Kalispell Covid-19 response Public Comment from Connie Hoffman RNAimee Brunckhorst From: Connie Hoffman <conniehoffman66@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 12:17 PM To: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject: [EXTERNAL] Kalispell Covid-19 response Good afternoon, am writing to urge the Kalispell City Counsel to take immediate action to attempt to curtail the rampant spread of the coronavirus in our area. It is time to put politics aside and listen to the infectious disease experts, front line health care workers and community leaders that have been working tirelessly to protect the public health and keep our community safe. The blatant disregard for the mask directive by members of our County leadership is an embarrassment and a woeful dereliction of duty. Our community looks to local leaders to set an example of calm, rational response in a crisis and I urge you to act accordingly even if the Counsel needs to act independently of the County Health Board and commissioners. A city wide mask mandate with fines and sanctions is appropriate and necessary to limit the spread of the coronavirus in Kalispell. The mask directive is being blatantly disregarded and I find myself unwilling to risk exposure by shopping local businesses. Our county attorney and commissioners have flatly refused to support the County health departments efforts to limit the spread of coronavirus, I urge the City Counsel to find a way to take action immediately in spite of their gross incompetence and negligence. Respectfully, Connie Hoffman RN 1