07-28-09 ARC MinutesDATE:
Hear the Public:
Approval of Minutes:
Old Business:
Tuesday, July 28, 2009; 7:30 a.m.,
I't Avenue East Cafe, 128 Ist Ave E
Bill Goodman; Mark Norley; John Hinchey;
Corey Johnson (Chairman); Janet Clark
City Staff—PJ Sorensen
Guests — none
Janet moved to approve the June 9 minutes; John seconded.
Approved 4-0.
Boiangles - 1319 Hwy 2 W; parking lot expansion and new storage buildings. Applicant
is not present. Nothing new to report.
New Business:
Nickel Cars — 617 W Idaho; modified freestanding sign. The sign was put up without a
permit, and they need to do some modifications to bring it into compliance. The changes
would be dropping the height to 15 ft max and changing or removing the lighting. They
have agreed to do that. Committee would add two conditions (1) remove the top part of
the poles above the sign (i.e. over 15 ft); and (2) attach the signs to the main pole, or paint
the brackets the same color as the sign if that cannot be done. Bill moved to approve;
Janet seconded. Approved 5-0.
Other Discussion:
Other discussion focused on the city limits line around Conrad Drive and College Avenue,
and some of the problems associated with the mobile home park.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00