06-20 Parking UpdateCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING PARKING UPDATE: June 2020 Tickets June 2020: Dave 335 $31350.00 KPD 2 $20.00 Combined 337 $31370.00 June 2019: Dave 415 $41150.00 KPD 26 $260.00 Combined 441 $41410.00 Ticket Income June 2020: June ticket income: $31220.00 Tickets issued and paid in June $11990.00 June 2019: June ticket income: $41105.00 Tickets issued and paid in June $21110.00 Parking Permits June 2020: $31064.00 down $522.00 June 2019: $31586.00 Occupancy Report June 2020: Westside 96% Eastside 123% combined 109% June 2019: Westside 99% Eastside 112% combined 105% Meters &Machines June 2020: $699.61 down $150.84 June 2019: $850.45 The Boot June 2020: used 3 times $150.00 fines $105.00 fees $255.00 total June 2019: used once $40.00 fines $35.00 fees $75.00 total