BUFFALO_COMMONS_PH_5_1-12-36_BC5o,,n, is a is e 5 "I "Ja,t af C1,,,,(. JAU"') Al. located in fro" rri-trie nts ,,Lot 5, 11, 18 and 13, Seletiori 6, To wnS,1"JJ,' 28 N"(,,:),rth', 21 ­i�� t "IP a.zl ci al d,,l 9 ("',W PflailleaAl Cklurlty p Wylp 4) )p I V Q V V 'Z V; %4ox P �X q0 r 1110, waununt inin u/i/1111 per IS ONO, wnd. drai�nagc v, a ci, rt t �,t I, Lot I ;1� 9 W) W . .. .......... . .. . .......... ... ''I, .... .. ..... I Age 0,000 :1 �i *� . . .... . ... L,)"oo" If 6 oo, Ld 4 X11 lit lit cres 4+1 0 4 I If, vr1,4j4,(,;a1,c of -I y I e, "K, 02 10 /0 9 1 g 49 1/' I . .... . ........ iVI, ) &ION) z i" S WK) p, 10190+ 0 �,WWP v,14141,11 0 )y jot" 100 3 X S Lo t 1, 11, < I + I xt 6 8,Cres fill Lot 4 Cll)"�()) `w,44.304 acre.,�.s (P 'n, D6 44 f, q -) / , , , 7 . . . .... .. ... . .. A y 1 -44 /,,,1' L D w ot I U i a 11 8 3 Lot 6, I A) t ft -+4.219 acre ek c r 1! is No Scale 'to be de(tki�",J;ed �,,,,o (,3'1.y, Kalispe'll, 0.006, llte'py, h; 60, (�/ Medical WE, ''o"W" "I'll JqWT WWP� HOX '01/� MT 591904 ITIONP: 106 755 5,W,9 1 LAW) CHAPHIC SCUF� J�lo Wile W feet, 7 70 ("erb,frcalc of '�`Itr-oc'y Na Mgfl,�' % 00 N q, Ccrb� No, "Al 0/76 1),,N w 1" 10 00, ��, /V', Oetoil No y X" Y 411, e, in /J." :, '' , ,, p , 0` Lot 9" N 10, 1%4 1,0t V Z, 1� I yi I I, " C 0, , "I e � , 1 43142 WAVE) 10 W 5 10 �v C6 N IN k", Q W A" o� A ex 1A 1A 10 Aynuyub(i Ila/ �5 1 hol I (nui a Mnliun Qf Winnuni lit Kq) V �, I' AviAt A'alinpS RivyWal UpWal Aide Q 10 (2, ill A No """"k.-Ve X 'J, §) Achltow; NMI,, 41t 01rot I oi ,�;oi Ila)) colm."t I 1� doiatotr�l Ino","', cap, itio(jible I 000d dj(110("�tot whot, no ("of) (19 / 000d droroelcv� pipe, no cop No I orpid eibymotor o,4)or with "I" diatootol olumirrurt) cap imuSt, 1/0' & ASAW W (md W03Y 86941-') " A I mmd I" ikinwhIr Wat W I" (Min-rebt pik;sbc cop A\ WoW I" Wit"01W IQU with 11" dwinclar Jdanth; (14) oriwkod, "W1111 414QI" I oond �i" donw& pov w9h b ciss tart tnwkmi, 0989 1 K" I ocrod ;,f " tebw witti P" dimmeter Wynninan (A,q,) morked, "LRY &,, -,ft-rLo, anal "HIJIRL'KI MONUMINC I ornul inetuynowl olf,-;�,4 0,,5() feet firoto proporty fio(,� Twi kwo=, pol ,9, PX of cluvi, "o-00, 00 W (Wip4er x 24" long r0ror wRh 2" dkwnett,�i aloarinum nq) inmW UY & (III(] "" '11,1BY I I lot Wmenco InwNunent T'n') fc�el ott"""'(4, horn the Qhl (A way it & Spachlyd to jowl, The inonumon! (it Us pro,wl� QUIhm <JIjo to Un" Which I!" coo,"'buriorl orl [/I,,, liorl of Way /)of cily St 9" (Nin0m x 24" kwq ralm W 2" 6wof,4(,�t (11to,ohnon Cy" rnmkmh A BY & 1A,,;(,'0G'lA "JI �Q;)' 8694f ,:;` and "kl1LLffN(J MONUMINC', exarotile as 00,000'. 