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ASPEN_KNOLL_PH_1_L6_and_7_and_HILLCREST_TERRACE_L7_BLK_1_AMD_12-6-40_APKL 6- (IM Co'J)% L7 - C)W(O3 9 a 1 _-I n 6 'VL�SLO 0"I-05 By: Larsen ErWIMedng and Surveying,, Ina, P.C. CAI/ Englneedng and Lend sulwepng P.O. BOX 2071 790 7WO A.9//e DdPV Kallspell, Mont. 59901 Phone: 406-752--7908 N Donald R. Larsen, P.L.S. Je#H. Lateen, P.E., P.I.S. 1-163711' R=200.00 L-58.01 T=29.21 LC=57.81 CB=N 10'06'26' E 1=011O'59' -- R-478.55 L=9.88 T=4.94 LG=9.88 CB=N 17'49'28' E I 1-1815'13' — R=478.55 L=15246 T=76.88 LC-151.82 CB=N OB'O6'22' E 30.00 / 55.00 Z 55' RADIUS OF o ASPEN LOOP / ROAD RIGHT OF f WAY L-30 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY OF ASPEN LOOP ' 31.65 l �0 INOTE: SEE ASPEN KNOLL - PHASE 1 PLAT FOR RIGHT OF WAY DIMENSIONS Ci 30 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY --OF ASPEN LOOP E N LOT7 1.00 AC. GROSS, 0.894 AC. NET 261.78 293.44 S8914'44'W— Lore 0.947 AC. (NET) 1.05 AC, (GROSS) 278.72 308.72 S 8914'44' W — l tI1 / .', i Date: Jube20aS OWne/S: Tobey T. & Cynthia W. Schule, (Hlllcrest Terrace, Block 1, Lot 7); Glenn A. & Debora S. Burfeind (Aspen Knoll, Lot 7, Phase 1); Mark & Patricia Skwarchuk (Aspen Knoll, Lot 6, Phase 1). NOTE: ALL DISTANCES ARE iN FEET AMENDED FLA T LOTS 6 AND 7 OF ASPEN KNOLL PHASE 1 AND LOT 7, BLOCK 1 OF HILLCREST :TERRACE NE1 /4 SEC. 11, T. 28 N., R. 22 W., NE CORNER OF ASPEN KNOU,-4 P.M.M., FLATHEAD CO., MONTANA FOUND 5/8' REBAR AND CAP I 40 0 40 80 120 Feet BY 4740 5. HORIZONTAL SCALE 1' = 40' I ,3 FOUND 5/8' RE] & CAP, 2516—S. 3 N n 0 0KWER'S CERTIFICATE I (We), hereby certify that the purpose of this survey is to relocate common boundary lines between five or fewer lots within a platted subdivision. Therefore, this division of land is exempt from review as a subdivision pursuant to Section 76-3-207(1)(e), M.C.A. I (We) also certify that all the subject lots shown hereon are exempt from review by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality because the lots are each a parcel that has no existing facilities for water supply, wastewater disposal, or solid waste disposal other than those that were previously approved by the reviewing authority under Title 76, chapter 4, part 1, MCA, or that were exempt from such review if: (i) no new facilities will be constructed on the parcel; and (ii) the division of land will not cause approved facilities to violate any conditions of approval, and will not cause exempt facilities to violate any condtions of exermflon. State of Montana) SS: 11 County of Flpam,e,p�l) On this k in the 200 mnnamumus M. L,q� //H, c94J1-'.day of year before me, personally appear i Seh� Le t�rfn+hu,1.USc ,ybVJA o�q®..•""""""'a>�C� known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed s to he within instrument, and acknowledged to me that t =,y � NOTARIAL °° 34 C executed the ame. (L®T30) Z6 ; ���, a 71i1 sd'j�e �T: NOTARY PUBU fo the tate of Montana �i m....... \`\ RESIDING My Commission Expires 3/94: GCe) — y�,Dis Hf Llati`S'S� 021W29' W — 17.01 — 5/8' REBAR & CAP BY 2516—S I SS: State of Montahnea�)d nmommmn aomna,, „a"°��;:°���.� O........... ° County of Flathhe—g�i) _ . On this day of in the year 200 before me, personally appeare DYci. S , known to me to be the person ose name is subscribed LO%"� _' r NOTARIAL' to,..)he within instrument, and acknowledged to me that ISEAL executed th ame. I dT eP�Q- pF �0\ oo`P NOTARY PUB�C r `Stafa of -Montana RESIDING�n�C ��Q FOUND 5/8' REBAR, I I & CAP, 2516-5. My Commission xpires_/2 - N 8916'39' E- 151.83 (BETWEEN MONUMENTS) I °;3 2 OLD BOUNDARY �M S FOUND 5/8' REBAR AND CAP �— BY 9525-1-S, N 8914'44' E, , - 0.81 FEET FROM SET MONUMENT. per, !A LOT 7 — 0.465 ACRES 3 _ N � �^ � N I N FOUND 5/8' REBAR, FOUND 5/8' REBAR, NO CAP &CAP, 3980 S. (BASIS OF BEARINGS) 150.14 (BETWEEN MONUMENTS) S 8972'30' W I LOT Till, 3 5/8' REBAR, NO CAP I N I MONUMENT IS 0.31 FEET EAST OF ASPEN KNOLL BOUNDARY. N ^� LOTS 1 NOTARIAL "SEAL LEGAL DESCRiPTION Three Tracts of land, situate, lying and being in the NEt/4 of Section 11, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montano and more particularly described as follows: Lot 6 and 7 of Aspen Knoll — Phase 1, a map or plat on file in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder and Lot 7, Block 1 of Hillcrest Terrace, a map or plat on file in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, as amended on the annexed plat and made a part of this legal description. The above described tracts of land shall be known as the 'Amended Plat of Lots 6 and 7 of Aspen Knoll — Phase 1 and Lot 7, Block 1 of Hlllcrest Terrace*. Lot 6 and 7 of Aspen Knoll — Phase i contain 1.05 and 1.00 acres of land (gross) respectively and Lot 7, Block 1 of Hlllcrest Terrace contains 0.465 acres of land (gross). State of Montana) County of t�p fed) SS: On this —"'day of n the year 2005 before me, personally appeare �rr� known to me to be the person w ose name is subscribed to tb# within instrument, and acknowledged to me that xecuted the game. NOTARY PUBU r t e State. of Montana RESIDING My Commissio Expires LEGEND SECTION CORNER (AS NOTED) ro. 1/4 CORNER (AS NOTED) ® CENTER OF SECTION (AS NOTED) 19 1/16 CORNER (AS NOTED) FOUND 5/8" REBAR & CAP BY 9525-LS (UNLESS NOTED) 0 SET 1/2" X 24" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP STAMPED LARSEN 9250-ES e RECORD POSITION 5/8" REBAR & CAP BY 9525-LS (UNLESS NOTED) �oNTANq CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR JEFF H. JEFF , REGISTRATiON' NUMBER 9250-ES 9LARSEN o AP ,20�S- Xk �r�p FGIS'T EXAMINING LANDSURVEYOR REGISTRATION NUMBE -SY� s �gC'%QNETR tt STATE OF MONTANA SS COUNTY OF Fl-&'rkF- P FILED THISDAY OFSEf20 L3- A.D. AT I I * 07- O'CLOCK A.M. p�V�A �o>atrtso>:-i CLERK AND RECORDER BY: DEPUTY L01 INSTRUMENT RECORD NUMBER7-00S'7-SL k to2G7 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEET(S)