Alta Scope of Work Phase 3 - Phase 4Scope of I", Work, 'M J Following the completion of the Supplemental EA and 3% design, the project team will begin work on the full set of Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E). The: submittal milestones are tied to FRA needs and will occur at the progress draft (approx 601/16) and Final (WO#4). The project schedule is, dependent on FRA approval of SEk 1.1 General Project Management This task includes continued general project management activities such as internal coordination, project schedule management and invoicing responsibilities. 1.2 City Team Coodination We anticipate approximately bi-weekly web -conference meetings with various city staff throughout the duration of Phase 3. Task 1' Deliverables • Monthly invoices, general project management activities, correspondence, etc • Formal and informal meetings with various key city staff (bi-weekly - assume 10) Task 6.6 Traffic Analysis Discussions with MDT have verified that they will require traffic analysis for the proposed hybrid beacon crossing at 93. This will involve modeling how the beacon will interface and will coordinate with adjacent signals, at US 2 and at Center Street. IW has already placed traffic cameras to collect high season data and Alta has requested a base Synchro model of this area from MDT for modification. Alta will produce a memo detailing the analysis regarding the hybrid beacon and attach the raw model output as appendices. Task 5.,7 Supplemental Survey (KLJ) Collect additional survey data at all existing road crossings, within BNSF fee simple property & easements, and new complete street. Collection of survey data within the BNSF fee simple property and easements will require the acquisition of a Temporary Occupancy Permit from BNS,F and flagging of the rail since it will be active. Collect survey data, as identified during the final design phase. Confirm BNSF fee simple property and easement boundaries. Create an exhibit and legal description of the railbanked property. Task 5.8 Geotechnical Engineering Analysis (AJlpinie Geotechnical) Field Investigation: City of Kalispell[ I C4 of Kalispell We propose to drill ten (10) borings along the existing rail and proposed trail alignment taken to depths of 5 to 10 feet each. It is anticipated that native soils encountered beneath the existing track ballast and supporting gravel section will consist of fine-grained glacial lacustrine lean clay soils based on prior drilling experience in the project vicinity. The drilling will be conducted by a truck -mounted rig using hollow stem auger equipment. Sampling will be in general accordance with industry standard procedures wherein Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) will be conducted at maximum intervals of -feet, and thin -walled tube samples will be obtained at selected depths in fine-grained deposits. The field investigation will be directed by our geotechnical engineer who will oversee the drilling operation and select sample type and location. Observations will be made for groundwater levels during and after drilling. Once the samples have been collected and classified in the field, they will be placed in appropriate sample containers for transport to our laboratory. We will contact the local Montana One- call center for location of utilities in public easements. Location of private lines on the property is not part of the one -call service or Alpine scope. All private lines should be marked by others prior to beginning of drilling. Laboratory Investigation: Samples of the native soils will be tested in our laboratory to, determine physical and engineering characteristics. Testing will be performed under the direction of a geotechnical engineer and will include visual classification, moisture content, particle size, liquid -plastic limits, maximum dry density, unconfined compressive strength and in -situ density. All laboratory testing will be conducted by the most current edition of ASTM test standards. Geotechnical Engineering Analysis and Report. The results of our field and laboratory programs will be evaluated by a professional geotechnical engineer licensed in the State of Montana. Based on the results of our evaluation, we will prepare an engineering report that summarizes the results of the testing performed and provides appropriate geotechnical design/construction recommendations based upon our analysis. The report will include the following: • Boring location plan • Encountered soul conditions • Groundwater levels observed during and after completion drilling • Computer generated boring logs with soil stratification based on visual classification • Summarized laboratory data • Soil classification criteria, and general notes that describe drilling, sampling, and classification terminology • Concrete path, asphalt roadway, and raised concrete trail/roadway crossing thickness section recommendations based upon site specific subgrade conditions • Recommendations for re -use of the railroad ballast as baserock for pavements • Site grading/subgrade preparation/earthwork/drainage recommendations • Infiltration