02-23-21 Architectural Review Committee MinutesMINUTES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE DATE: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 g 7:30 AM Kalispell City Hall, 201 1"Ave E MEMBERS PRESENT: Julia Pierrottet; Sarah Turner(zoom); Susanne Wigginton OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff — Rachel Ezell; PJ Sorensen # of Guests: 0 Hear the Public: None ADDroval of Minutes: The minutes for February 9, 2021 could not be approved because there was not a quorum present. New Business: Discussion of Downtown Historic District Design Standards o Sign regulations/standards discussed at the Planning Board work session on January 12, 2021, should they be included in the design standards and what specifically should be included. o Ordinary maintenance and repair standards o Wall mural vs wall sign standards o Color guidelines regarding murals o Standards for artistic displays, size limits Old Business: None Other Discussion: None Meeting Adjourned g 8:21 AM