Do not restrict Public Comment from Ming Lovejoy MunzingAimee Brunckhorst
From: Ming Lovejoy <>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 1:23 PM
To: Mark Johnson
Cc: Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Please do not support the public gathering restriction
Hi Mayor Johnson & Kalispell City Council Members,
We have lived in Kalispell for 17 years and are writing to ask you to not place restrictions on public gatherings.
Let's allow our people be free, and responsible.
While the Covid 19 data has increasingly shown that it is not a deadly disease for 99+% of the population, our citizens
and small businesses have suffered enough from mandates and lockdowns.
Placing restrictions on public gatherings, while the current situation simply doesn't warrant it, is an Infringement of civil
liberties that is unfounded and unconstitutional.
It simply does not serve the best interests of our community.
Ming Lovejoy Munzing
Michaela Lovejoy
Kalispell, MT