FONSI West Side Regional Stormwater Improvements AffidavitNP "ACC FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO ALL INTERESTEE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS As required by state and federal 1 rules for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, an environmental review has been performed on the proposed action - Project: City of Kalispell West Side Re- gional Stormwater Improve- ments, Location: Kalispell, Mon- tana, Project Number: C305182, Total Cost: $5,052,049. The City of Kalispell, through its 2008 Updated Stormwater Facili- ty Plan, prepared by TD&H Engi- neering, and the 2019 Prelimina- ry Engineering Evaluation Re- port (PEER), prepared by AE2S consultants, has identified the need to construct stormwater im- provements west of Kalispell. The specific area for the im- provements is north of Quarter Horse Estates Subdivi- sion and south of Reserve Drive. There is very little storm drain- age infrastructure within this ba- sin, which is currently a rural system of swales and culverts. Historically, flooding has occur- red within the lower elevations of Quarter Horse Estates. In addi- tion, storm drainage improve- ments are needed to properly handle stormwater generated by future development. The 2019 PEER evaluated altematives and con- sidered impacts associated with the proposed project. The chos- en alternative consists of ap- proximately 9,000 feet of 24 -inch stormwater collection pipe, two regional stormwater detention fa- cilities, and a new outfall on West Spring Creek, west of Quarter Horse Estates. The ad- ditions to Kalispell's stormwater system will improve the city's ability to reduce pollutants and meet the Minimum Controls Measures (MCMs) set forth in the Municipal Separate Storni Sewer System (MS4) General Permit. Construction is sched- uled to begin in the spring of 2021 and be completed by the end of that year. The estimated project cost (including adminis- tration, engineering, and con- struction) is $5,052,049. The dis- trict will fund these project costs through a loan in the amount of $3,685,000 from the Water Pol- lution Control State Revolving Fund Program, at an interest rate of 2.50% and a term of 20 years; $967,049 in City of Kalispell stormwater impact fees; and $400,000 from the City's stormwater fund. Federal and State grant loan programs will fund the project. Environmentally sensitive characteristics such as wetlands, floodplains, threatened dr endangered species, and his- torical sites are not expected to be adversely impacted because of the proposed project. Public 1 participation during the planning process demonstrated support for the selected altemative. No significant long-term environ- mental impacts were identified. An environmental assessment (EA), which describes the project STATE OF MONTANA FLATHEAD COUNTY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MARY BOOTH BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THE LEGAL CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL, IN THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, AND THAT NO. 27455 LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF SAID PAPER, AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF ON THE DATES OF JANUARY 1, 2021 AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE MINIMUM GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. Subscribed and sworn to Before me this, January 1, 2021 Dorothy I. G1 ross Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Kalispell My commission expires 9/12/2021 DOROTHY I GLENCROSS Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at KALISPELL, MT My Commission Expires September 12, 2021 and analyzes the impacts in more detail, is available for pub- lic scrutiny on the DEQ web site http://deq.mt.gov/Public/ea and at the following locations: De- partment of Environmental Qual- ity, 1520 East Sixth Avenue, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901 Jackie.Kuhl@mt.go v, and Clty of Kalispell, 201 First Avenue East, PO Box 1997, Kalispell, MT 59901. Comments on the EA may be submitted to the Department of Environmen- tal Quality at the above address. After evaluating comments re- ceived, the department will re- vise the environmental assess- ment or determine if an environ- mental impact statement is nec- essary. If no substantive com- ments are received during the comment period, or if substan- tive comments are received and evaluated and the environmental impacts are still determined to be non-significant, the agency will make a final decision. No ad- ministrative action will be taken on the project for at least 30 cal- endar days after release of the Finding of No Significant Impact. Sincerely, Mark Smith, P.E., SRF Program Manager, Water Quality Division, Montana Department of Environmental Quality Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, APR City Clerk & Communications Manager City of Kalispell January 1, 2021 MNAXLP