BUFFALO_COMMONS_PH_3_BLK_1_L2_and_3_3-10-34_BUN(MAIM '2 0 1 Plat of .1"it ase 3 ock, 1 1,ots 2 and 3 ,A iri fur N' ie,r,,,,it L,ot 5, Sion F"lathead ("i,"t"atin t IS Vill �> YV, 11 ;zlq 14; 1 41, M,v �)qlm MOM 400 75h 511) 61 7121MV Allerid"hin4 i Q11(w) SIUM, N89T)Y4 . . ... � 209,6C)" v wad x13664' 72-1', Lot 11:11"I Sk WN 0 52�',3 Aci-i�,wts La t" Iz 0,!5)26 Acp,�resI. mo j . ...... tf qx 1 92, 15126' 35a 1W A) it! a PF 1�,YJ f, ',wI I P, to"t I "ham; Mork I h) I I Sol IN li Way 'lie f IV v;,n VM Vv I "a 245,2l, tmq It N [ 11111111 I'll I:oiwinow- wtol )I Coolm000 I oop o5 n1k)vo PM 04 A 4 1) 101 It �(,) ( Noll cofivil, I 'Xitu l 3 t diumolcr hlose, i1j), NlvIphio f0i /;q,u, I " diono4s[ i only, wV eall IN KWUNI n" diolocloi lebar woh dfunwlo� tillmooitin eop I I Oit,(O, "! ht) rli, A.,;i;oclll d `/,I I m, ;i694P;, itml "IflINiNCI MONUMNI" Muni w"PIMM 100 0141 out Alm pinjaQW) w, 'o1lm"11:I A vo ;0 dilmwatr V: i4" looij wts1l, wdh dilillitilof al7,mi)III80 (opnloilt,i0, '110 &A��MJCIAO'�"(wd 'J1JM'8(;nl4P:` �nl e molluotolO 0 0 /tlot' )1/i`;vl from In,) titibi of It i u>oo`�li lj(,of to piocc Ow mono wall ta' UVd Inopla tocofiol) Aw WHW cumcw1c "WowoU, whhh 1+ con.,nIm tod ort Ow nifW in tit pt:� cily w(tolloolonk dktuwb,� x YC Wag wbor tillib ," diolooba litomilium ow( `WIMAICI 1111(1NOVINI", oxompfi) of tiollows: i, 1110 In o, nN you opt on ::71 . . .....wnV 01 i("ItATiRlA PRAPIX131wAM MEMO nals oi Monimia t owdy I)£ ikiausld 1 A AN, I bby iv mqVited Wild '>Iltvop)i do lNiobv cotdtq (liol / hove pivlomwil Ow 41)IV(Y !dIo"Vi/ nI) the (10o0lon/ phn! of Hlofio/o r,ollimolw J Willi, / hd`, ") onlf 3, `n(d such wos if)Whdwirle) Novolnbol Hilt "'00 :IllIVOY m boli ood rotaptiNo ij,r nhoiyo onto Hsi) tho rnonumcliI,, fit nil alld ,wt ill, A Ilse` Am'S (wal OM'W)Y ON, ponwom mpow" mmois, X'1W Llttlt(�iIPali dot of 'A Ii nw,voy"i ba,i o,mi, No i'llwAttJotive of fos It wrolo( lo:4lichvi, 'NvoosIop Wk) owl IR 00), )I/,o) Pf(f"; lbill ol, ;,''gofn wO (unfoll! WAml(ls lmly di hiw "UMUM ff DRUMN WO, OWinolrr ufu, Il;rt,heffy 0101"Y!" A ImS mlay 11,01 wo thlot, cam"Co' to he �ulvovod, o0lidit"vI'd and lj/ollod iob) for �,;boeIs II/id oflcy,:, w" tthom,no ta, On" plW helelo mmoxi'd, ON, Nollotwoo dc�,,Ilbed tarld sHuijlva` in iadholld Coltidy Alloolona, to wa dhoi jw1hoo oi` (,owinmool /,)I o' �wlliion (i, lowtiohio scli No0h, Ramp? ,'/ illt'si, Otiol ilml Mo[ioloo, i ialboud Cooltiv, )ylwolqjj<j d(`s-flnon` 0�; (olthtw; i ;4 l,'INNUC a o I) oit I I on ffio (it i�; i ol /y / wuo (Jal f/ (11 Coo ja I oo s Wa Y In tiO 00 h, q) t o Y iV 1 r vc I, whi(h bowni WIN) lWIO'�'/" I A 689 91 leta /Itgn HIc �;oiltbwl,,c;4 cuinoi of f;ow,lonillol I of �lva Nino (I, toww>bip ;?8 Nolth, Houqo Vf West, soid lilnjli( boiliq ort Ina bogliminq of 1 4/0,00 io(a` wnlms tulvo ee,)ocave voJlvfy havinq It ludiol flcallnq ol With Uln"lice Wq nod (MWVI`IIn)I(qh II (oidlul wN,th" I)[ Oh"'U'18" an otl: forlqih Ii! /!/Alfeel; nhance No; In Wost /1, A' Al to Q hwonwq of It 00 IWO' m(fios, ,wive h) Me liqla, ahon(,u ololiq (qd Iwo- th,lowfl) l) t"omf ooljb,of 90'(0 , 00" an tve filooth of W-)/ for Uwllcu N00h f07)�4t /(It;! l0960 foil iio thu be(fintlinq of it /0000 tol'd fradne. clove It) Nis iifflid; dwrwo olomj fflii Ojll/0 thiowith a ofdttll onght oif (,w1d!)"s" it[) aw lc`mjah otI W),V',5 i(N'l; Hleoco ''otilh MOM" / as! 81 P9 At lbool't, ',oldb Pvo'd` 18 IM to III,- Point of Ocqinoilili (oidahling 1.0,P) Am,,o of iclod, inow w the abovo do",nihvil amA of laml j,; io Ito, known ond dom)tiah"d its Holhilo Commoils I'llum, dlo(A I /oah, ') nod I, Ilothood Coljtdy, Motdono 101 Bd� blil ob), I� w dtjw, that Utis plat i,; nolijim r to tho Ili ovlsinlw; of o/ phlorwo' unit dovelotiitwW wills frond ))cffmlomdly is"i' m,ldo fir putk uoc llwfohv, pinkland dedkaaim) isa wowed pu)�w(/W I(l Olno m,l', A, volindil (.10 and Pl< ;Won` NolOils wnd thtuffluaw Goipoiaboti adc of IvIoithi/m /its it Notoiy 11filVic frit, Ow of Monlowt, pursolmity, oppoolt0 N'to obow skpwd, knowo at tot, lo ho Ow poi`;ori whir ?) 011al(' s; o0bycribed lit lin, tnt,wpatiq twinumeno' ood orJii1llvdnqoi! 0, mc fINj( Itley oxocutod Inn tsyftw, IN MdAt YIY(flit'101, I hove lwwwilo 0 my hool/ find offix"d lro'l Nolmy !wal Nis day Iin/ WIMon, th: dlao of Poldontj I a va Z-Qf—gea tA slut I'lol jm�; botin lixomitwo' by aho oft"oe of (he Cay Aholoov occoIOunj an .;oljion M M I'A to4yinq opal Whi topoi I N1. It 000f llppim/od bllo, Vm irrlvrnn::rfuiri olvnitloa` by 'ho devoJopef liiia,/ol hiool,W 00vo of Ole? Cihy AI'tomov yah";pi,lll, Monalou Cdy Mlolni,y 21-1w YAl mp toy WWII W homplA 1AMIMN" Wn, hmwy co)WII alaf is hot (siltninloni plod and hol/loq foutid the somo Ili (onlotm to tow, 0/)WOVO!; it of (Surwit' Man / IJ�;lNlirliki Ilk Kv COME421-0 I in ( 1 Met H Muhwn SAW as an I xarr0anq I and 9mvio,wit At I lcrUwod Coolov, Polno)m, on hotoby co)Nly MW f how rwmhrmd Mo tinof Idol of lyfflu/o ("momorw 11hoso I intl)nI', I tot i) a?d 'I oIN) hmt ffi(d ltoV !uu) voy i/l/t; 'hown lhi,ionio ttwel Uln. i oliddimr, w( nail, by oi pro lmni It) fait A), 0loplit i, 1'(0 1, VCA Dall- iN f ot, of T� lit /Iollon �Womiai/i Noqi0tiotoo No of monlont) Ht"I on ffil,I dot/ of YOM A0 ol 1) Von In /I t o N14A (wdv Il. solo f NolalOci1pildy( tw,holmild Not" No, - "oo/354116'.Z10