Gathering Restrictions Public Comment from Rusty ShekelfordAimee Brunckhorst
From: Cheshire <>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 8:56 PM
To: Mark Johnson; Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Gathering restrictions
Are We seriously considering this again? The county commissioners already listened to their constituents. I figured You'd
be paying attention to that. But, now I guess it's your turn to listen.
If you want to be seen as a Tyrant, who refuses to listen to the people of this County and City, whom have already made
it clear we want to open back up- not lockdown more.
Then please, ignore Us and implement further restrictions. Go against the will of the People who elected You. Squeeze
Us tighter. Close more businesses.
You should NOT be supressing business. You should be stimulating it as much as you can.
But if you do decide to go down this foolish path, know three things:
1. Many of us will soon have nothing left to loose, including the fear of being incarcerated. We also feel We have no
political recourse anymore, as You sit comfortably and securely because of the position -We The People- put you in, you
doing nothing to help Us while Bullock and the Federal government Democrats have also abandoned us completely.
2. In America, when elected officials refuse to listen to the electorate and take steps to harm them physically or
financially when they are already nearing ruin, the traditional punishment for such actions is Tar, Feathers and Rope.
Because at that point you are an actual tyrant.
3. The Jig is up, the people know this is not as deadly a virus as was originally hyped. 99.97% of us will survive. We will
remember how We have been treated. We know this is all a excercise in control at this point. Stop it. Now. Our patience
has its limits.
I trust You will make the right decision to avoid further agitation of Your constituents by furthering this draconian
response to the sniffles. 99.97% of us will survive to remember how you treated Us all during this.
Rusty Shekelford
Kalispell MT