0 9 0010 &00 1, , UNOWPOWN00 Right 0 j, Sco Atp0000d /,/of ol ii/olhood Lloaflh Cordol, CrflWk�ato W �';wvcy; No� 1,,1409 and 1,51186 1 , ol Ieconl tlsv Z A (v -ATTUNK Him flat has bens esunwed by IN, offi('��v of the Cily Alloo)Oy 06'C'(tidloq lo Tw1hyl /6 .3 , 60(p) ;;,(,,A� tolying open lille topor I Ni�),,` Wid oppitivotl brr',""oel oo ii1fortoyaron suhtnatorl by 1ho rl�.�.'velopor owl/of hi�,,� agent fho ("it'y (,,olrocif of KMANA yorilano (W hofc4)y y"ottily 01ot it hos exoorla(,'�(t` Hit,,: ,�IrbdJvv;rrrn foot ond hovia(l found hilo !';(rale to cewhyin 10 /am it shawl 01" na", ��003 L fficrusa While Qwk YW (Anwil y 0ah,:0 L t ARC I, Anne; of On bm" w1by as air lWairnk"rif I and %mvivot for Whood Knity Mmtmq do heyeby (mylify Mot I hovo I.ho finol Q/ of HuMA) Conurrony I Www A mul IhW Uun' Hm auvqy Sta Mona thmoon nroet Mo o4hNinorm; not Wi by or putsoymi to We 16, Oopkn j /Vul 4, ACKA, 0 doq thin day of T', ;)(roe Montaria Nt,,qisho1ioo No, "r4,18,; J I "4w t� of montono Qun(y of Wh A Ame I I by 0 wqh"Iet od I and ",;ut veyot do hel eby fity Mat I have jn�-�Ifi-nfood //I(' "."alvoy �;hrtwn oil the aitochtol foot of thyffitto C'oort000s Pho�','o "), 1hol sirrvoy wiw,, torolo dininif 0(,,tober ?002; Mot oil MWWW K him ;Wd MVW140 as shown ond that the Imnwuneols' know my/ owl ot C Um, yNaKy and (WOWY the 1mythmis shown thotooly, y, /)a io 1,:J,Jri� t, "2 �,ftiy of id, Uff9h NX)g!" 2, T sinwVy No mmk no inwslowvo ot hidipoodoot soalch fix of rocofd, ownerr"bip fiflo evidom"'o, or ("toy (Ithei lact,�� ffio� on accinoto and ciiitoifl tilh, ��,oqfch ititly nfhxlwsi,,� -C We, the piperly ownero 0) hetsby cortly Mat we how, coused to be ;wvwpvj ,�?Jbdivich,�(J and it"4albod inlo kqq bM(*q sheWs (mo shown by the p/ol hur(� wonexed the 168owing, desaWl kind Qwhwl In %Meml Qmly Mmilvinq to wit: Rxit potlbn at Govainumnl Wis it A N and Al SeUbi I lown:00 28 Wn Hm"j, N Mat, Phick"d WIdW liathead (Anady Ahwhina (%Qed as Wows: 0f,01NNING' (it (I point that btlit's ",)oirlh 89'0,'5'-;9` West 808.J2 feet Syn the rurtheosl coltrot of Lot L3, 'Vection 6, N1 With, Hoot:j(,,� ?l West; lhonce �,�ou th 0 1 `00'42 " I md 31ITIAN hQ thetrue Nw4h 8839',11" 1-ost )18�,5,5 fown'; lh(�,,nco South 524303" fast 81111 Not; Urwxx South 0,'�`54'08" M,,�,,tii 396'-1,5 feet; thence Vouth Lim/ BU41 kwt; thetux Wh WYM19" Mat 28R09 hQ M=,, ,'�;fnjth /!r`J)3,0,3" tat U01 hol to the beghtrUrg of an 81.00 Mot raditis ouve ctincow, eastedy Why (I tv&V hewing of South 45VI19" IQQ Smise along said cwo, Mrowth (I central unoe at 58'!6'40" (Y" 01-i"-, longth of W03 Net; 'South W')'09'��)?"Fost =3 WN Menn; Sordh 03W,58" West P,;,46 fect, to the notifterly tiort of way line of ',�)'oony vk,�w lorle, tr 60,00 kiof ("ity ""la"ot and to o point on o U0,00 toot rodirt"; curve (,(incovo irorfhf,�i"'J(��Oy hovinq (I tod/of bew-faq (W Not-th 'T"?4,13" 1, f'o"I: