CBF Comments on Accessory Housing Kalispell 9-28-2020G[ccns fur a Rct r Flathra,l PO N,x 2198 Kalispell, MT 5990 406.756.6993 siwwlla[headCitizenwrg To: The Kalispell City Council From: Citizens for a Better Flathead Re: Discussion of Accessory Dwelling Units Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment. In general we want to offer support of the consideration of adding to some districts the option for accessory dwelling units with the following conditions: • Accessory dwellings should be considered a tool to encourage more affordable housing within the city where close access to jobs and transportation alternatives help to reduce the cost to renters. For this reason we would urge the city to include a policy that would prevent these units or the main house on the lot from being rented as short-term rentals. To ensure neighborhood compatibility we would encourage you to make accessory dwelling units a CUP and not a permitted use. Given the diversity of lot layouts and existing homes a CUP allows neighbors to address site specific issues that may need to be mitigated in site specific conditions for approval. Examples I have seen with such units proposed in Whitefish and elsewhere may include concerns with location of windows or decks or lighting that impact the privacy of a neighboring residential unit, impacts of where snow from an adjoining roof would likely impact an adjoining property, impacts where the addition of another structure may result in significant vegetation that impacts the character of the neighborhood, impacts that may impact existing solar installations, and impacts to parking that are unique to that location or neighborhood. We look forward to following your development of this policy and to providing additional comment as you proceed. Sincerely, Mayre Flowers on behalf of CBF