BUFFALO_COMMONS_PH_2_BLK_2_9-6-32_pg1_BLO7A r7Er& : 0983*04 TR 7Er Plat of Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 2 A subdivision located in Government Lot 5 and Government Lot 6, Section 6, T28N R21 W, PM,M 1 Flathead County, Montana r---------- I I I A 700 Py 113 CS 5699 I I I I I � I I I Common z I utility e � I I L--------- i I � I t 1JA Sec � R Parcel --------- ----- ------------------ ---------- I I Park View Te*we C e r t i�f i c a t e o f S u r v e y N o. 3 4 9 1 I I I I I I I j I I POINT OF BEGINNING I I 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 1 6 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 i 12 i 1 Block 2Harowast I Mwer ofCow"Warpa Lot I II Noetlauest corner of I I I I I I I I I 10.00 ibt telex I I I of S 6 6 e' Cosermm�d Ld 5 Mhrthsetg tw,.ft y of Co+ernenent Led 6 of Sedwn 6 I / of Sedion 6 i I I I I i �� sr and it�ellty ftone"t A" 1 9„t 707 Aye! 361 r�k driew and tgulry easement "e"1 N8934'38"E I I I oR I I 11195.10' I See detol =I-- -�--- �----- - I-----�---1 --�,------- -I-- 1- T T t668.82'- I _ __ 112•--------- - 277 112.00----- r EL! Ot 6in`- 78.28' I 18CS 18 Lot 'Ci g� 259 ji0t Sri $OLot ,�i'i N720 sW.J i-LOt I3C I LOt 2Co12C 11 B I lOD I IOC I I 9C I �j 6.7� q r- -- 6.71G �!•]! 6,710 sq.--� 295 it 10 rea & 1 / I I -S L rn 241 112.00' 112.00' 112.00' I 112.00)S' �' 1----�--� I I / - - - - �-- I 1 N89 34'36'E 448, 00' 1 zo.00' ,dory 1 I I enwnt 11 / / - _ 10B I P 239 i gi 257 $ 275 i gi 293 ji0t lB ' g-------- 12B / j T I 9B 8B g Lot �B Lot 3B o _� o Lot 3B UlJ I o r- ��- 5,/pp n Lilt ,�eB i- - 5,app a�,�E I n I 11 A I I 11oA - 1318 6 - b�a°0 i N891 '38"E �! 6,a00 p.� 00' - - - - - _ I Loot 2B - _ - - _ I 3 112.00' 1 3 I 112.00 3 112.00' 1 3 1 112.00' _ I - T I I \�� I 12A I ! j f bca 6 237 1 of a, 273-- a5'1 W� L l Z F----------I I I I I � � _ - - - - - }�£ L ert J t-- 291 g 2 J- J I.� 255 Lot 3A " Lot 2A t �� g I C i i i j 6 parcel 9A ��0't� 8A g $ a ft w�• T Wi1 g ^ a,o,, ,q.)e. 18 �{ Lot 1A iy Lot 3A O Lot 2A� Lot 1B Lot fA 1 n 1 7 9ia sq. 2 Z I I I I s9.R II I I c \ _z" eC ` o=a63o'e4' q=m '9 °-112- 9' , 0=0372'13•L=90.00'-� 102f0' i1 I I I i /t I 0_ _ L=237.90' R=1530.00' 1 L=245.06' 1---_�_---I- I I ?42s46"- - _ - L=69.30' / L Lv = 0910'38' 134.30' CO R=720.00' 1=307.20 i -T''{ Ai8 N8646'44"W---------L------�_-,�jJ' I �� Oal A�w t� �I� �� �g ,- �2 a N a 60. 00 f y street 24 6 6' I QJ�__ s W r%/ I ;N `Jlnt oat city I v' � I - - - - - - , �e� 1 conwnm maibox - 1 Ole I � deriterysite of-r-------------�en,�"---------- I 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 13186 VIA I �1 L=90.0o' -�I 1209, I �tfl L=4297' 1 �O,m,7p,07L Ary'Qgr I \ \ I ` 2 lid I Certificates of Survey See page vl Parcel I 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 13186 I No. 7681 and 8413 I Parcel 2 I I \` Certificate of Survey I Parcel 4 1 No. 13186 I Certificate of Survey ` No. 12409 I I I � I ear 0 30 so 120 Scale in Feet xxx Address on Commons Way p Found 1' diameter rebar, no cap a Found " diameter pipe, no cap Found }" diameter rebar with 2" diameter aluminum cap marked, 'EBY der ASSOCIATES" and "J.L.EBY 8694ES" ■ Found V diameter with 2" diameter aluminum cap marked, EBY & ASSOCIATES; 'J.L.EBY 8694ES" and REFERENCE MONUMENT p Set 1' diameter x 24" long rebar with 2" diameter aluminum cop marked, EBY Ar ASSOCIATES" and 'J.L.EBY 8694ES' ❑ Set reference monument 0.50 feet offset from the right-of-way. It is impractical to place the monument at its proper location due to the concrete sidewalk which is constructed on the right- of-way per city requirements. Set ;r' diameter x 24" long rebor with 2' diameter aluminum cap marked EBY Ile ASSOCIATES; 'J.L.EBY 8694ES" and "REFERENCE MONUMENT; example as follows: Right-. Post OFFICE BOX 7144 Kwspiu,MT 59904 PHONE 406-755-5329 Ck(CA1,Lot 0089'34'381E 1200 1200' i �. � =�81 i"p8 I 20 I p, I N89 34 38'E g i 20.00' 20.00' i 8 r�1 '381 �Sf�R 8 i N89' 1 i N893436E ~81 h�8 pp 1 p �N1 I 0i r 8 IpN Ip� H8934'38"E g N89 34'38'E I ; 8 i 20.00' 20.00' 8R� ITS Z i N89' 38E 1 I I 1 I I I CV.w I rc.w I I rmw 1 cv.vv 1 1 I I N8934'38E� a 8 I I I I 1 i a " 8 I I I 20.00' r � � Lti893438E 20.00' N8934'39EI g N893438E 1- 1 1 20.00' 2000' I I I N893 38'E i N893 138 E I �" r 1. 