10-01-20 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING
Date: October 1, 2020
Location: KPD Conference Room
In attendance:
Janet Clark, Tim Falkner, George Giavasis,
Dave Hutton, Bob Macek, Mark Pirrie and Rob Smith
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:30 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie
Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Janet, second by George.
2. Approval of July 2020 Board Meeting:
Moved by George, second by Bob.
3. Hearing of the Public:
Katharine King attended the meeting to provide an update on the redevelopment plan for the Valley Bank
Lot. The next appraisal on the lot is 4-5 weeks out. The City already has developers showing interest in
the project. She has met with Valley and Glacier Banks. The banks have offered to sell a few permits if
4. Financial Updates for July and August 2020:
5. Parking Updates for July and August 2020:
6. Old Business:
Parking in front of the Northwest Montana History Museum was discussed. Meter revenue remained
about the same after moving the volunteers to the north end of the lot.
7. New Business:
City owned parking lots and utilization by city employees was discussed. Specifically, the lot north of
City Hall. Board Members have been approached by members of the public, concerned that city
employees get all of the prime parking spots. Discussion followed and possible alternative parking for
city employees was discussed. Half of the lot has assigned spaces. The other half is for city vehicles.
Most, if not all, belong to the Building Department. The people that drive them are in and out all day
Per the request of Glacier Bank and with the approval of the board, the parking meters in the Glacier Bank
lot south of the First Avenue Taphouse will be removed this afternoon. All were in favor.
The Board discussed the current fine amounts for Parking safety violations. After much discussion, it was
decided that the fine amount will remain the same and no changes will be made to the tickets at this time.
It was suggested that fine amounts be discussed with the BID to get their opinion on the current amount.
Downtown signage was discussed. George would like to see the signs cleaned up a bit and be consistent
throughout downtown. He suggested a new design for them as well. He will come up with a design idea
for the next meeting.
8. Unfinished Business:
The next meeting will be Thursday, March 18, 2021.
Chairperson Mark Pirrie adjourned the meeting at 8:55a.m.
Approved by the Board on: Thursday, March 18, 2021
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado