BECKERS_ADD_7-2-1_BCKBECK 1 � 66' ib %a os.. ERS ADDITION TO U , la Lm LOT I K 0 p LOT 2 142' tp to ; KALI SPELL' r97aT1cirerc- nF ncnir.aTinu 7-2-1 We, Horry C.eecker and Helen V.Becker,hjsbOnd and wife do hereby Certify that we have roused to De Surveyed subdivided, ore platted into lot$ a-ld streets os:sha'wo by the onnesxed plot the folldwino descrioed tract 0' Ian; Y to Wit a trcct of 10'rd 1'5'O feet^ 6y' i50 feet in size, lying and being in aond o port of the East halt of the Southwest quarter of Section 17 Township jeev North, Range 21 West of the M P M rmore particularly described os follows; Beginning at a point 66Ju+: Southerly from the Southwest corner of Block 248 of Kalispell Townsits Componyi Addition No.7 according to the mad or OfI thereof on record andon file i ithe oOffice! eOf In@ which sCountthe Southerly Clerk and Recorder er of the for the County of FI4110e64, Slots of MontancK and which West line of said BIO,*249,A11hence tram this point of sommenc emenl Southterly and along the Southerly continuation ,r of in west line of elocte24'8 a disfonce of 150 feet, thence of right angles Eusterrly 150 feet thence of right angles Norlherly 150 feet thence of right. on.9t�ee Wasterlytand along,the South line Of 14th street (City of Kalispell, 150 feet t0 the print cf Deginn,ng and oil Iona included in 04I:.Ins stf-fiefs and all.eysshown on Inc crnexed y101 *ss nefeby granted and donote0'a 'he OuD11C fc,ere SOfO subdivision tyo�be known os..:BE1(EC'S ADDITION TO KALISPELL 1 Beale I inch- 5o feet STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD 8 on Nils ID day of JUNE 19-S before me, Donald D. Oohl, a No'ar y Public in and for the State of Monlona, persono:ly appeared Harry C. Becker and Helen V. Decker, nusbond ands wife, Known to me to be the persons whose nor es are subscribed to the foregoing CEPTIFICAIE OF DEDICA`ION old ocKnowledged to me that they did execu•e t?e some in WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hand and affixed my hNoterial Seal the day and year first above written, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I,T.A,Tateheraou, a duly Iicirsij ono to eteIt s.,rrot, Jo hereby .^I?innIy &wEat 'nut ?vr,,y h. wc'Er. of Jug, `Ir to Jcre 22 nd. IS5b A.D. C '. rt'uarJ r C tc ,,%ey ,I IPA IC:,J S r , b , cr 11, nnc F'd peat NOB triode under my superv;sior, that SCid plat was mrce- in ,:Hirt conformity to Soil survey Orn ire C ob r Ses opd Oisfohces Ore frae Ord correct to the bt st Of r-,y rformation Or.O oehet, Gn,T trot the LUfnerS Gt ail i.II oral hl0chs were rloin' y m„r-eJ On Ih-e grC.uI' tiol Suju survey was m.Ode In 5tncr co, tCrm,ty with section 4890 to 4994, as omendea Of the political roues of Mc IJnc, Jed CnCpler 119 0 Low )I Inz j'h -ej s I a t,ve Assembly c.L 250 1 S STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD guyscribed Cnd 5."Tr IC r=ir e Tc Oo,a-d P 17'0h1, u NOtOry Pool iC in :1nJ for the State of Montano, the.:-B dOy of June 1956 NutOry Pvblic My Commission expires January 6, 1958 A.D NSTARY PUBLIC, FLATHEAD COUNTY, STATE OF MwtTANA Off COUNISSIOR EXPIRES UNUARY IL 295E CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR I,T A.Toschereau, county Surveyor ;Aft-ond for the County of FLATHEAD, State of Montano, do hereby certify that I nave examined the annexed plat and hereby approve the some Dated of KALISP.ELL•, MONTANA STATE OF MONTANA COUNTY OF FLATHEAD Filed on tlr / gday of c A. D. i9S` at "W47 -'---- -- comely -- y------------------ Drrpry 1956 COUNT FZ _ My Commlission expires January 6, 1958 ��.`� • reTTANY PUBLIC, MTHEAD COUNTY, STATE OF MOItLUM CERTIFICATE O F COUNTY ATTORNEY COMMISSION EXPIRES J11tlUARY a 125111 1, Edward C. Sehroeter, County Attorney in and for the County at FL.ATHEAO. Stole of MONTANA, do hereby certify that I nova examined the Certificate of a licensed abstracter ciovering title to the lands shown on the annexe plot of BECKERS ADDITION to KALISPELL and #not Harry C Becker and$ Helen V. Becker ore the owners in fee simple of the land so platted, 1 1 �93G County Alt Ofne CERTIFICATE. OF THE C,OUNTY CGMMI'SSIONERS I, Henry Irwin, Chairman of Inc Board of C"missroners of the County of FLAJHEAD. Stole of MONTANA and I A.J.Show, Clerk of said Board do her�eby certify trial onnexed plot woos examined by the said Ba.gird of County eomatrssloners on the lAdoy of %.Y64 A.O 1956, Said Boordi waives requirement of a pork in th:s sub- QIViRtan, as it is less than 20 acres to ore o, ATTEST I t