GATEWAY_WEST_ADD_34_TO_KALISPELL_8-3-7_tg1_GAT&-,."B-7 SMEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS ('PAITIFIC ATE M. Di:1)I('A,1,10\ S'I':\TE OF \I0\1':\\,\ )SS ('01 V'ill OF 1,71.:A'1'HE \1)) i.I;A:A (':A`° AL:A!t, A'IVI:AN \I:A\:AGII:A\. .I:A\iI'.S 1).('OO1'h:R un:3 ALICE IL COOI'F-:K. HO,.:A1.1) 1�:.1'A('l� AI:AVi(i�Alth:l A. t':A('h, \V'(. r - :)f r1,r pr<ip 1 t� d ,rt ih. a b; lt) r(h t .: ' ',tit ;t t I of I ) :,t s .r .t• . sr., 1,1(d :ui�l 1il.I trt! it*�) a to)* i., t`_is CLR IFI( \ I'F. 0 F OEM( Al 10,� I- full) S. h: rn'inn )f'hr Ea /2 o' S,,c•tioI1 12, To ..n='lip 28 \or'1i- R 2' \Ct. sl. 1'I ,^t l• tl ll r ti;i1.. FI ill to a(! ('oun+�, ]l )nt;ili I rt.,ri rill tl ns f )II 13e�inning at tilt' in„rsec 1 tl: \ nt of hu' Alilt Jrr "tit Idol t u tA(st rnu, So.11' 0"47'4211 \\(s' 1411 4 r.r+ s I .trio') r' I, Vol 171, rI,I,' oi, it, �� 21° tl7'18 �1t:=1: then �e uthv�( ;tc�i It, ,il�)ng a 1N7(1 fo)t i.l.'.i'.'.F ur�,(� z"�a•.t �'1�'.nstl�rly" 1,i.ing,t radial ui.li•inl; of \n.tll _�� ht :.n'tt• rhru a rettrral ;Ingle of 1S1' 1:1, .t disuvuce of 660, f)1 fe, 1, thcn,-o t�'rt' inuin(k ;hung the right of %%its line South -41)' 31'25 VA(s' 31. 27 i.s imerst rt.iun :ciih the ACesi lin, of th(, i­),ntth(lasi 1 /} 1 /i dint 12'h( rc❑lone; tit,' \\(•st ltne Aorih 11':iW31" Eiisr 463. `III h( A V1 t•orn, r of the sou;lwast 1 / } tio' heart 1 /-4: ihent t ,Iloilo 'he South lint. of the Anri.h,%cs, 1 /4 S:)uthcast 1 /-4 Snith 8t1' 38'2511 fr(, l 1G1.5I feet t 1 h(, I:a-' rt)rnor )1'that tarc(,I d.-'stril)t�t; it,, I)(�(�rl'-t ALr, ( )rth,d in Book -!O P'g^ 050 of llc (1s, rhene along Ih( " 40 fr,,,. 11u n(t r:,1s, .1. 20 1'(,el t t tt,,(� E.iou' t tI . t•r tf tl'ar �'al i 1 s riln:' i1' Dec ' to \L�( I,-.) �h \n lm;t.�'(•1 �v lint Au �r}, ;i6 1 }'37 \\( 3;(I, t _ Pat - t 'r :rd i'y h-) ,' 2i Par= 74 ,)f O(•eds. ,tx nt t alnn',r ; t'Park \ > t'u�:ISlerlc din. Aor.th :)7' V%cst 211F;, Fitt it t t; the tic(' .tl n- '' c ii" II ?' F:is' :4.00 1 i i 1'.' 'r I tt AIih I)rl ( ( 1 .�''r 8.A.r ;.tc ���r; _ ft. I"" It r l,)C'-4) V\('.=1 -e, till ' i, lit I 41), ' -I: III), (1 A.iJ::'. n '3„' 31 ) t I 0 00' l U, in1 i��t' :ir.v na 4t)' of It( =ll t itt nr,ii i 7. u1.1 o..tm 1 v.�ith Lot 1 I.ulh 1 • I,Ei11ti CL.A11K .SI::('O'�l) .AI)I):"IIO\. :)- GA I i.tA \. 1.1. , A!):)I'lOV r r _ V[�_A- :1 \ t Gfi , r \Li('F ll. ('OOi F. \] E OF XI( VI V\ tiS C )l S'I 'l O F F i. VI III "A I O'iis CYi It. of 1't73. 1,oI>)fur 'I.. ti+a1t o!' \I) itiWit p( rso'1all' ap1will(;: „ I C'OO1']{R, kno.i'r ,', ou :o kw lkk persons vchose r .1r( affixed to th(i AL:AR. 'tl\L\\ \l:A\:AGlI\\. .I_A\ll.