BIG_SKY_HOMESITES_10-4-8_BSHW V2 SW V4 SW I/4 NW I/4 Sec. 12, Twp.28N,' R. 22 W.
S. 85 s'e Robert C. Riastoeh and Rxtrrtcta O.
r °08'E-2�•2d /� N. WV2.SWV4SW ' Btastoch, husband and wife and G,anuel 141ler and
$° 96391 1/4 NW 1/4 Fthel V. A^f11er, husband and wife anal Douglas 11i. Miller and Donna C. biller, husband and wife
'� �• Ao ep do hereby certify that we have causeaf to be surveyed and platted -Into lots and streets as shown
6 � �A /e�• upon the annexed plat the following diescribed tract of land: A tract of hind in the 4est Half 3-,\ of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest <'uortsr (,gS7jMP;j'Nb's ) of
�3? section Twelve (12) of Township Twentty-eight (28)North, Range Twenty-tt.o (24) ;%est of the .tontano
Principal 'feridtan and being described as follows: Begfnning at the :outhw-est corner of the
p ti� Rorthwest Quarter (NN;) of the afore said Section 12; thence North 40 52' .;,ast upon the westerly
p e boundary of the afore, said Section 1d a distance of 45.00 feet to the northerly boundary of the
Into County ;load and the true point of bep inning of this subdivision; thence upon the westerly
boundary of the afore said Section ]a North 40 52' East a distance of 60<'.25 feet to a point
r thence South 850 08' 'ast a distance of 238.20 feet to a point; thence Arorth 270 00'-,ast a
distance of 4.00 feet to a point; thence North 770 53' Sast a distance bf 109.31 feet to the
° Northeast corner o the �C.YaS7✓,�NWJ; thence South-40 21 ;rest upon the easterly
° f afore said �' ., : �
boundary of the afore said ir'SWySWjA.R'//` a distance o 609,
8 f 66 feet to the northerly right of any
0 of the County Road; thence North 890 45' West upon the northerly right of uny of the County Road
�1 t a distance of 350.88 feet to the potntt of beginning. This tract and subdivision to be kno as
p ti RIG SKY FOME'SITATS and the land in a11' streets is hereby granted and donated to t publ is o ev r
a aa• oa' E r °+' �'
11 i M ?obert 0. 8 astoch Aftnuej Mtller D ug1 d!. A'f11 r
o Ikatr c a 0. B a �4'thel V. M 11er Don C. 3'i11er
o --
o letter from the County Attorney, ares ?.
3 Salansky, stating owner hip, and a certificate
of title from a I icersed abstracter vus filed ST.4-^" OF MON79NA
V'� t.•ith the County Clerk and .recorder upon the as
ZZL day of v_ LGv� -��✓.� 1466
O On this ljiz� ,1966, before me a NotaryPublic State `� 2 Orana
b ,1066 personaaly appea3re Robert . F as ocrh a ricia 0. Btastoch, husbaand wiferand e!anuel ofller u,
i0 R aeo Ethel V. . :11 er, husba nd and wife and _Douglas M. Miller and Donna C. &'ill er, husband and wife, known to
lV cb t 2 5.850 �""" '10 me to be the persons r;ho executed the foregoing Certificate of Dedication, and acknowledged to me thrl
S.85°p8'E 08E. 2 Glenn S. A llhouse- Clerk and Reece er they did execute the same.
b 144•87 _ o ►36.31' Flathead County -."tote of Nontana
O �°
9 3017, oward V. hammer- Notary Fublis
N1 ; State of Wontana-Afy commission
p O ixpires Tanuary 6-1968
a b - t0 ?esidtng lCalispell,zdortana
° I, the undersigned Donald D. Dah11, a Land Surveyor, State of Montana license Number 796-S. do
An between the 1st, dazy of June and the 15th dad M a hereby certify that betof August 1966 and under my direct
m supervision a carefull and :accurate suarvey was made of BIG SEY HOIHSITrS and platted the same as
N o oa of g00 y shown on the-ccompantng plat, and as described in the aceompaning Certificate of Dedication and
that the same was mad. to accordance with the provisfnns of Volume I Title II Chapter VI Revised
0o t
S.,85008'E ^ 85008'E �� Codes of l:ortana 1?47 ;.etng ^ecttons 111-601 to 11-61G inclusive of said Code. ��
At the time of plattir.
144.87, W N 143.56, t there are dwellings cpon lots Two (.a) and Four (4). Dated this day of <:eptember 1966.
0 o N I 1 $o
° W
z h Donald X1r-I- .'ontaunci 1eg. No. 793-...
2 ip N 40 CG!!'" ' CF F1:;T,7EnD
N � �
Cr, this e Mate of "27 arrCl, personal. y
"-' o vi a/ �f .September 19c� , before me a - otar y Public is or th +
v I v and a erknowledl�t arlo known to me t:o be the person who executed the foregoing Certi%Ica te of ^urv-:,
gedo ,,:e that he did execute the sane.
0,1'a SC016 1"= 50' 1 z etr :rt.on-.Votcry ."ubltc
�l 493 o'L Stat o! ?'nr-ta+a-.9estdtr-g halIsPell , ontara
l 94 cour,rr OFiL. ;ki `ADi ss 3'y eo>~,znrsston expires August 03, 1969.
0 145.34 30.10' 30.10' Ob I45.34'
N 89° 45 1N.- 350.88I Oa ; on t e ,7.da ot..... �j
;too -, L
V�h .................... .:.....lerdRecorder
.....k .. . ^onald D. ?chl,
County CCounty Surveyorr of Flathead County, :'ontana do hereby certify that I have
examined _; the. accomani png plat of-gk 1KY FIOA21PSITBS and survey it rep r�seats and that I fend the
O x same conforms to law and I herebya r<ove the same. Dated this 2?,Oe day of September 1966.
nnna 7. Dahl- Flathead County Surveyor.
3'e, the undersigned, 1'fll fam Knapton, Chairman of the 'roard of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana and Glenn 3. 11i11house, Clerh of
said board, do hereby certify that the plat of BIG .SKY 170L.E 177S as prepared in duplicate, has been submitted to the Board of County Co,.--sissiorers of
Flathead �punty for approval and has Deer. found by them to conform to the law and was_apcvroved by them in duplicate at their regular meeting held on
the day of 1966. The board of County Commissioners waived the reguirernent of a Public Park -as the area is less than twenty (20)acres.
o ✓eyn e j—
�. cm Rhap o -Cha rman of he Poardi f Glenn :s'. 1,'illhouse-.lerir of the oar3
Flathead County C0,7-7.1rstoners. Flathead County :o>=ntisstoners.