th�,,�nce o1oliq said not firefly ),iqht of way lit)(, of �;(,iid ';irooy blow I one, (Ming the e(staily and ""(:nithef�y tiijhl- of' way lio<., of tilefilogo woy, a 60,N) foot 0ay SUM11 and allong the eastedy rigit& of woy of Whidwold Kry, a 6UOO foot My ubeel the following Whni cotuses: Wig saki cutve tht-orto; a c(nind (proc of 441613" mi orc WnqM of 43,136 be( Nodh 25"19,04" M-'o"J 1,50),(;8 feet to the bo�jinnirk,j r.)f a Jb(),00 fool ladia's crov" to UW 511 Goocylve olonq ""'00 colvo 01totior a carand anoe of 841119" (in my, knq1h of 514.11 hoot to tire [xljinoir;kj of (,f 95,00 foot rodto,; curvo to the Qht y4mcavn tuntheastwly abnq :01 corvo Ihlou�,,Jh ri conto"If otrqle ol 811W19" an (we length of 31,'J9 fool, Noith 96'16 , 4,5" West 2&14 fet�lt to ffic, bi,�qintrioq itt' a !r0,00 toot forflu's, c1livc, to the light com.,,rive (riong said citi'vo thtowth a i�,'otttral (Moe of 411313" em atv fenyth of 41.36 hot Nottt; :`IV609" Emd IPR29 1`41 to the boqtnhg of a 3OZOO Mat radbs muv�.,� to the left con(,,�,jve along soid corw�� through a cendfo/ r1irgle of 106,40,0,1) " art (11c length of Nt,,t, North West VAJ02 hwl to the bylitming of a YaOO W imbis curve to Me r4lht concave noitheastedy, along cuiw'� ifilough it 4""entrof (Moe of WIWI" on 0"; hmgth OW 3926 Not, 4"" ';'1" JjIst (;(rob toot to the beginning of a 220,00 foi�)t arifirn,�, cirive.� to the tight Nor th 04, �4 "") C0000VC Castody, along "'ok] ("'orw" Urfoliq1t) a coott,ol yinglo of on w(", h,:?nqth of 1/0.14 hS Nimth 484311" fast W9 110 to the bmilrwing of a 53ROO hot WON anu, to the SO concave notthwosh"y and uWnq said curvIe H-wourlh a Cordial oriql(", of 08DATIB" (,III ow loo(jib of 031 10% Mowe SoInUt MV641" Wl 141116 Net therice Nnyth 58"4AW Lost IU/4 Me( Mwxv Juth WOW twol 1028 Net; Hretwl,� Noith Fast 21RI/ Wt to tho Point of 0refinniotl (111 d Hii,61NNING ryl o point Mat hews Ruth 192249" Wt 1149.56 feet Swo the northw(st C00101 or (lovoryone)d Lot b, ";ecliort 6, lownsfrip North, Ronqe ',11 West, und a powit on the southolly tki/a of way firre, of lloriloqe Way, �,"I 60,00 toot cily s'tro(,�4; ffierw(,� otiong the �,,'oldhefly and wmbOy ipht of -wqy line of llerarky,,� Wrly und aforig the norLherly rktht of way hoc', of �:;oony View lorre, o 60,00 Not city Strety" tho WHowinq ten '�,outh Last 4911 Net to Me hoomWal of (1 ?41,00 toot r(.idiw� crit'vo Io tire riod. coor��(jve olooq soid cylive 111tol"rijil ry cetatal urryh�� a/ 106"40 , 0,1t" an atc length of 459,84 feet, 'South 126,29 Nel to the Ity,,ilinninq of o 1/0,00 fool todiu"; to the left GOOCMff� i,"r.rstefly, olom] ",;(rid cutvc' thfooqh a (,,t,�nttol on�jlo ot 4T,?J',?,,)" on ori, lenifth of &JR913 Wel, %ulh tyisl 28,1!,j kn,4: 1c) beilinnitqj of a 2!J,00 fool ladn't", colve lo tho liqla wcs1edy, oloity �,,aid citivo thiolk1h o confoo wr�.,oa of ,,?