rate for storm water design (maximum oft' double ring infiltrometer tests) Task 5.9 Bridge Conversion Analysis (KU) The initial bridge inspection will evaluate and document the overall condition of the bridge, identify potential areas in need of repair, and assess how to attach a pedestrian barrier system for the transfer of function to a pedestrian bridge. The inispectin will include basic measurements needed for installation of barriers and will 2 Alta Scope of Work be limited to accessible locations of the bridge. Thiiis iinspection will not include a deck surface evaluation where removal of ballast material is required. The bridge designwilil include a physical barrier inhibiting objects being thrown from the bridge, attachment of physical barrier, repairs to the concrete and stormwater dlrainaige system, and trait/ path, construction. Work included in this task assumes minor repairs thiat docn affect loadling or structural integrity. Task 5.110 Plaza Map Graphic Alta.'s graphic design team will develop one large schematic map graphic of the Flathead Valley to, be etched or embedded into plaza paving. Design will be informed by existing approverbnceptuial sigin design and aesthetic from earlier phases of work. The City of Kalispell will also provide Alta with all content including GIS data. s, Alta will provide up to, two (2) schematic map designs for review before moving forward'. City provide approximate specifications and dimensions needed for plaza, and any content (text if any), plus GIS data, • City of Kalispell to select one map design to move forward with and send consolidated comments • Alta to provide final updated map design tcCity of Kalispell • City of Kalispell to approve, final map design, Task 5.11 Supplemental Environmental Assessment (KLJ) Incorporate comments collected during the QJay public comment period and provided by FRA in the finial SEA. Submit finial SEA to FRAsgist FRA with the creation of the FONSI, Task 5.12 Develop a Surface Soil Management Plan (WGM) The soil management plan will provide details regarding how the excavated surface soil (2 to 3 ft bgs) will be managed, characterized, and disposed (if neamy) during the construction activities. Task 5 Deliverables • Draft and final Traffic Analysis Memo to NOT and City of Kalispell for review and comment • Phase 11 ESA Surface Soil Report • Soil N&nagement Plan • (3cotechnical Engineering Report * Final SEA M 10!1111•1�1 1111iiii yin: 1� Following comments and reviews from the 30% design, The Alta and KLJ team will prepare a set of 9011/16 construction documents by December 31, 2019 that will provide sufficient detail to fulfill FRA requirements. Our team anticipates a collaborative approach and we will not wait until the final 901% submittal to solicit City of Kalispell 13 City of KafispeU specific City of Kalispell feedback. We anticipate the bi-weekly coordination meetings will become the venue to discuss design details, materials, specifications and other elements of design to help refine the design between 30% and 90�%. Participation at these meetings will require additional city staff in other departments such as, Public Works and Parks Departments. The Alta team may submit interim submittals as part of this phase as necessary to progress the design towards 90,%. Once a complete street is approved by the City Council and incorporated into the design plans, that draft plan set will be submitted to FRA FRA has requested an interim plan set that incorporates their comments from the 30% plan review and the: complete street. This is not a formal review but informs the FRA on how the design is progressing. The 90516 construction documents will need to be signed by the FRA and the City of Kalispell. The 30�% plans produced a potential cost estimate that his higher than the allotted construction budget. Based on refinements below to the included items, the plans will expand on the detail provided within the 30% submittal and include the following elements: • Plan coversheet containing all stakeholder signatures • Title Sheet with a drawing revision number or date; an index identifying various plan sheets comprising the drawing set; a legend of symbols or abbreviations • Typical Cross-section Sheets • Typical Notes Sheets • Legend Sheet • Plan Alignment Sheets • Removal Sheets • Plan Construction Sheets • Grading Sheets • Stormwater/ Drainage Sheets (KIJ) • Utility Sheets OCLJ) • Lighting / Electrical Sheets (KLJ) • Traffic Control and Construction Staging • Signal Plan Sheets • Signing & Striping Sheets • Plaza Sheets * Site Furnishing 'Sheets 9, Bridge Sheets (KLJ) • Planting Plan Sheets • Irrigation Plan Sheets • aP" (70,t h7C11JVPd, • Standard Special Details Sheets • 90%, cost estimate as outlined in the, FRA Capital Cost Estimating Guidance) • Revised Project Scheduile (in an acceptable scheduling software, format) • Design Specifications • Draft Project Manual * 90% design on the eastern terminus will only include the traiil and grading to the intersection of Highway 2 and Flathead Drive. * Work order 4 will not include any improvements to the Flathead Electric Coop Site. * Work order 4willl not include any feeder trails beyond what was shown in the 30%, design. 