ASHLEY_PARK_PH_1_5-6-28_AVTPLAT OF 0 �-b--�L8 ao9�zV2 BY.' SANDS SURVEYING, INC 1995 THIRD AVENUE EAST KALISPELL, MT 59901 PH. (40Q 755-6481 JOB NO 10180 DATE. MAY 26, 1994 FOR DENNIS CARVERS LUM OWENS LEGEND T1/4 CORNER - FND 2" BRASS CAP 1/16TH COR. - FND 5/8" REBAR BY 2516-S • FND 1/2" REBAR BY 7975-S - (UNLESS NOTED) O SET I/2"x24" REBAR WITH l l/4" PLASTIC CAP, STAMPED: SANDS, 7975-S 0 HOUSE ADDRESS TOTAL AREA: 9.785 AC. LOTS (30) 6.666 AC.. Access Easements (2) 0.147 AC. ROADS 2.759 AC. ENTRYWAY 0.213 A LANDSCAPE AREA "A " ASHLEY PARK. A suevivrsroN PHASE 1 IN THE SE114NE114 & NE114SE114 SEC. 19, T.28N., R.2/W., PM•,M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA SCALE: I" = 50' 0' 25' 50' 100, CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS 1 26'02'19" 249.24' 2 26'02'19" 183.24' 3 90,00,00" 33.00' 4 90,00,00" 66.00' 5 26'02'19" 278.00' (AMENDED PLAT of (SOUTH MEACOWS) _oT i, souTF1 MEAD *40) S _ T ASHLEY CREEK s N23'40'0TE � 6- / / 9`53�. SYSTEM/ 76.23' h \ 10sQ j / UTILITY EASEMENRESERVED T IIIOIN"VeI 113.27' 83.28' 51..84' 103.67' 126.34' 133 7 73' 307 00' 246.99' 216.99' h _ / .�-DR --EASEMENT --o---------- --'�-- --_-DRAINAGE-_-_-_- -- _ - v- - - - - -- - NW NEI/49Ev4 / 7800' 78.00' 78.00' 110' GAS UTILITY O " N88'38.3/'E o N88'38'3/'E EASEMENT N8813831'E o c Irl �10' GAS UTILITY NO EASEMENT 0 3 LOT 4 LOT 3 o h r: W o N 0.364 AC W m Q ti N LOT 7 LOT 6 N w LOT 5 N 0.326 AC p 0.192 AC o 0.192 AC N 0.196 AC z 22� N o N88.38'3/'E = h A-13'0950" 2 12223/ <2205` 1 �2209) (2215, \9Q R-27B.00' IRp002fE LOT 2 Q o 5200�\ \ l 7800' L-638T /�dlra R-278.00' 0.366 AC 02 UJ 5 L-624T 305.45' (COS 11826 3 E 0 N88'38'3/' E 11-26 ^0279" ry m TEAL _ R_24500' �90 o 0 p N88'38'31'E 305.45'_--LL_ll134' a• 2227 W W LOT -------+ - - - 165 45 0.433 AC O 1 ti 0)I � 9�3e Q Z lu N88'38'31'E 132. 5' N88'38'31'E /0700' 10700' 545 _ /! A-26'02%9" ss 26Sry? o `2208 2212 I R-2/2 00' 239?0�1Y 2231 No o I L-96.35' 2220; 6 s 0 GJ�/ 11\ \ O LOT 8 33 ° 33' LOT 23 13 0 0 �o S88.5/'29'E 0.205 AC h ° 0.205 AC IN S' LOT 24 2257 �c4a a h� 0 2�s9,. �) s3 ??9 r 216.99' h r ti 0.226 AC �ti htii o ^ �1�wlm Ip I 4-06 5914" p �� �^ a °0 2201 2 �-3' R-249.24 P ryp 1 '56' v �920 ENTRYWAY LANDSCAPE AREA ' A' �200, M I v L-39.10' ti -b. E" may. „� T.I S88'3B'3/"W 33• ca 90 F 1 1*i 2g 0.213 AC. NB8'38'3/'E /0700' N88'3831'E 10700' 1179 ti/ 3 2250 .0�, 206, I I (RADIAL) ^ 3' LOT 22 RFS - 10' GAS UTILITY �p FRl A-26^02'l9" 2205' EASEMENT-E 1 Imo--- N74%B74"W m 0.162 AC 2230 �2 /�/T FD I o Y R-228 00' 2204 A-17'03'05" 1 s F RR/ 9' QSF Ggpl \ L-10362' A-26'0211 1 1 LOT 25 I� I� R-249.24' A-22'54'42" o �FNrON S R-26/00' o f LOT 9 0 0 0.180 AC IN LOT 26 L-74.19' o" z R-1e324' I N /i2 YSTFy� L-llB.6/' 0.180 AC � I2 i 0.186 AC 2253 d L 7588R73'S2'E /06.89' 1 N6S/90,1 I I 10' GAS UTILITY EASEMENT - (COS 11826 /6 (BASIS OF BEARINGS) EXISTING 15' DRAINAGE 32j N8B'38'3/"E \ EASEMENT `�� DRAINAGEi TS'�1� N88'3r8'3/'E 2/7.53' - �0- - N88.383/'E- 22/.O/'_ _ _ - -^o EASEMENT i Q � ?800' 65.01' �I __� ----a' ------ 47200' {/ 78.00' � -- --44.62' - 923T EI/4 CDR I N88.3831'E 107.00' i i N88'383/'E /0700' / \R-1B3.0737 I N88'3B'3/'E 10700' 2249 N L4000' I� 2208 z209 I I LOT 21 I O LOT 10 LOT 27 JN LOT 28 N 0 0.177 AC Imo° 60.0/' 0 182 AC N � 0.182 AC ^ a h � � 2252 --`4 10' GAS UTILITY EASEMENT 0.172 AC o IIi I I I N88'383/'E 10700' 1 -'1 N88-j831'E /0700' /0700' I I '38'3/'E 10700' O 2248 I 3'- 2212 2245 v I 2215 J W b LOT 20 t o I'd I� T LOT I I b 3 3- C� 3. LOT 30 h NI N h 0.184 AC o I 0.172 AC °0 3 N N LOT 29 o N o o 0.205 AC N� 0.205 AC y 2 2 o 1V8838'3/'E /0700' 1 N88-38'3/'E 10700' 2227 2231 J 1741' I 3 I 174/< l0' 10700' l 2244, A-30.00100' N88'3B'3/'E 214.00 A-30'00'00' nl R-66.00' 3 R-66 00' (� 1 L-34.56' --- 3 M L-34.56' LO)T 19 O I I 1 2 8383r2i00' S- 0215 AC ^o W LOT 12 CANVASBACK 4 s '� = bl I 0.215 AC 4 6j24p'4< 1 N_ �I I 133T6 " N88'38'3TF 2200 2/400' �� A-35*00'00" 29F I N 6-35*00*00" /� �' R-66.00' PU �! R-6600' 26.00' 70.00' e3 U 70.00' 26.00' L-40.32' ems. I O I I 6Ap 0-3i L-40.32' Q 6-25'00'00" 55$ 3 0 A-25'00'00" o_ o R-66.00' LOT 2220 y 18 0 R-66.00' o �2228 o 0 a 2232 o L-28.80' 0.298 AC: I L-28.80' U) O, 1 ti LOT 14 LOT 15 a LOT 16 LOT 17 C240 I LOT 13 W w 0.172 AC W 0.202 AC = 11 0.202 AC W 0.172 AC I 0.298 AC m `v_ N N N I I J W o �� I I ape (2224 � N N N H T' -106.67 - � - - - --9:2.33' - - - - -----70.00-----70.00'---- 1 1----9233-1 -- 106.67'------ - --- - ----- --- _-------------------- ,_.-,22.00' '3' T' S88.383/"W 560.00' 10' GAS UTILITY EASEMENT IL 10 GAS UTILITY EASEMENT (COS 11699 d-26.02''19" R-294.00' L -133. 61' S88'38'3/"W 91.12' N88'38'3/'E /20.37' 90.37' - 89. 60, 2' S8838'3/"W Q 30' Q 30' NOTE: ENTRYWAY LANDSCAPE AREA "A" IS TO BE RETAINED BY THE DEVELOPER FOR LANDSCAPE PURPOSES. NO DWELLING IS ALLOWED ON THIS PARCEL. CERTIFICATE. OF DEDICATION WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE CAUSED TO BE: SURVEYED AND PLATTED INTO LOTS ALL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION, AND SHOWN BY THE ANNEXED PLAT OR MAP AND SITUATED IN FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA: A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING, AND BEING IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER AND IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, P.M. M. , FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M-M., Flathead County, Montana; Thence N88. 38'31"E and along the north boundary of said NF1/45E114 a distance of 472.00 feet to a set iron pin and THE TRUE POINT OF BEING OF THE TRACT OF LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED: 'Thence continUing N8838'31"E 221..01 feet to a found iron pin; Thence N2340'07"F.'/6.23 feet to the approximate thread of Ashley Creek; Thence 966 19'53"E along said thread 163.27 feet to a point on said north boundary of the SE1/4; Thence leavinq said thread N88'38'31"E and along said boundary 217.53 feet to a found iron pin; Thence SOO 021091-F 232.18 feet to a found iron pin; Thence S88 51.12911E 216.1)9 feet to a found iron pin on the westerly R/W of a 60 foot county road known as Airport Road; Thence SOO 02'0911E and along said R/W 111.05 feet to a set iron pin on the southerly R/W of a 66.00 foot road known as Teal Drive; Thence S88 3813111W and along said southerly R/W 89.60 feet to a set iron pin and the, P.C. of a 294.00 foot radius curve, concave northeasterly, having a centralanqle of 2.6 02'1911; Thence along an arc length of 133.61 feet to a set iron pin; Thence N65 19'10"W 112. 