01-28-21 Site Development Review Committee Minutes SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, January 28, 2021
First Floor Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Rachel Ezell, Planner II Rick Parker, Commercial Plans Examiner
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer
Patrick Jentz, Engineer II Jarod Nygren, Planning Director
PJ Sorensen, Senior Planner Tim Falkner, Administrative Captain
Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec Director
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (MDT)
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Rachel sent out a letter to Meadows Edge regarding
Phase 1B, the agreement is set to expire on February 24, 2021. A cashier’s check was given so
the collateral won’t expire but still to follow up on the work to be done. Tom Tabler noted that
the Universal Mechanical bond has been released.
Stillwater Square - Address TBD (Silverbrook); apartment complex. Public Works is still
working on pre-treatment plan. An engineering approval has been given so they are moving
forward with some of the underground work. The water main has not officially been accepted
yet, it still must be pressure tested. This will be on the agenda next week.
Owl View Landing Phase 2 – 209 Sawyer Lane; second phase of apartment complex – Still
waiting on a landscape plan. This will be on the agenda next week.
Copper Mountain Headquarters – 31 Three Mile Dr.; new office, catering, and retail – Parks
received an updated landscape plan that shows the connection for the accessible route. Phase 2
will not be signed off on until the Phase 1 improvements are completed. This will be on the
agenda next week.
Sunshine Factory – 15 Glacier View; residential community center – Public Works is waiting
on a resubmittal. This will be on the agenda next week.
Arcade & Tap House – 2400 Hwy 93 S. - remodel to arcade/tap house – Nothing new. This will
be on the agenda next week.
Stillwater Crossing – 430 Stillwater; new apartment complex – Public Works has received a
submittal; most other departments are waiting on submittals. This will be on the agenda next
Mountain Valley Foods – 25 Commons Way; tenant expansion and parking lot reconfiguration
– departments still under review. The plan is to include the landscape agreement which will
restrict landscape changes on the street frontage along the highway and require approval to make
any changes in the future. This will be on the agenda next week.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEM: PJ updated committee on upcoming planning agenda items.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager City Clerk
Bldg. Fire Comm. Dev.
Planning Parks
Public Works MDOT