ADAMS_ADD_5-1-1_ADAADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL 5s=H 0 t O O rn .O CA O (A (11 Scale I"=100' is, \d 5 I,' A./0• 75y!`85!' _a 125' i T 24 QD 23OD 2 I 75'N'el.• ,,' e 85' 125'� (4. I STONE 5.89 >r w. 12 5' $L. , 1 too' 4 -rt° 1 25 o. �Io ! ::E a w 5� " I o \ 12 5' m 115 B^�`i 90 �+" A 80' 0 y 2 6 1_ .�, 1 - 2 �_ N 3 w � '1 125" ! 1 25 _ �01 ;, 12 ' Rh Y- 23 N 22 N 21 N �'", 2 4 011 - Nd 595.5 STONE VL. 5.8 -WW- 0D 1 1 0 0 6^\� _, e2 ---� _)IM 19 75' 10126. oI"/0• 0. 18 o 2 O 0 N 17 125' y w 3 0 1 el125' �a• 0 b — • 9 15 x 4 N w Iw 1I5 I /O A ee ONE NE —` I�R /�Y — — — � STONE Iz R./0,60d 10 H� e0' e "'` TO' •+$J 70'e� i �. 70'e�." �� 70' tt.60'P.o aK a BL 01$ BLO I V E Im 0 Vim= w I N 2 N 3 w - 4 N 5 V N 6 w I0 4C✓C�ii� ^r..•-_z �.... - 'E.;.. "r!R r.° '' :_ . ' ,a�+n ,., . .a... , ^r .. w�...E�.w �.: eh 80 K2 2 10 4 ern 1 �i w �. obi. I` 14 �./ t, `U. p✓ a 'A � { .I N e,= m 9 e �, 5 2 w N 10 ust Y `®..-..„ 1 I' 13 I N 8 N 7 6 - 4: 70 .ey I I ,-w 90' �• 6! \ 90' (�' � 1 4,40' R IT _] — ySTONE -- N_845'E.— 9° w--- I BLOCK S E VEN - I N 2. N N w tit w N CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY is the undersigned Donald D Dahl, a Land Surveyor, Montana License Number798-S do hereby certify that between July 15, 1957 and September 30, 1957 1 made a careful[ and accurate survey of ADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL and platted the some as shown on the accompaning plat, and as described in the accompaning Certificate of Dedication and that the some was made in accord once with the provisions of Volume I, Title II, Chapter VI; Revised Codes of Montana 1947, being Sections II-601 to II-616 inclusive of said code. Doted this 30th day of September 1957. St a t e of Montana County of Flathead On this 30th day of September, 1957, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared Donald D. Dahl, known to me to be the person who ex ec ut ed the foregoing Certificate of Survey, and acknowledged to me that he did execute the some. NOTARY PUBLIC — STATE IF MONTANA Residing at Kalispell, Mo tano My commission expires Sept. 1-1958 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR 1, T.A.Toschereau Surveyor of Flatead County,Montano do hereby certify ,County that I have examined the accompaning plat of ADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL and survey it represents and that I find the some conforms to law and I hereby approve the some. Dated this day of 4,, 1958 CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I, M.DEAN JELLISON, County Attorney, in and for the County of Flathead,do hereby certify that I have examined the Certificate of a Licensed Abstracter covering title to the lands described on the accompaning plot of ADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL and certify that JESS R. ADAMS and ILA MAE ADAMS are the owners in fee simple of the land so platted. Doted this II th day of J ULY 1958 CERTIFICATE OF COQNTY COMMISSIONERS We, the undersigned, Henry W. Irwin , chairman, and A. J. Shaw, clerk, of the Flathead Board of County Commissioners, do hereby certify that; the occompaning plat of ADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL has been found by them to conform to the law and as approved by them at their regular meeting held day of 1958. Dated this �:L- day of 1958. A ttes Northeast Cor.Seal 2-Twp.28N,R..22W. Sec.Co. 1.75'North of PI. and I. 5 West of PO. S. T. P1. Station 39t 85.1 PC. 35+77. 5 29 t 20 °-7 BeaYing Datum All bearing datum taken from Montana State Highway plot Federal Aid Secondary- No. S -157 (1) Curve Datum Center line Highway —.A = 89046' Lt D=140 00' T = 407. 6' L = 641. 2' R = 409.3' Next t0 Lot I Blk.l .8 = 890 46'Lt D = 15 ° Od T = 379.28' L = 594.26' R = 3 7 9.30' Lot 5 Block 2 a = 43005'Rt T = 45' L = 85.72' R = 114 Lot 18 Block I A = 43005'Rt T = 65.13' L = 124.08 R = 165' Lot 8 Block 2 A = 47011'Rt. T = 49.78 L = 93188' R = 114 Lot 13 -14 Bl k. l a = 470 11' Rt. T = 72.Oe L = 135.88' R = 165' Legend po"Sfone -= Stone of aprox. 10"x 12"x 12" marked with an aprox. 24"under t9P of ground. °— Lot Corrners marked with 2 x 2 x 12"Cedar Hubs. U4— The fcollowing Lots have a ten foot easement as given in 10; Certifiicate of Dedication — Lots I, 2, 3,4and 5 of Block 4, Lots 1„ 2,3,4, 5 and 6 of Block 5, Lots I, 2 and 3 of Block 6,and 13 5 Lots 11,2,3 and 4 of Block 7 The faollowing Lots hove a five foot easement as given in Certifiicate of Dedication— Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 113,14, 15,16 and 17 of Block 1, Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 8, 9, I c ), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17,18, 19, 2 0, 2 I, 22,23, 24, 25 and 26 of Block 2, Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Block 3 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION We, the undersigned property owners do hereby certify that we have caused to be surveyed, subdivided, and platted into lots, b1ocks, streets, alleys and pork as shown on the accompaning plat and described as follows, thle following tract of land to wi tt :- All and singular that certain tract or parcel or piece of land situate, lying and being in the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 28 N.,Range 22 W. of the M.P M. and being more particularly described as follows:- Begining at Northeast corner of afore said Section 12; thence S.0'43'E.- 1066.78feet along the Emsterly line of aforesaid Section 12,to a point,which point is N. Oa 43'W.- 255 feet from the Southleasi corner of aforesaid NE 1/4 NE 1/4; thence S.89045' W.- 29.12' to the Westerly right of wlay of Meridian Road, as constructed, to a point, which point is the true point of begining of: this subdivision; thence S.890 45' W.- 1244.60feet to a point; thence N.Oa 01'E.- 1030.35 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way of Three Mile Drive;thence N.891132E.-853.83 feet to a point;thtence along a 15°06'Curve to the Right of a 379.3 foot Radius for a Length of 594.26 feet tot the point of termination; thence S.00 42' E. - 657.43 feet, along the Westerly right of way of Meridian Road, to the point of beg ining. Said tract is to be known as (ADAMS ADDITION TO KALISPELL and the lands included in all streets, alleys, and parks as shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. The undersigned also grant and dedicate to the use of the public forever an easement, all as shown on said plat, for the purpose of the construction, maintenance and operation of any and all service facilities, including but without limitation, water, sewer, gas mains and loterlals, telephone, electrical, and power poles and lines, drainage lines, and all equipment and facilities necessary or incident to such service installations, provided however that it is ncot to be construed as grant of use of surface rights for road purposes. State of Montana County of Flathead On this 30th day at; September„ 1957, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JESS R. ADAIMS and ILA MAE ADAMS, husband and wife, known to ml to be the persons who executed the foregoing Certificate of Dedication, and acknowledged to me that they did execute the some. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MONTANA Residing at Kalispell, Montana My Commission Expires Januory 6-1958