33 feet to a set iron pin; Thence leaving said R/W Sol 2112911E 386.58 feet to a set iron pin; Thence S883813111W 560.00 feet to a set iron pin; Thence N01'211291W 553.00 feet to a set iron pin on the northerly R/W of said Peal Drive; Thence N88 38'31"E and along said northerly R/W 52.00 feat to a set iron pin; Thence leaving said R/W N01 2112911W 107.0.1 feet to the point of beginning and containing 9.785 ACRES; Subiect to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. THE; ABOVE DESCRIBED 'TRACT OF LAND SHALL HEREAFTER BE KNOWN AS: ASHLEY PARK, PHASE 1 The 66 foot roadways known as TEAL, DRIVE and CANVASBACK COURT as shown hereon are to be dedicated to the City of Kalispell forever. 'the PEDESTRIAN ACCESSES (A & B) as shown hereon are to be dedicated to the City of Kalispell forever. Ur--1 LITY_,FASENEp,r _c%R_Tly1_QNrE The undersigned hereby grants unto each and every person, firm, or corporation, whether public or private, providing or offering to provide telephone, telegraph, electric power, gas, cable television, water or sewer service to the public, the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, and removal of their lines and other facilities, in, over, under and across each area designated on this plat as 11UT•ILITY EASEMENT" to have and to hold forever. In witness whereof, wehavecaused our hands to be his 199 STATE OF MONTANA ) h ss COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) On this ���� day of �11, 19G1L before me, a Notary' C. for the State of Montapesonally appeared: of F se CU�.%Y1 � l�s and known to me to be the person(s) whome(s) are sabstr'ibgd t - • ' e foregoing instrument 1�4and acknowledged to me that ttleyx14�1 ted to same. Notary Public for.the State to of Montana # } � P , ontana ' 7 `/� + i a Residing atlS.K1QJ' My Commission expire` 11 1 1 Pam' C�13';.'_1.�I&1l.TE_91"...�I2'%�OUtlS.1.Ie .� ,f, yrA,�`"'"^ •,, / We, _ r'�,�1L� �(.tAA.lrn QMaa or for the City of Kalispe Montana an - l.g_ r1a•----- City Clerk of, the: Eir y of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that this plat has: A r submitted for examination and been found by them to conform to .b. ' law, and was approved by the City CQQ ncil of the C'ty of Kali - at it. regular meeting held on the N_'day ofi j, 199.-. �_. The roadways shown hereon as "TEAL DRIV� ANVASB' '! - COURT" are hereby accepted by the City of Kalispell. The•,,,,, 1 pedestrian accesses (A & B) are hereby accepted by the City of Kalispell. $ 2 37 IN LIEU OF PARKLAND May r o Kalispell, Montana City + Clerk ispell, Montana 1, p_eyT,r>r�.%p -._-' Director of City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify plat of ms to the requirements of the Publ the ity f *ic ontana as nearpermr.c o of Pks City of Kalispell, Montana SUBDIVISION N0.X StvaA P&T. I t 0y c r y, ambIic Siojk S,.f cnr.: t'!�e i6t tli¢ ardompa�'m �f WorX��Fp�yttm8nt off '. ci vc5m;sta wc40W Wi iNw l c ,`. J 4W di +Je4�� aY ICATE OF S��: Iel :,i SANDS 975-S ED: t sF��9 7 , 191�/ Examinin Land Surveyor -S STATE O MONTANA )� SS �Z®,S' COUNTY OF FLATHEAD ) nn Filed for rec th• V day of 17-7 1AT4 at I 'clockP_M lriacn c un y C1eI}� and Re By:�� Instrument No. L( / OF / SHEET