Warming center Public Comment from Jim HolmquistTowhom itmay concern: This is in regard to the Warming Center. | was e volunteer at the Warming Center last year. I can attest to the fact that it was run smoothly and professionally, with knowledgeable people in charge, and great concern for the neighbors around there. Any problems were handled quickly and accurately making it asafe environment for all involved. The guests helped regulate themselves, also. Inside and outside were kept patrolled with cameras and everyone kept the area clean. The guests were not allowed to loiter around the building. They came at night just before the doors opened and left quickly in the morning from the grounds. I felt we left a good impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Providing shelter for the guests kept them from being all over town fending for themselves and causing problems. | found that the guests were a good group ofpeople that just needed a tender touch of kindness. Because of the Warming Center some were able toget jobs and find apermanent place tolive. The Warming Center gives hope tothose that need itthe most. Thank you for listening and taking this subject to heart and helping to provide a valuable service to many! m. Holmquist