32.00' 8i8 3207' gi 32.00' �18 32.00' I r gi� I IN893438E N89'34'380EI ' 1N893438E N89'34'38E --- 20.00' 1 i 20.00' ------1 r------' 20.00 2000' 1 I I T ^ tg I• I 8 1 I L=12 =120r1 I ... _.• .. I ,.t . ,.:- a •a 4 We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blockts, streets and alleys, as stow by the plat hereto annexed, the following described /and situated An Flathead County, Montana, to -wit: That portion of Government Lot 5, Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, Principal Meridian, Flathead County, Montana described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of Government Lot 5, Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West; thence along the northerly boundary of said aliquot part, South 893436' West 78.28 feet to the northwest comer of Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 1, the plot of which is on fide with the Flathead County Clerk aind Recorder and the POiNT OF BEGINNING of the parcel being described; thence along the westerly boundary of said Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block i, South 007449' East 191.65 feet to the northerly boundary of Commons Way, a 60.00 foot city street, thence along said northerly boundary of said Commons Way the following three courses: North 864644" West 134,30 feet to the beginning of a 1530.00 foot radius curve to the left concave southerly, along said curve (through a central angle of 0910*38' an arc length of northerly, and aloe 245.06 feet to the beginning of a 7,'20.00 foot radius reverse curve concave o y, g said curve through a central angle of 05'3054' an arc length of 69.30 feet, thence North 0014'49' West 190.51 feet to the northerly boundary of said Government Lot 5, Section 6; thence along said northerly boundary of said Government Lot 5, North 893438' East 44&00 feet to the Point of Begnnh ig containing 1.899 Acres of Land, more or less, M. that portion of Government Lot 5 annd Government Lot 6, Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, Principal Meridian, Flotheodf County, Montano described as follows Commencing at the southwest comer of Government Lot 5, Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 21 West; thence along the sooutherly boundary of said aliquot part, North 89105'39' East 857.71 feet to the easterly boundarry of Heritage Place, the plat of which is on fide with the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel being described; thence along said easterly boundary and the northerly boundary of said Heritage Place the following two courses: North 04424'31' East 296.19 feet and North 8535'08' West 245.01 feet to the southeast comer of the Common Area of Buffalo Commons Phase 3 Block 1, the plat of which is on file with the Flathead County Cleric and Recorder; thence along the easterly boundary of said Common Area, North 0424'52" East 83.89 feet to the northeast comer thereat thence South 85'35'08' East 275.87 feet, thence North 03'49'50' West 231.63 feet; thence North 20141'14�" West 209.08 feet; thence North 3071'00" West 158.72 feet; thence North 20N'36" West 173.63 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Commons Way, a 60.00 foot city street and a point on a 780.00 foot radius curve concave northerly having a radial bearing oif North 00'4846' East; thence along said southerly right-of-way line of said Commons Way the fdflowing five courses: along said curve through a central angle of 0646'08" an arc length of 92.15 feet to the beginning of a 1470.00 foot radius reverse curve concave southerly, along said curve through a central angle of 0910'38' an arc length of 235.46 feet, South 86'46'44" East 77.23 feet to the beginning of a 25.00 foot radius curve to the right concave southwesterly, along said curve through a central angle of 83.00'58" an arc length of 36.22 feet and South 03'45'46' East 12a34 feet; thence South 8614'14' West 329.65 feet; thence South 3011'00' East 141.74 