� ..('OO1 l.li :u11 _AI.1('l. _ CER1 IFI(':A'1 1.: OF I)EUi(':A'1'10'\ ,Iri: at k: i( In .. i'n, tis t:�ereuf. 1 mace set nl.t rui;I ;ind a(fis( (: my offi \n'ar� 'uhlir for ''x Matt• of \ln'ZLua Ill, siding :'r Kalisln•11. Mowillm ( 1-:1n IFIC:Al E OP ('vv1 ('Ot Ncll, ti'I':A'I E OF AIOS'I YNA SS ('O[ S'I l 011, F 11ATIll•:,A1)) tLt, ('it, of Via \Ionian❑ do h( rch� (ert ifi rV:at ill th(� rtlgtilur me("ing of 1 � ( xamined the Pl;ti of G:A,VE\1:A1 .A1)i)I'I'1OA A c:1i 1 in IWt; of ,t h, oil"liu•n1 -)f (lyuill ,AAAiir, _\� r. v -.\I;i\'Ur' CER'1'IFI(,A I E OF ('IjlA E\GI\EI•:11 5 VYI'E OF SIOV'i ('Ol"V"f'i 0F. I"I' A'1,111-::A)))' 1972, r, 1, I.. I% AIr('LC(TICK Ciit Engineer for the ('it v of Kit lispi'l1, Adoodah;' \� };S I:AI)I)I 110'� AO, ri -4 ,ill(1 11l( ,�111'tev II 1'l`pres('111� iwo I tIn(I i ill tilt,' (it) I,( ri I), t el uf\ thal I hack. s;iulined �;l did l` t onfol itI= to klA, ;111(1 d.) llt'I't'l)v the Plitt or NLtp of G:A'I F.A\:A'i appro,i(' of sand(•. I)illcd this �� d:��: 01' p�/ /z 1St72, _L1J2�� I.. 13. A1( ('I.IV'I'I('K-Cite F:ngineer_z_ /y % n GATEWAY WEST ADDITION N0.34 E ONSI ItV'El S'I'Al1-1 OF V10V'I':A\:A tiS (Ot NT) OF FL ,I,IIF: AI)) 1, I). K. AI \IIOt \Itll"I,, a re,g:_=tiered ('ivil h:ngitwer and Laud Stlrve%or ( ( rtif\- Thar th(i plan h(•reo❑ porn ays :I survlec made by nut in F'e1)ruai: -1Lu: h, 1972, that s;iid plat is u•ue and e )mpletc as shu)tcn acid that the m.)ntauu�n+s found .uld s(�t are of tix character and occupv the posit o-is shuvcn 'hereon. S I':ATI-: 01 \1OV'I':AS:A )ti5 On this d.iv till .tsr � 1t)72. before men Aot;u'c Puhli( it, d for vhr ti.att1 of \lt77im p^i Ilitll� ;ip,) (r, tT1). K. Ai:AROI :A ItI)'I, .Ind kilt)y,.n tt) in an L) be the pet•so•i whose nanraffixed to the C( rtificate of Sqrcei ;till at hno,cle'lg^d to Ine that lle execilted tilt, sanl ('. h I u.),u• t)I th( Stat( .)1g at Kalispell. Alontan;u S'I :A'I'li OF 1,10VI. A7V A 5S (1O1-NT) OF Fl :xl II1::AI)) \I\ Uolurnission k'Npires 0-1 :hip 4a dam of —_. I!172 .hrfor: m. if \'ol:tl I'tl'il t it' :'till 1,(),, thea(° S''of \I%r,r;uta p( rs(ntallyappcai•( ;1 KO. :ALI) V. PACK :uu! ll \RG:ARi I X. PACK, knov,it 'o Ill-, 'o ht• the jpersons vthus(• naliu's are atIived In'he ('ER'I�IFIC:A'I'1UI' DEDiCY1 1)\ uud :It lcn n. Il d (d to ❑lt 'hat thew (•u( uo(d the s.tin in v it Bess owvi,o1' I lent s' ? nr n,ald :till .Iffised m% offici.Il s(.al 111( (I.tv ;n1 1 'h( %(;ir first ahoc(• ('onun'ssiori ,•�;)ir(s �� �9--- \oi:u v Re:<idmg ;it Kalish^II, Motol;un;+• ��AAAAAA Cw STATE OF MOP COUNTY OF FL Filed on the, A.D.19 di A SS r1 oCloc . � �oudet i Deput7j 9 s