Lawrence Park Trails Public Comment from Ben LongAimee Brunckhorst
From: Ben Long <>
Sent: Sunday, March 7, 2021 8:17 PM
To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Lawrence Park Trails
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed addition of trails in the wooded portion of Lawrence Park.
As you may recall, we have seen transient camps and illegal drug use on our property at 580 4th Ave. East North
adjacent to the park. So we share the city's concern about these problems. We appreciate staff and council time focused
on this area.
We do not believe building new trail is the answer to the challenges facing Lawrence Park, at least until the city
demonstrates it can keep up the trails it already has.
The map included in the council packet omits one trail that already connects the field up the north hill to an
overlook. This trail has been neglected for more than a decade and is more and more eroded, overgrown and weedy
every season.
We don't believe the city should we build more trails when it cannot maintain existing ones and get a handle on
the weed problem.
While we were glad to see at least a mention of controlling weeds in the 2023 budget, our question is, why
wait? Lawrence Park is one of the greatest city parks in Montana, but the weed problem is extensive. The north hill is
almost solid knapweed and cheatgrass. The forested area is carpeted with hounds tongue and thistle. The problem is
already out of hand and the budget does not make any detailed or realistic explanation of how the city intends to
address it. Additional trails will only provide more weed corridors.
We think there is a better way forward makes better use of public dollars. In short, invest in weed control in a
dedicated, long-term plan. Integrated weed management would have multiple benefits. The increased boots -on -the -
ground presence would help deter illegal camping and drug use. The increased presence of park workers would also
deter litter and vandalism.
At very least, we would ask that if the new trail is built it NOT BE USED as a disc golf course. Disc golf has
gradually taken over almost all of the park. It's great to see people having fun, but we need to leave places for family to
go without dodging discs. We visit the park nearly every day and are dismayed by the amount of litter at the park. That
needs to be addressed.
Trails are no panacea for illegal camping or drug use. Indeed, they can simply make it easier for people to get
deeper into the woods for their illegal activities, teen drinking, littering and the like.
Lawrence Park is one of Kalispell's great assets. Let's take care of it before it falls into disrepair.
We are proud of Lawrence Park and would be delighted to walk these trails and discuss these issues any time.
Thank you
Ben Long and Karen Nichols
580 4th Ave. East North.