAA'AU SBP59'5T"W ~ LOT 14 C�Lh\CIL 50' RADIUS TEMPORARY CUL-DE-SAC S761'2527'F 1114 4 S ( 1 �! � 0 >_ II' I, jI �I O ) I m N � \ i �Nel'32'O7"E � �\ CD NW CDR HOMEEOWNEWS PARK B ppGREENS PHASE MIA N70 391qur3rE d-0212r53" R-/970 00' L-84.74' -7 i A - CERTIFICATE OP DEDICATION WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE CAUSED TO BE SURVEYED AND PLATTED INTO LOTS ALL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION, AND SHOWN BY THE ANNEXED PLAT OR MAP AND SITUATED IN FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING, AND BEING IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION.32, TOWNSHIP 29 NbRTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.N.,M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT, Commencing at the northwest corner of Homeowner's Park 8, as shown on the Plot.. of Glacier Village Greens, Phase ILIA (records of Flathead County, Montana),which is on the easterly R/W of a 60 foot private road and utility easement known as East Nicklaus Avenue, and on 0 1970.00 foot radius curve, :concave northeasterly. (radial bearing M61'32'07"E); Thence northwesterly along said R/W and along said curve through a central. angle Of 02'27'53"an are length of 84.74feet to a. found iron pin; Thence N06*00100"W53.48 fast to a met iron pin and the P.C. of a 468.87 foot radius curve, .concave southwesterly, having a dsntral angle Of 13*22429"; Thence arc length of 109.45 fast to a set iron pin and the P.R.C. of a 276.71 foot. radius curve, concave northeasterly (radial bearing N70'3713102); - Thence northwesterly along Said curve thrW" s control angle of 20.35140" an arc length of 99.46 feet to A not iron pin and THE TWA WOINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT OF LAND UNWIN DESCRIBED. Thence leaving said R/W 978'25'27"N 60.99 feet to q Set iron Pin; Thence M88'46'49"W-108.00 foot to a set. iron Pin; 7benom'N01"13'11"B 222.00 fast to A not iron pin; Thence Sa8 46'49"B. 108.00'fast to a set iron pin; Thence S78'251270E ' 60." feet to a set. iron pin; Thence S88*46.'49"E 165.48 feet to the appriili to thread of Whitefish River; Thence along said thread the following two (2) courses; 501'47'12•N 137.64 feet; 805'27'40"E $4..95 feet;. Thence .leaving said thread H88*46049"W 174.00. fast to the point of begimning and containing 1.704 ACRES, sore or less; Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. The above described treat of land shall hereafter be known as; al actRR V11LUM ansui, v mBS V. cmj2'ICm OF PB3VATa >aaao MR '. THE ROADWAYS.. SHOWN ON THIS PLAT ARE INTENDED TO BE PRIVATE IN ALL RESPECTS. THEY ARE HERESY DEDICATED FOREVER TO BE FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE OWNERS (AHD THEIR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST.)' OF THE LOTS DESCRIBED ON THIS PLAT. THE OWNERS (AND THEIR SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST) or THE LOTS DESCRIBED OM THIS PLAT WILL PROVIDE FOR THE ALL-SXASOR NAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE. ROADWAY BY THE CREATION OF A CORPORATION OR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION TO ADMINISTER AND FUND THE MAINTIMANCE. IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT THg VALUE OF EACH LOT DESCRIBED ON THIS PEAT IS. ENHANCED BY THE PRIVATE,: EXCLUSIVE NATURE OF SAID ROADWAY.- EXCEPTING AND RESERVING THE RIGHT To USE ALL SAID PRIVATE ROADS BY THE OWNERS OF THE LOTS IN ALL FNA.4ES OF GLACIER VILLAGE' GREENS. - iffiLT'1'r .EARElRlP CERTIFtMM .The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corporation, whether public or ,private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power,. gas, cable televialon, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the Joint see Of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, ...and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under and acrosseach area designated on this plat as"UTILITY EASEMENT" to have and to hold forever. In wi a whereof, we ava ca ed gurhands to be this day of C1P1Pm Vz 199�r. C' STATE OF MONTANA )� ss l� COUNTY. OF FLATHEAD ) G On this �, day of .iKI.C�;;s'-C�Y 199�,y, before me a Note Publif Montana, personally appeared -P and known to me to be the person(s) Whose name(s) are subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acc nowled end/ o se that they executed the same. Notary Public Ltor .t(t/Jteo,State of Montana Residing at QJI, f�-�- My commission expires 1� i�� s >' Az v4r s 44; a !, Y CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY COMNIaaI a We, the undersigned. `,�(aKl)yl L- 17+YZ;t.44. t �e Board of r_Qu�nty commissioners of Flathead County, an of Montana, and �S.y- 'h W Ho t'° I tj , County Clerk of said County, do hereby certify that this accompanying Plat of: GLACIER VILLAGE GREENS, PHASE V, Flathead County, Montana, has been the Board of. County Commissioners submitted to of Flathead County, examination and has been found by Montana, for F�,THE,aO C' them toconform to the law and 0 OG was ap roved by them at th it regular meeting held on the �St da v cf 199M. w CLERK 8 ,Off RECORDER oun y C _ eiq 0 d Chairman - Board of County County C er -Flathead M - Commissioners, Flathead County I- r- sl4TE OF This plat has been examined by the office of the county Attorney accordin��to $�G��/op 76-3-612 (2) M.C.A., relying upon Title Report NO. K//�'S o</4 , and approved based on information Submitted by the developer and/or his agent. Office of the County Attorney Flathead County, ontana s 1.7 0 date I I by 61 ti ne yyPY a -A� THONAS E . SANDS APPROVED: Exam n ng LandSurveyor bpi-S STATE OF MONTANA ) SS COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) Filed for record this Zl-" day f �_, 19�p, at*y�o'clock I-►-3D In$Ins. ttsent a or No. qL,114211Sq,T6 11 Sc SHEET / OF / SHEET