/ (,/.I � it c /ontith of feel to the beqirinKy of a ANAW foot t�,Idhr!,� ievt�1,'50 CUIVP ofor,Iq soid clove Urlow1h a (l��nlryif anqk", of '51,10")8" on atc h,;,ngth of ,?OlUtt fo(,J, ,;outh T'06"',v" West 186.11 feel to the beghmAN of (in 80.00 toot Was (wirve to tho GW)t (0000WII 1,100hWosterly, (fooif ";oid cotve ffitork"111 o cenlrol oiroo of 62'W?',"�)"an oi(� tort(Ith of HR62 04 and Sluth 891019" Mtst 16.60 Wet Humce Nm1h (15`11316" fast 9911/1 toot (a the f`�')jot of HoIfitorinq f�ontahkry IA094 AcroN, of land, tnolo o lo�",-s� as shown (,)/I this foot which is h(,:�rowah in and toade a LrOfl of /oqo/ doscliphote lfrc� ithovo fJo�w�lilied GmJ of kyrW IN to he Anown and die,,�iqm:,dod i"Is Hylffii/o Coinfooll"I, Pfro",'o "'), /falhood (,'ooirty, Montano, a/)(] the ioir&,� included in all ,4)own oil 111i",' foot (we bety"by qiordod and donotod ty�,) lhe in..;e of the public forever, Ilic I1nduu,;,iqII(,ll horeby yronts unto awT and �,,,,vc�/y froln;on, fitro of Coff,irnotion, why'allet public ol pfovirlwl�,'j ot- 00miliq to provile t0kpWm" dectrk; Power, qo"", coloo lolovi"Niort, Wrar"t Ot ,�,OWOI, �41vico N) the public, the ritli'll to Ihe joint I'v""o of (in co""orriont tot tho coir,,;tfucNoo, mrrwtlr�rranco, ii,ft)(iii and letnovol of theit lines and cahoi facilitie!"", in and under each oroa do,';iqnoie�d on Hlis Lotaf as Uhly Flmeorool" ot "Coint'noo Atoo" lo have and to hold (orovt.�I, '48 oxiotisioll"'; of orklitions to exi!4ior"j orid li'dole otilaie�s be twideo'n000d. M7v1F1C!A#FPjg _ff,_, � RJUMD the aod�,;,tskioeo hefeby o"flihes littil tho'; plat 'sobilioctl to the provisions of <1 plontred unit dov(..,1(.rprrr4,,,trt wdh kind pwtannently Not askh; tot pwk use, lhoro&w, parklood dodicoikIn i,,�; waive'd pul,""riont to !;�,,,.'dion /,,I "I -6)l(6)(q) M,C�A� Ihoad z no, A�&, YVON A velitnto ond lite�,,tidela Northw(,:�,Q lloolthcoto Cotf:rotolkwt State of Montana S"; Ooi.lnty of lhithead i � / ",!1 t J 011 [1) i�s -t I do y 0 PA "till , 200�,?, before me, the ondec,;i9tred, a Notoi y Public, tot llf(� ""),late at Moirtatra, pet,";oiwrf1y opit"reared the obove "'iqned, known to nte, to b�,' the persoo who�;e orinte is to Me knopitly io,"'tri,voerit (it)(,] ocknowloefqed to /no that thoy exo�.'oloyl the ""ciare, IN W11IRF01, f havc, ho/ol"110o ,'ot loy hand orryl offixod toy Nololly the doy ond yz,�ar above wlith,;�It� N 1, ly� I at 'Ibirr", for the "Jole of Montana 4, �g, `41141 My coimnissioVi UxffiU'.,'�" M-ANPk� '�tale of Mywdanyr (Amoty W I Ititfu""'od I iled ('in (41V"e, ',1003 A,irr WANYWk P "I County (.1oth and R(,o,orilor 0qAIty P( "K, %butnent, Nec, No,�,`,