Public comment for tonight's meeting (8_4_2020) from Julie BaldridgeFrom:Julie D
To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment
Subject:[EXTERNAL] Public comment for tonight"s meeting (8/4/2020)
Date:Tuesday, August 4, 2020 9:29:05 AM
My name is Julie Baldridge. My address is 2323 Kismet Ct in Kalispell.
According to the latest US Census data for 2020, there are 106,134 residents livingin Flathead County. (Source)
According to the Flathead City-County Health Department website, as of today,
August 4, 2020, there are 130 total “active” cases. (Source)
This means:
Only .1225% of our county’s population are active cases. Stated another way,99.8775% of the residents of Flathead County are currently UNAFFECTED
by this virus.
(Calculation: 130 / 106,134 = .001225; .001225 x 100 = .1225%; 100% -.1225% = 99.8775%)
Also according to the Flathead City-County Health Department website, the total“active” cases in Flathead County since the beginning of COVID-19 is 263.
This means:
Only .2478% of our county’s population have been active cases over the past
4 months. Stated another way, 99.7522% of Flathead County residents have
remained unaffected since the beginning of the Coronavirus scare.
(Calculation: 263 / 106,134 = .002478; .002478 x 100 = .2478%; .2478% -
100% = 99.7522%)
I would like to request that the city council members please keep these figures inmind as you make decisions that affect jobs, livelihoods, and the way of life for us
With these numbers, why is it being “suggested” by our governor and healthofficials that healthy people wear masks, when healthy people make up 99.75% of
the county? And why are we even discussing the possibility of canceling the fair?
It makes no sense. The numbers do not support the wearing of masks or thecanceling of events. Period.
It may be that your "hands are tied," but we need to resist this ridiculous mandate. If we keep going along with it by continuing to wear masks, things will only get
worse. Where do we draw the line? Now, when it is still possible to maintain our
individual liberties? Or later, after all of our liberties are gone?
Thank you for your service to our city,
Julie Baldridge