Meeting 8_4_20 Public Comment from Kristen DarlingFrom:isntshedarling
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Meeting 8/4/20
Date:Tuesday, August 4, 2020 6:33:23 PM
First, let me start our by saying that your decision to move yesterday's meeting to an onlineformat is concerning. Please provide some sort of proof that comments are not being ignored
or cherry picked to meet your agenda while silencing the voice of the people!
I am a concerned 17 year, year-round resident of the Flathead, and a retired health careprovider. I am also one of the high risk population that you are using to scapegoat restricting
our rights in the name of government overreach disguised as public safety.
I would like to discuss the EVIDENCE that mandating the public to wear a mask is effectivein limiting viral spread. Where is your EVIDENCE? Please direct me to your controlled,
randomized studies on this. Oh right, you can't. You can point me towards data collectionsbased on "trends" and "projections", but no concrete scientific evidence.
I'm the contrary, there IS evidence, that I will provide in a link below, that wearing masks,
especially cloth masks, can INCREASE exposure to contaminants such as bacteria andviruses, especially when moist. This evidence is from a controlled study, where participants
were instructed on how to properly fit, wear, and not further contaminate their masks, and howoften (very often) they were to replace masks. Cloth masks must be washed after every use.
Even so, the study concluded that cloth masks serve no protection against viral transmission,but instead INCREASED risk.
Please explain to me why someone like myself who is imunocompromised with lung
comorbidities should be forced to handle something that I put close to my mucous membraneswhen I otherwise would NEVER contaminate my face? Tell me why putting myself at risk,
and my family at risk if losing me, is virtuous because it could possibly help someone else???
Explain to me why the health department is threatening businesses who are allowing medicalexemptions for folks like me? Is it not right there in the "directive" that there are medical
Now let's discuss how promoting prolonged situations of fear and stress upon yourconstituents is in direct contradiction to safeguarding health and well being. Have you read
the evidence proving the link among increase exposure to CO2, the amygdala, andconditioning our bodies to fear? I thought not. Perhaps it might be of interest to you. I sure
hope so. What effect might the constant bombardment of fear and stress combined withprolonged use of face masks that increase exposure to C02 have on our bodies? I am
interested in your rational for protecting us from a virus by promoting long, open-endedperiods of stress, fear, and potential risk through the mask directive?
I am not looking for your cookie, cutter, political double speak while saying nothing and
avoiding my questions answer. I would like real, thoughtful answers.
In the name of safety, you are stripping our lives of human contact, fresh air, and now joy...with your State Fair restrictions, which I oppose. You are slowly erroding our personal rights
and sovereignty and replacing them with a false sense of safety based on scientific unknownsand flimsy data. You all have the opportunity to choose humanity and reason over political
gain and power grabs.
I am disappointed that you scapegoated the unmasked constituents last night to furtherpoliticize the stressful climate. I am disappointed that you're are considering restricting the fair
down to nothing. I'm disappointed that you are trying to quiet the voices of your constituentswho clearly demand to be heard, as is their right. I'm just disappointed in general by the
government response to all of this from the state to the local level.
Kristen Darling
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone