BUFFALO_COMMONS_PH_2_BLK_3_5-1-35_BUOe u nt x i wdeep e a (Iu:tnP,,"ion,s [1i,,,1S,,,,e .m Bjo(,,I� aau i located Iy . A Lm5r . „« ct� wvW,. @ qi , i I tw. es of 13CM4, y tx;y l d rl'rfron.J( of )`ley + y NO, 9 eok; r ,l ?er`i 1W, rayveveenwf' Iot k' of S(+ci re�rd R rill` �fi I 1 ,vmrdB,,,X�4rcdM,.:Ili.`'°S'I!m Wo, the nog<'r';r ned prefix=lPy owner do h roby rx'itify Mot wo how, tutu tool to he nrv(smd, tlbdivld<;ol I,of p'lofled Oto loP>, hlo;k,,, Ibeol, ; and nlley.i, a.a ';how by the, plot hlorrrtoe annexod, tho Iollotwntq delih(-,'(i loot( ,rtuoted m) floilPood (;ounly, Mont000, to wit: lhnl lu»lion of r'ovol'noonl LW `), `,octpoo 6, )ownJIii) it3 North, Nangd t1 West', i'r/r"rip)('71 Mfvirdnnr 11ahloo9 Cdourly, dAontoaou h,:rcvlla(d ,I;i follows: t'anml o(,hoq al tho no)lhsvonl I t,rnt,r of (;o,volo elo` I of '), ';e,r lion (,r, lown',hip ','1 Noth, Nowle "a1 Keot; Ihorto ohoott the n,ntluer"ly b000hal�y of oid gorvororlool lot, Nor th ,tW) Ii ./)8" 1 ast ;" )') it loot to, Poo POINi Of ttyl GINNING; of tho poAcell hoapnq doeoibed; thetot' conboolol olme) nul norlhoily bmuAlmy (rl Ad elovcrnlosnl lot, Noth 8934',f5" lost t se)9 0) fo(,f It, 1hr, Ines thmat I;orne'r of Alfah, Cornroom; Ph ose, fllock 7, tocolds oP llotheml fondly Monhmu; rhmwH nkmq dle weslotfy bmnW my of aid flow I fJk k `;oldh 00"N''1RY' ) east NO")I l000I loi Me Mnthefly riClht of Woy lint' of Common"', Way, el 60,00 foot ('Hy shoof two a 1 ohd to the ho,'ominq of a ,ern,O) hot cm've CXrncove ootth,lly hovrnq o r'aoap l,evtWAq o' Nortf"I OO''618" m'rt; th000:o nlonoa Ad notalelly r'itlht of Way hoe of +aitl e%oollo,n�t WJy lho to&WInq ('Wd cml,O9 allefiq liailf (,1Ifve Iblo Rpfi a ,(nhnl anal(,` of an tart uen('plh el I f% 90 bout to 1hf la-tgll7llRle.B to the' bo(PH1rnq of a 0,1100 toot rn(ft,.l.S tanvo' to test le)t roncove oofolly tend olonq Sold colv'' throoigh Ir cenh(rl (tootle;' of 14,'r/1.4" (In not /mmpfh of I i!s 3 ; tecl to the aostnrfy lu>n mCey Ref t1oHodoa `,Ctm loo', I'ho',(y ) Nock "), r ' ((let, of Oathond t panty, Mooliooa, 9hesno.o) rrlonh .said t oote,lrry brronhary of ',ai(l Thor o -' /Cloolo NoOh ll0'44O"` KOW f 14-?,;) feet he the,, Point of IA'(lnrnlnoj o:oolonnlol I i/I ae R'r of a r" iet on 1ht' oltmheiod plot which i h€elewlth imorpolo led ul (rnol mode, to rrl u or the I(.rl oll ,ks(cri',1owo l � p r:�, „ I•t ,... {.f l Lu( Cho oho _rl(P,cfibeel hoot of ImCd 1, to bo fe0owo and ekt"1 ignotod (it; (i'uffahi Contmoo` I, oa hiey:k v, llvrlhr'(v,r r;er(Inty, M(Inte,rrel. p ` Met vlwrlg£ t,+ oedlvri f Gme rPnivei JA e (",j ,..... �.... - ,,.^- ,. ondeft;Igood holeby errliHe":l loot this Idol i., mfoc, tol the I>r,rvisiomr> of o m nwd oriit (iovolopt'nonl with tnrul lxor,vmoolltly (if mpdv for porn n.e+. Ihvrowxes, poiklond dttdixolioo i;; uf'?I, 10 y..a�.,��m,�,��,,„w'nn ��..��� n",,�n � „,. .,1y .... "� t v�crrv('cP rutrunnl Io, uu he,n /.S 1 (r,'i b)(a) M.C'.A. t Al" ,max li;ih) n�TM,n ,,.«u,»�m„����„�, n�m,,,,,m�� �.�,, �� ,m ,o„ , .,, now, ' 1 "' (1O „d r 1 ed, o 'r2 a 2 t, r' � rrr re t x;r )t n ,r h I tl / „ M , _ � , Ir r t. p � ..lAi I 0ole'oi too Indo, oeno lnl Poi fncl - 'It; N (,(urholrlforl o Monlono ! „d „, �; ,of I ( ", td`tlilr oJl I'nPhH'/`off%p> t ,,.. � � �,.�� �a ��� � "flip � ; r i ;(lots m� i, s. N ('dots of llnthe id s 'I' Ed a. ( , ,too' ... ( „> w n, ..... , i ( I A" ,r> Ed °d a I. I ,a) ; tt I � �ts" „ oo orl hill ... y R,f t rr .Fx . k 9tlf), b,;(erre, rno�, Ihe' i(ouet;upnrrl a iVofaryf'ubuir fi>r 3A e e, o Wi<t(ro lout) l)/) al° tale `;l-itR' IIf mxtlooa, pet onaUy opptootv(; don I ndw!te+n, kooWri to met to ht, IIN,peiso o whroso ililt,` cf,h <,ta nl �, w u�m �I/J .r,fol � �0 a�qFt, r.: t, ihrP ;r 1il(u !c ;lmum, .t 0t'i 19,. I, i 5600 fill I ., Ilo, Xl OI) "1 ..r) ,r ,. xmmn,:mm"wM'm,a. 4 I r i i i I > t(p I � s v ell ... ` Al .) ,n e t. , �wwm. I. . � l I) I � i r t At 01) ) i W 4 f ,i ( fnw.nminmry m ':mnwaloh"µ �m� l 1 % 0, iu 1 ( � o d 31�( IP� ti' t c:. 2 Pos"r nitltii Itilx m,l All IN K A IIt'll i.l MT 5904 5r 1'MU)Y>E e/106 r" r� o329 Ety (N41 L1lNt+ ' ,I Y l , j 1 iP`i Y) 11 nrt s u, y n Im ,in d � if ( !1 toll rol n�i wmm�.nuum :1',, ;e so n rt^; rl> ru o'alr^ In WC,,Ot I���tlO V; M�, i h(hlvris no I`omnpns II ,ONt I(ond l dhmlelcY lobar, no col, !A Iolaid j''" (iame'lorRip(, nd cop omid p' dl(ome,lrr tobor with l dovoleeli olooimot ,al) rolokod, 'l13r 43r,1`,,';00AIf S' atO I'd `,fW 86941';" a h o(ol ;", (fietoel >r with '" chaoof4l't olomOmrn olr Ir (Aor1 `i 0f ,M1 A ,`;C)(,7,' W;.. J,i. t Hi' 2oI rout "RIA NI N(t MONNAlf Ni.,, (l ,f t eJ i;♦Ie7I rH t('P X ,14 Ion Cf f27t)I(if" With % 119C(711P71 rq' nt7 /, ntPlRdfT) o"(I;r nirlrken', AD & ii`,` 00A(l.> mHJ TINY fr'iM Q `.n" I No rRfoee!o(e em"etlurla`rlf Il,`all /eM olf';vt ltont Iho "lophl r,)i II tl W hilt' ➢(dthol Q plouo Me 17lomnoonl tit It3C piopor fo(olioii doo to lute I,lorrtol 'Aewolk w(u(h I oR,ll;hric'(e'</ no the liglIf,- I)i wry poi ()Iv figoOoo(,,r ,I. dionle'far .v " Oil() I(vhot with %' diom,otur o lorninoor R tell marked, "/L'3)' ,q 'I`,.,(tt;'uAif >' "o Ito, f4f3Ga'2i',,, and Id l I NI NO ,thl)Nt )MP N7 , om oplo or t `ollloem v m I t, Ore �,�mnm"jiuo 04 �nw++vm^" mwaW N tl''1 s WE menlo r ntx,clihod to Ihe' toi,egoinq nie,lr men( and oAnowlvd((ed to roe') lhal be exe(olod the Came. NI MINI 17V IV IN, i hot'(' We mph, and my hood uil " nV, t,llory ,`)rol Hoe dely and you ftl ,I ,,...m ,. obovo wlnto,il, Iry 4 y (n1 r A�hr i tlr' (off yttt My r y,;ar I rsxl,O,(t ✓q A e,l" dWa d W d, this plat hart boors ooarnincd by the, offitr> of the (Ay Attorney ocf,ordrnep to for .`,ochon /I) S (31;'(,-?) M CA rvlyrnq opon IiHe ioporil Nr,, ,l nmt ol,ploverd hr,ee/ oo intollooldxr ',obmiltcd by the devslv/or'r 000d/or hit, ageert, Oih( e` of the , dy Atiomoy Koh px'it, Mooloun holed ,'(Al i ( i le o Nda���i! t. „ (,ity/IHmney Me ('ily (',htwd of K'nN'ltoll, montona, dooR rlorehy cor(if,y that ,', hoto e Rlhliood II >tibdmlioioo plot and havinq follod too ',ono to roolor'nt to krw, trytprrovc , It. �e 1 ihoro" Ir While, lank of (;dodos it ryry'��II gg����yyppgg//� .pry qqAA {gg{'�yyAA,r /y^W(rro C l foh, mkt, /pM�')aIlm `,too, of Montano of ey of Hothead 1, Am I, I by a r(;lyisteird two ',ruvrrynr Rule hew by ,(,r'tifyo loot 1 hovi, p (,erlo imof the ,nrv,:y lehown on the altao:hod pkrl of 0o'fohe ConxnoiC> 1'ho,^ ") Mort+ a, theft "'ech sutyvI, was; mode during Maid) )00t; that the n"uln monRCa f000l taco' mf oi6, of lho chom 1(ar acid ritl,y lfva pootdiolnI,ahowri thetcoo otR'ei tor, .,J troy of l arh mo'l, 'Cletetill JA ,S aB L Ali '.3 �As tee Re tion .I'Vix 8694Fh V`�vtovl hoe fonder tw i'lot•igldivu on m</npreervRla7nt rurrrr,tr leer oveeMA!014r a r,vttrd, nrurnbrfret , losPnetra, rovetrrants, „wnmool, Ullo ovidonro, or any offiel fads f(d (7n oemt tfn ,olud ('Ipw t Bloc' ;worth r'rrUy divolweo, 'PHORKAD... ? ,°....A CC " ONT- 1, JRwru", f1 ihirl,00, no'linq on no I xotn6inq Iood .`;nrve yur iol f hrtPlewd Cooney, Mon(arlrr, & heloby cr,flhy that I have exoalirloo` (he floor plat or/ [toilette (;oral Ron' l'h(vm, 5' ltlook i and find shot Hie r,orvey dool s;howo fflotoon ro'^t f v cooditions sol forth by or p>o'aord I(, hoe: /6, (;hlrlilRtr ,i, plum 4, M(',A. holed lhi;,'Q:, , dry of ; " ,.,I NMI LOU f into;'" Il Ihuttol t M(,ntmm Irvg1tinhon Nor ,'I?%oP ',foboll' M„nhoo nnY r9la�lh(� ) �0 m L� a rnhB )uy OC�O u: eao o(..1. nl� � CooWy arkar! P,ct <er dly a� t C lunarrHoc Nd ..... ........ ka