letter to City Council Public Comment from Sharmon CochraneAll Pro Flathead Property Management
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282 Fourth Avenue West North -, Kalispell, IVIT 59901
Telephone (406) 752-5480 or (406) 755-1102 - Fax (406) 7554529 - E-mail infoca)'apfpm.com
RE: File #KZTA- 20-01 and File #KCU-20-051, voting scheduled for 11/2/2020
Dear City COLUICII Members,
This letter is regarding the proposal to amend the zoning and/or add approval for a conditional
use per it for 889 North Meridian Rd to be used as a homeless/warming shelter.
As the property manager for the strip mall just to the south (759,763,771,767 and 775 N Meridian
Rd) I have great concern. t have managed this location for over a decade and have had Continuous
issues with loitering behind the building. There have also been several reported issues with
vagrants approaching the employees at these businesses, both inside and inside of their units. We
feel we may finally have this fairly well under control, but this proposal for a home le ss/warming
shelter threatens to set us back further than ever.
With the submission of their proposal, did they provide a solid plan to police this area that
ifICILides the neighboring and nearby properties? One that would be effective and wouldn't
increase the expenses (InClUding taxes) for the residents and property owners? I feel it becomes
the City* s responsibility -to address these concerns and to find _-i 'do no harm' solution. to protect
the small business owners and property owners if these proposals pass.
I am very concerned for my tenants and the wellbeing of their bLISinesscs.'They are all small,
local businesses that have plenty of struggles without adding yet another obstacle. The same Is
true for the others nearby and across the road.
A homeless warming shelter will also make it more difficult to re -let the units as they come
vacant, consequently lowering the future income potential, rentability, and resale value of this and
other nearby properties.
ThOLIgh I understand and agree with there being a need for homeless/warming shelters, this is
quite far from being an ideal location.
The requests in File 4-K-ZTA-20-0 1, and File #KCU-20-05 have great potential to do more han-n
than good at this particular location and should not be approved.
Thank you for your consideration of these concerns.
Sharmon Cochrane, REALTOR9
Licensed MT Property Manager
All Pro Flathead Property Mgmt