4 Ata llhmnina Scope of Work • Work order 4 assumes continued pFbono work with bridge fabricators) to create specs and strategy for assembled aesthetic truss working with KLJ bridge engineers for aftachmeAtadegy and structural compatibility. )-)lours for KLJ involve basic structural assessment of the bridge, no budget is proposed for architectural design of the bridge. • Ultiility design and sheets limited to light poles (some with special use electrical outlet and spare conduit for communications. • Drainage limited to, onsite treatment or miinor piping. • Due to city taking ownership of BNl F property after the end of 2019 geoltechnical investigations cannot commence before the 910%, is substantially complete. Alta "ssumie a structural design and pending the results of the geotechnical investigation it may be necessary to adjust. This adjustment may impact the cost estimate and result in some design modifications though this is deemed unlikely. • Planting and irrigation assumes design based on the 30% submittal. City of Kabspelt � 5 00-2018-118 Kalispell, MT trail and, Complete Street TIGER Project Amendment #2 to Contract Alta Planning + Design, IrK. City of Kalispell October ZS, 20,19, Amendment #2 to Contract This Amendment modifies the, terms and conditions of the Contract for services in connection with Alta Project 00- 2018-118 Kalispell, MIT Trail and Complete Street TIGER Project. By signing below, the signatories represent that they are duty appointed representatives of the respective parties to, the Professional Services Agreement ('Contract") between Alta, Planni_ng + Rgpj& Inc. ("Prime Consultant"), and City SI Kalispell ("Client"), dated hill_& 2028 and possess the authority to execute this Amendment. As of the date signed by both pairties, the terms of the Contract are amended as follows: 1. CHANGE IN OONTRACT TERM: The Contract's, term is extended) until July 1, 2020. 2. CHANGE IN' SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Prime Consultant's scope of services is amended to include the additional services set forth in Exhibit A to this Amenidmenit, 3. CHANGE IN BUDGET: As shown below and in the attached Exhibit B, the Prime Consultaint's, budget is, increased by $284,534, for a new not -to -exceed total of $598,398, Ali other terms ands conditions shall remain uunchangedl and in effect. Aka PlqgnnhigDesign, Infi. 10/25/20,191 atxare Date Joe Gilpin, Vice President, as duly authorized Page 1 of 1 M®RA; Katharine King, Asst Dr, Community Development Project Budget Kalispell Tall and Compl-S--TIGER -Ph-3 H-ly Rare $215 $152 $210 $145 $122 $122 $151 $135 $95 $1. $105 $120 $143 $145 $111 $105 $105 $140 $135 $105 $125 $159 1- Proj eR Management 1. 1 General Pmfect Management 32 12 56 4 36 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 36 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 64 12 Coy Team Eoordl nation(bl-weekLy meetings 5- Additi onaL Ana Lydm 5.6 Tafflc-Ly- 5.I S111-ena LSurvey 5.8 GeotechnlaL-Ly 5.9 Rd dge I... ion MaLy 10 meetings) 20 8 8 20 4 20 0 2 2 8 0 8 8 0 4 40 40 21 8 8 0 20 8 6 2 16 110 l 10 25 25 31 37 4 4 0 0 0 0 96 96 68 35 356 56 126 100 74 5.10 PLIZI Map gaphlc 5.11 SEA 5. 12 Develop a Surface SOIL Management PLln 6- Plans, Specifiradone and Esdlrutee 62 90% PS&Es PLn covershea conalning ILL st,k,h,Lder,gnature. Typl aL Go4sealon Sheers Typl aL Notes Sheers 6 8 101 126 2 2 1 2 50 404 2 8 4 222 2 2 2 40 27 0 258 2 4 2 192 40 16 0 0 4 8 32 28 24 8 40 0 35 16 35 35 0 12 8 16 11 Legend Sheet PLn Alignment Sh eets RemovlL Sheers PLn Constmctl on Sheers Gading Sheets SmrmwateEal nl ge Sheers UlIILIry Sheets 2 8 8 16 16 24 24 4 20 24 120 64 2 12 8 96 40 2 8 24 40 24 20 13 10 48 64 296 168 36 8 Llghting/ELead aL Sheets T"If lcI ntmI nd Constmctlon Staging SIgnILPLIn Sheers Slgning & S[d ping Sheets PL za Sheets Gateway, Intemretive Slgn, & Ste Fumishing Rd dge Sh eats PLnting PLn Sheers 6 Sh eea 8 2 2 8 12 8 24 8 8 40 2 40 40 8 6 8 16 40 24 40 24 16 16 48 36 4 8 32 8 8 40 48 80 96 82 108 72 52 44 Mgatlon PLn Sheets Sandard Sp eci,L Deal LS Sh eat 90%L-estl mate Revised Pmfea Schedule D-gn Speclfiatl on's Daft Pmfea ManulL FRAD- Submlta Lprepaatlon ]- Permitting I.1 Tempoary Occupancy Permit 0 12 8 8 4 4 2 8 8 24 12 0 0 2 0 16 8 4 8 0 4 8 8 0 0 0 4 40 2 2 0 48 40 4 0 40 14 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 60 80 IO 16 50 48 12 0 15 I ].2 MRTEnoroaohment Permit 8 8 Staff Hours 46 177 130 50 412 222 84 27 266 192 98 16 111 29 45 36 28 24 8 40 96 35 515 Relmburszbl, Expenses & Travel Projed T-L $9,890 $26,904 $26,000 $7,250 $50,264 $27,084 $13,356 $3,645 $25,270 $19,968 $10,290 $1,920 $15,873 $4,205 $4,950 $3,780 $2,940 $3,360 $1,080 $4,200 $12,000 $5,565 $0 $20,608 $9,712 $10,876 $2,590 $60,671 $8,840 $2,590 $17,640 $12,514 $9,331 $4,861 $1,920 $5,565 $0 $196,902 $1,078 $2,000 $1,474 $1,322 $6,264 $7,784 $36,832 $21,648 $4,340 $840 $5,280 $9,736 $12,826 $101040 $13,440 $8,640 $6,036 $4,960 $6,816 $9,J96 $J,866 $2,582 $8, 158 $5,320 $1,824 $2,150 $1,613 $2,150 $773 $840 $279,794 $4,740 $284,534