feet, thence South 20'41'14' East 218.33 feet; thence South 034950' East 259.68 feet; thence South 415633" East 14785 feet to the westerly right-of-way, line of Windward Way, a 60.00 foot city street and a poinit on a 470.00 foot radus curve, concave northwesterly having a radial bearing of North 5330'14" West; thence along said westerly right-of-way line of said Windward Way the following three courses: along said curve through a central angle of 1213'25' an arc length of 100.27' feet, South 4843'11" West 55.99 feet to the beginning of a 280.00 foot radius curve concave southeasterly, along said curve through a central angle of 4478'39" an arc length of 216.54 feet; thence North 0424'31" East 52.64 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 3.287 Acres of Land, more or less, all as shown on the attached plat which is herewith incorporated in and made a part of this legal description. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 2, Flathead County, Montana. ��P� The undersigned hereby certifies that all tracts of land denoted as "Common Area" on this plot of Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 2 shall be deeded to a Homeowner's Association and that paillland dedication is hereby waived pursuant to Section 76-3-621(6)(a) M.C.A. The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of on easement for the construction, maintenance, repair and removal of their lines and other facilities, in and under each area designated of this plat as 'Utility Easement' to have and to hold forever. All extensions or additions to existing and future utilities shall be underground. Dated 13 '1999 Velindo Stevens, CEO and President State of Montana Northwest Health Care Corporation County of Flathead) SS iBt 3- On this � day of 1999, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for ap�ored Velindo Stevens, known to me to be the person whose the State of Montano, personally name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the some. IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notary Sed the day and yea first above written. Notary Public the State of Montana Residing at My commission expires atui Can or Wy IrronrY This Plat has been examined by the office of the City Attorney according to Section 76-3-612(2) M.C.A. relying upon title report No.-a7- '.-214 •-c 3 3LU92,UKLA and approved based on information submitted by the developer and/or his agent. Office of the City Attorney Kalispell, Montana Dated A*�,Q ,1999 Glen ei City Attorney E Mali' L The City Council of Kalispell, Montana, does hereby certify that is has examined this subdivision plat and having found the some to conform to law, approves it. V�V Dated' 1999 �>'E of Council Dated 1999 - Wm. E. Bohnrski, Mayor State of Montana ) County of Flathead) SS I, Jane L. Eby, a registered Land Surveyor do hereby certify that I have performed the survey shown on the attached plat of Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 2, that such survey was made during March 1999, that said survey is" viand complete as shown and that the monuments found and +acter and occupy the positions shown thereon. .........Airyy. �,,� 4 -`' .......... pat�yl this 'day of � 1999. 1 JANE L. �*/ ,,�� ,pp "art EBY t�rVAW - 7cS ; 8694Es L Ay t B%mmum No. Now � rrrr4'y fFR �4 �pNo`�. Surw)er nos made no bMptigatme or ,iidependnt mach for easements of reca4 sncum6rornas, restrictive covrnmts, onn wft title evidanct or any other facts Mat an accurate and current title teach may disdom. RMU M ANK MC UM Msr = 1, James H. Burton, acting as an Examining Land Surveyor for Flathead County, Montana, do hereby certify that I have examined the final plat of Buffalo Commons Phase 2 Block 2 and find that the survey data shown thereon meet the conditions set forth by or pursuant to Title 76, Chapter 3, Pat 4, M.C.A. Dat is nil._ day of 1999. Jane H. Burton State of Montana Mont o Registration No. 54285 so ) County of Flat head ) SS , Fd on then -day of 1999 A.D. at d&k ockm. B County Clerk and Recor Deputy 67, Instrument Rec. No. I'I I MID0 Pale 1 of 2