ELEVENTH_TEE_TOWNHOMES_NO_1_2-8-35_ETTI . ....... ..... . .. . ... ..... . ..... ..... .. OWNER: ELEVENTH TEE, LIL,.C, 00 T1101did,% DEAN AND HOSKINS, INC" 690 NOWTH AIERMAN WITS JU01 KAUS131111, IM, 59901 PHONE: (406) 752-5246 IWFK� SKFITEMBER, 2002 IZE1,0("Al"10N OF COMMON BOUNDAIINE2 AND r1LE OF LOTS mu N ELEVENTH T Em"'E"TOWNHOME. AU. EXTERFOR B()UNDARIES (TE SUBJECT IRACT ARE RC(",OM) AND MEIGURED 114E SUM OF INIERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE NEW LOTS DOES N(fT MATCH THE RECORD AND MEASEIRED DV;FAN(',ES BECAII,K& OF ROUNDING ERROR 0 (1.1'11r a1M.Allw n --- JIF-01101INT We, Eleventh fee, I..L.C., the ur"Jersigned property owners, do hereby certify thot we have caused to be surveyed and pdatted into lots (is ittrown by the plot and COY003te of Survey 1wereunto the following aJescribed tinct of land, to wit,; PEI") MEMON A trtwct of land located in Uwe Southeasi; quarter of the Northeast cpmmler of Sectkm 6, lowro'J'wip 28 North, fbnge 21 West, Principt.tl Meridian, Mc"wh,'ina, Flathead County, Monlano, being wrtore porticwrlady described as follow!-ir %nmencing at the westowlyrnost corner of Lot 82 of the Mat of Fairway E4an4evard rcnttrwhousert, Phose VII, Recor(frw of Hothead County, onri the POINT OF BEGINNINQ Menco Ned 2'15'00"E along the nor-thwestedy boundary of lots 82, 81, 80 Offil 79 of said subdivision, a disinnce of 134X1O feet to the northerlyniost corner of lot 79 of said subdivision" thence S47*45'00*E along the tworthecisterly ttoundory of said Int 79, a distance of 100.00 feet to Rwe eastedyntrost corner of saki Lot 791 thence S42*15)'00"W along the southeasterly bourufory of Ints 79, 80, Ell anti E12 of said subdivision, a distance (if 123.46 feet to the southerpirrost corner 40 lot E12 of said subdivision; thence K75*31AS"W along Me souTedy boundary of saki Lot 82, a c1istonce of 22.61 feeh Thence N47`45'00"W along the southwesterly boundary of Said IA)t 82, a 0stonce of 8030 feet to khre F301111 OF BECANNING, Containing 0,301"t ocitm, The obc)ve described tratJ of Land is (JoskIntited ond to Two known us Eleventh fee Townfroines No, 1, Ure Arytended F"Itit of lots 79, 8("1, El, and 82 of Frwirwoy Boulevord townhouses - Phase VII, located in the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter cA Section 6, Townstrip 28 North, Rurype 21 West, Principal Meridian, Montano, I'lotherid County, Montant'j. QWKV �LURTIFI(l We hereby cortily that the purpose of this division of land is for the rekwation of comn-ion F)oundarres and the aggregation of lots (5 or fewer) in a platted suNMOMon, therefore Uhs division of land is exerript fronr review (IS a subdivision pursutini to Section MCA. We further certify th(tt di6sion of kind is exempt frorn sonitaty review pursuant U) Section 17-36605(2)(b), ARM, which excludes parcehi that have no existing facilities tlor wotef suplfly, wustewcrter disposal, or solid waste disposal other Uwan khose that were prevhmndy approved by the mviewing authority under Tille 76, chapter 4, part 1, MCA, Principal Ek", fee, Llll-C State of MontwwntO County of F"Icwthead) 1"'S. (At this day of ...... 2002 before me, the undersigned, a Notary for the Mate of Montano pows*v tally appeared known to me to be the person who's nanne is subscritwd to ThiS inStrunreal, and acknowledged to me that they executed the sarne, ly V 171 11Y SNAL� DougWs J Kirudlinad Notary I'luirlic for the SAnte of McKitano Residing at Kalispell My commission expires 7 1 1,2004 . ........ ............ A f R E� IQ f7 FR JVI f" I AT F FAIRWAY BOULEVARD I0WN1I0(,V,,SES I 1jr-1ASE VII ("OMMON GROSa.'3 NO, AREA AREA AREA VMS 0�6(10 ... -EfE3' SO (1,0734 M092 Cl. 1654 0,0734 0AQ2 (11654 82 0,0779 (1 O92 0,1699 f OTAL 0.305 C1.368 16 73 AAAEMED AREA IA131f. FDR A(IGRE�C;Ara) io-Ts n—Ev t0jr NET COMMON GROSS NO. AFRUA AW-A AREA 79A (11169 11227 (12396 BOA (10737 M 1227 (11964 81A . (11145 ......... .... 51227 (12373 TOTAL. 0.305 (1368 (L(..a73 pq LE ( -1,.E �N 1) FNI), 1/2" REFERCNCE REBAR W/ORANCE 1::'I,,ASf'l(,' CAF' MARKED "BI OCK 7918S" 0 SEJ', 5/8- REBAR W/CAP MARKET) "W525 I.S" .... . ....... . . SUBJECI I EJOUNDARY (A-D LOT ROUNI)ARY ADJACTNI PROPERTY BOUNDARY SITZEEI ADDRESS 28ROAD AND UTIl IY FASEMENt PLR F11,AF (W FAIRWAY VARD TOWNIMUSES — PIMSE VII REGISTRATION M), 9525 1 S AND REC() By: . . ............. ..................... ..... KPI-11Y 7 REXTIFFY1 ION NO !4111 SHEET 1 OF 1 j4 ,#� 7, Kfir-13wic Tn,