Samaritan House App to MDT Public Hearing Affidavit of PublicationNo. 27794> CITY OF KALI NA NOTICE OF PULL' MONTA- BLIC HEAR- ING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana will hold a STATE OF MDNTANA public hearing to receive public testimony and evidence on May 17, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., regarding the Samaritan House application FLATHEAD COUNTY to the Montana Department of Commerce, Community Devel- opment Block Grant Planning AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Grant program, for a grant fund the preparation of a Prelimi- nary Architectural Report for the MARY BOOTH BEING DULY expansion of the Samaritan SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE I S THE LEGAL House facility at 1110 2nd Street West, Kalispell, Montana. The CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY Public can participate via video conference through the link on NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND the City Council May 17, 2021, agenda at https:Ilwww.kalispell.c PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF IALISPELL, IN THE omlagendacenter. Public com- COUNTY F FLATHEAD, ment for this hearing can also be O LA HEAD, STATE OF MDNTANA, AND Provided via email to publiccom THAT No. 27790 ment@kalispell.com. All evidence and public com- ment derived from the hearing shall be included in Samaritan House's application for funding LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND from the cDBG Block Grant pro- gram. Further information may PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF be obtained from the City Clerk SAID PAPER of the city, whose address is ,AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Ave- ON THE DATES OF MAY 9, 16 , 2021 nue East, Kalispell, Montana, tel- ephone number is (406) 758-7756 email cityclerk@kalis Pell.com, mailing address Po Box 19971 Kalispell, Montana, AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE 59903. Any interested persons PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE MINIMUM may appear via teleconference and be heard at this scheduled GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER public hearing or may file written comments with the City Clerk ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, prior to such hearing. Bated this 3rd day of May, 2021. SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED ORDER OF THE CITY FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. COUNCIL kimee Brunckhorst, CMC, amity Clerk hay 9, 16, 2021 nNAXLP Subscribed and sworn to Before me this, May 16, 2021 rr rrrr Dorothy I. Gl ross Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Kalispell My commission expires 9/ 12/2021 DOROTHY I CLENCROSS GcF�c,�p Notary Public for the State of Montana * Notarial * Residing at KALISPELL, MT seas My Commission Expires September 12, 2021