Resolution 3383 - Transfer Among Appropriations�90 RESOLll L !ON NO . 3 383 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSFER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1980-1991 FISCAL YEAR. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1980--1981 fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures within the general classification of Maintenance and Operation for the various departments of the City have proven in- accurate in the operation of the City for that portion of the 1980-1981 fiscal year so far. expired, and WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said classification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of expenditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1980-1981 fiscal year thus far expired, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budget appropriations in said classification will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1980-1981 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, under the authority granted the Council by law to make trans- fers or revisions within a general budgetary classification, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that.the following transfers within the classification of Maintenance and Operation in the City.budget for the 1980-19 81 fiscal year should be made, See Attached Exhibit *°ATl PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, THIS 2nd DAY OF .November , 19 81 ATTEST,. Magiorie Giermann, City Clerk Norma E a Happ , Mayor 1 1 the -undex�signed, City Clerk of the City of Kalispell certify that the foregoing is a °true copy.-p the Resolution passed by the Ci y Council of.the City of Kalispell, Montana, at a Vegillvx,.meeting held / e Y City C k of the City of Kalispell A ti RESOLUTION NO, 3383 EXHIBIT "A"' MAINTENANCE $ OPERATION TRANSFERS General Fund: $157.81 from Board of Adjustment Budget to City Council Budget. $59.40 from Mayor's Budget to City Clerk Budget, $337.30 from City Court Budget to Attorney's Budget,. $4,790.28 from Police Crime Control Budget to City Hall Budget, $1,229.18 from Parking Regulation Budget to City Hall Budget. $265.88 from Fire Protection Budget to Building Department Budget._ $312.00 from Animal Control, to Director of Public Works Budget, $471.S5 from Golf Course to Interest on Reg. Warrants Budget. $2,280.00 from City -County Planning to Interest on Reg, Warrants Budget. $1,224.69 from Elections to Interest on Reg, Warrants Budget, $340.33 from Hockaday Budget to Parks, Recreation Budget, $4,000.00 from Losses of Insured Assets Budget to Parks, Recreation Budget. $3,900.00 from City -County Health to Parks, Recreation Budget. Ambulance Budget: $270.75 from Motor Vehicle Maintenance to Gas & Oil. $15.97 from Postage to Other Supplies. $30.00 from Telephone to Collection, Central Garage Budget: $2 , 97 from School $'Travel to Office Supplies. $497.06 from Inventory to Other Supplies. $416.57 from Inventory to Gas & Oil, $474.60 from Inventory to Vehicle Maintenance. $7.49 from Inventory to Natural Gas. Revenue Sharing Budget; $600.00 from Membership 4 Dues to Central Stores $225.32 from Burrough's Maintenance to Central Stores $1,150.00 from City Audit to Central Stores, $524.68 from Parks-B.O.R. to Central Stores. • $2,340.20 from Self -Insurance to Ordinance Update. $414.40 from Litigation to Xerox Lease, (Continued) 1092 Revenue Sharing Budget Continued: $20.72 from .Library to City Attorney Membership & Dues. $895.23 from Crime Control Matching to City mall Maintenance, $64.15 from Self -Insurance to Police Overtime. $81,31 from Self -Insurance to Patrol Car Supplies, $9,449.97 from Road Oil to Street Department Improvements. $14,932.84 from Road Oil to Street Department Vehicles, $1,105.95 from Self -Insurance to Land Payments. $468.52 from Self -Insurance to City Shop Inventory. $535.43 frr om Self -Insurance to Parks -Other Equipment. Water Department Budget- $728.37 from Vehicle Maintenance to Other Supplies. $1,154.94 from Natural Gas to Gas & Oil. $87.30 from Telephone to office Supplies. $5,005.18 from Billing Costs to Electricity. $2,383.51 from Building Maintenance to Equipment Maintenance, $3,536, 87 from Insurance to Inventory,. Sewer Collection & Transmission Bugeo $1,273.38 from Lines & Stations to Other Supplies._ $350.95 from Lines & Stations to Gas 4 Oil, $269.50 from Lines & Stations to Billing Costs $127,66 from Lines & Stations to City Shop, Secondary Treatment Plant Budget: $477.87 from Health Insurance to Office Supplies. $2,686,96 from Other Supplies to Gas & Oil, $3,192.76 from Other Supplies to Electricity, $19.28 from Membership & Dues to Printing a Zerox. $394.42 from Natural Gas to Debt Retirement, $.1.0 , 000.00 from Legal Fees to Debt Retirement, $6.72 from Telephone to Radio Maintenance., $8.00 from Capital Outlay Other to Capital Outlay Improvements. 1 1