Kalispell Mask Mandate??? Public Comment from Renee DimlerAimee Brunckhorst From: Renee <reneesuz07@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 22, 2021 8:56 AM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: [EXTERNAL] Kalispell Mask Mandate??? Mr. Russell, I read the paper this morning, and each day I am leaning more and more on cancelling the Daily Interlake because it is just more BS biased MSM propaganda. I have grown increasingly tired of seeing the crows come to roost in our nice small town and leave their carnage everywhere. Who voted for Ryon Hunter to come into our town and spend our tax dollars meeting to "implement a city -specific mask mandate in Kalispell"???? Why doesn't Ryan Hunter MOVE TO WHITEFISH. It's only a 15 mile commute .... or better yet he can just stay there in his bubble?? I have not worn a mask AT ALL for the last year. Guess what ..... I have not been sick either. THE PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN, COUNTY, STATE, AND COUNTRY NEED TO WAKE UPM THIS SCAMDEMIC IS A HOAX OF THE GREATEST PROPORTIONS MEANT TO DESTROY OUR ECONOMY SO THAT WE ARE LEFT TO ASK THE GOVERNMENT FOR HANDOUTS. I WILL NOT STAND IN LINE TO FILL A PROPANE TANK OR GET A MOLDY LOAF OF BREAD. It starts with the masks. Do people really believe all this BS??? The SCIENCE DOES NOT BACK WHAT THEY'RE SELLINGM It's a steaming pile of shit and MSM is telling the public it's a free pile of chocolate pudding and everyone ran to get their spoon! WHY is there NO CRITICAL THINKING ANYMORE????? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF PEOPLE??? I am not afraid and I will not live in fear. I also will not let one guy in his bubble create fear where I live. If Ryan Hunter wants to live in fear and spread his mask mandate propaganda, he should move. PLEASE STOP WASTING OUR TIME AND ENERGY ON ENFORCING THIS BS. IT HAS NO MERIT. COVID-19 HAS A .009% DEATH RATE AND I AM GOING TO TAKE MY CHANCES. Shout out to our amazing Governor for his good work btw! Renee Dimler Too Many Books, LLC P.O. Box 3382 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-212-5251 Cell/Work reneesuz07@gmaiIsom