Ordinance 1213 - Text Amendment - Athletic Club Parking333 ORDINANCE NO. 1213 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 27.26.050(37), CITY OF KALISPELL ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1175. NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That Section 27.26.050(37), City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance No. 1175 is hereby amended by excluding "Athletic Clubs" and including a new section 27.26.050(1) to read: 11(1). 1 space per 200 gross square feet of floor area", and re --numbering subsections 1 through 56 accordingly. ECTION II. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty ( 30 ) days from and after the date of its final passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS 17th DAY OF October , 1994. ATTEST: -aA4�=�,j em �- Debbie Gi , C.M.C. Clerk of uncil 1 72WE 2=7711D. Rauthe,