11-12-20 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Basement Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Rachel Ezell, Chairman
Jarod Nygren, Planning Director
Tom Tabler, Senior Civil Engineer
Dave Dedman, Fire Chief
PJ Sorensen, Senior Planner
Rick Parker, Commercial Plans Examiner
Patrick Jentz, Engineer I
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Public Works has notes on the following — Pam
West they are waiting on the SIA. Waiting on a decision on the garbage enclosure at Appleway
Apartments, it is encroaching on the neighbor's property, they need to get an easement from the
neighbor or move the enclosure. Sterling School needs to finish the driveway approaches,
landscaping and concrete, landscape the boulevard, concrete collars on the public utilities in the
street, they buried the water service curb stops in the driveway under pavement so they need to
be brought to the surface and they tapped their fire service for their domestic water supply.
St. Matthew's Phase 1 & 2 - 601 S. Main; parking lot along 6th St & 1 St Ave W. Public Works is
waiting on a resubmittal. This will be on the agenda next week.
Stillwater Square -Address TBD (Silverbrook); apartment complex. Rachel is waiting on a
zoning lot determination. Public Works has a conditional approval on phase 1 and are working
through the sanitary/pretreatment plan for the clubhouse in phase 2. This will be on the agenda
next week.
Peterson Elementary - 1119 2nd St W; parking lot repaving — Planning received a site plan.
Rachel advised them she needs to know the slopes of the ADA and that the signage is compliant.
Public Works is still working with them on stormwater issues. This will be on the agenda next
Owl View Landing Phase 2 — Sawyer Lane; second phase of apartment complex — Waiting on a
landscape plan so the project can go to ARC. Public Works is waiting on a resubmittal. This will
be on the agenda next week.
Copper Mountain Headquarters — 31 Three Mile Dr; new office, catering, and retail —
Building received a new site plan and is reviewing. Public Works is waiting on calcs and punch
list items for phase 1. This will be on the agenda next week.
Sunshine Factory — 15 Glacier View; residential community center — Project has been approved
by ARC. Public Works has comments out. This will be on the agenda next week.
Arcade & Tap House — 2400 Hwy 93 S. - remodel to arcade/tab house — Nothing new, plans
have not been received. Rachel will call the owner to get updates on status. This will be on the
agenda next week.
NEW BUSINESS: Flathead Warming Center is working with A2Z Engineering. Meadows
Edge is looking into buying Rockwood Ranch but there are some sewer main and road
connections. It could possibly help some of the issues they are having with the Meadows Edge
The meeting was adjourned at 11: 02 a.m.
cc: Police City Manager City Clerk
Bldg. Fire Comm. Dev.
Planning Parks
Public Works MDOT