06-25-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 25, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Jeff Clawson, Building Official Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner D.C. Haas, Fire Department Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Guests: Jim Atkinson, Eagle Transit, James Freyholtz, MDT, Jeff Maphis, JMC Architects, Jim Williamson, 48 North Eng., Erica Wirtala, Sands Surveying, and Andy Hyde, Carver Engineering. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: None from Public Works. Sorensen asked Fincher about the landscaping bonding for Mountain Mudd on East Idaho and Fincher said he hasn't been able to contact the local representative so he has been trying to get the issues settled through the Billings office. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Creek Apartments Phase 2 — Sorensen noted the city received some updated civil plans for Spring Creek Apartments Phase 2 and the following issues were discussed: • Grading and drainage was still pending because they are waiting on FEMA information before they finalize them. • There is confusion between the departments on whether some of the storm water structures need to be moved or just some fill. Sorensen said the LOMR has been issued for the floodway that states the 3 existing buildings are out of the floodway and floodplain; flood proofing certificates on the carports have been received; and the final certificate of completion from Hafferman for phase 1 is still needed. Sorensen continued rather than doing a floodplain development permit for the additional buildings there may be a way that they can get another approval from FEMA by changing the metes and bounds description. Sorensen explained further. Johnson requested that the conflicting information be sorted out before they review phase 2. • Regarding the easement that the city retained Castles said they will be allowed to put storm sewer inlets and piping within that easement and the city will deal with those at the time that the box culvert is installed. They did not want any sanitary sewer or water mains within that easement. • Public Works has reviewed the plans as far as they can but are still waiting for the full set of plans including the grading and drainage information. Until the full set of plans is received they will not approve phase 2 for construction. • Burnham stated a shared access on the east side of the property will be required and the developers are aware of that requirement. • Fire Department wasn't aware that the west side parking aisle is two-way and they may have issues with the clearance because of the carport overhangs. • Fire Department also indicated that the new policy for an all-weather access road be enforced for the 2nd phase of the project, and requested that the location of the all-weather access road be included on the civil drawings. • The turnaround in phase 1 has still not been completed which was an issue with both Public Work and the Fire Department. • Public Works noted there are still some issues remaining for completion of phase 1 including the raising of a fire hydrant and a valve box. Sorensen noted Tim German of the Sparrow Group will be attending the Site Review meeting next week to discuss phase 2. If there are any comments or questions, each department should contact the architect or engineer to discuss them. Begg Park Picnic Pavilion - Fincher noted there are still 3 items that need to be completed which includes the engineered foundation drawings from Public Works; waiting to hear from the State regarding the no -rise certification and documentation and completion ofthe floodplain permit; and the Building Department still needs to investigate the snow load requirements. Since these are building/floodplain permit issues the committee approved the project. NEW BUSINESS: Montana Club — 1301 Highway 93 South: Sorensen noted the plans were received for Site Review but not the building plans for this project. Sorensen said the sidewalk along 13th Street East is shown without a boulevard and Public Works noted the city standard requires a boulevard for snow storage. Jim Williamson, 48 North Engineering stated there is a portion of sidewalk already in place which is on the north property line so their plans indicate a continuation of the existing sidewalk. Public Works said they will require the existing sidewalk along 13th be removed and a boulevard, at least 5 feet wide installed starting from the ADA ramp on Highway 93 east along 13th Street to 1st Avenue East. Maphis felt removing the existing sidewalk would impose a hardship on these developers and Public Works said that is their standard. Sorensen noted along lst Avenue the sidewalk is shown on the property line but the loading area is there and they are proposing to install some type of screening. Williamson said along lgt Avenue East there would be a 6 foot boulevard with a sidewalk. Jeff Maphis, JMC Architects said the screening material will be wood with landscaping and a berm to conceal the back side of the building. The committee agreed that a landscape berm would be allowed in that area. Sorensen asked what design is proposed to keep the traffic from the convenience store lot from entering the Montana Club parking lot and Williamson said they would be installing a projecting curb that could be painted for higher visibility to physically block traffic. Burnham noted the city prefers to provide traffic circulation on the lots which reduces congestion on the streets and highway however Maphis said they need to retain the parking spaces in this location to meet the city's parking requirement. Freyholtz added the approach was approved only for the convenience store. Sorensen noted there is supposed to be a 5 foot buffer off the property line for parking spaces and the space on the northwest corner will have to be dropped for traffic visibility. But, Sorensen added the city would still be able to accept their parking space numbers with the loss of that space. Sorensen said they still need the outdoor lighting plan with the pole heights, photometric layout and the cut sheets making sure they are full cut-off fixtures for both the parking lot and the building. The following was noted on the landscape plan: Castles said trees have to be located 60 feet away from a corner with a stop sign and Fincher added the trees need to be 2-1/4" caliper which would help get the height; the mulch material needs to be noted however rock is not allowed in the beds; and Fincher needs to see the plans for landscaping the boulevards. Sorensen noted the setbacks are measured from the eave line instead of the wall line and in the southeast corner the eave projects into the setback. Regarding signs, the freestanding sign was originally proposed on the south portion of the property and now it is shown on the north end of the building which could be a problem with the reference to the casino being closer to the residential area. Maphis said the moving of the sign was a design decision and Sorensen said it was a concern when the CUP was reviewed by the city council but the Architectural Review Committee will review the sign package. Castles noted before demolition a record of all plumbing fixtures should be done so they can receive credit on their impact fees. Maphis said they have already initiated that process with Susie Turner. Burnham asked if there is a drawing of the current building and Maphis said he doesn't have one but could locate one. Burnham said the difference in the square footage can be used toward Transportation Impact Fees. Williamson reviewed the connection of the 1000 gallon grease separator proposed with Public Works who didn't have an issue with the proposed connection. Maphis said demolition will be starting in July and construction will take 7 — 8 months. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Trumbull Creek Crossing, Phase 2: Conrad said Trumbull Creek Crossing, Phase 2 came in about 2 years ago which is located off of East Reserve Drive in Evergreen. Conrad said they are looking for initial comments today and he asked if anyone had any major issues that they can recall from the previous review. Conrad added when he receives a copy of the proposed phase 2 he will distribute them to the committee. Wirtala said the subdivision is designed to be built to city standards and has stayed essentially the same from what was previously submitted with the exception of above ground storm water management which reduced the number of lots from 203 to 176. Oasis has been working with the Parks Department to move detention ponds into the north end of the park however they will still be able to meet the parkland requirement. Wirtala continued there was a work session with the planning board 2 years ago and they received some good feedback regarding annexing the property as an annexation district. Now she is not sure how this project would be received by the planning board or city council but the applicant would still like to move forward. The following issues were discussed: Johnson asked if the roads would eventually connect to Rose Crossing proposed and Andy Hyde of Carver Engineering said that connection would be an emergency access and Wirtala added if they were to do some sub -phases and develop the south end of the park they would bring an access road to the north so it would hook up with Rose Crossing. There was discussion regarding sewage capacity and conveyance and the interlocal agreement between the city and the Evergreen Sewer & Water District; improvements that would be required that would include upgrading a pump station and 2-3 line segments. Burnham noted as far as capacity that is between the District and DEQ and the city will have no fiscal responsibility for upgrades that would be required. Sorensen asked if there are established base flood elevations or is that un-delineated and Hyde said Applied Water did a floodplain analysis of Trumbull Creek, Spring Creek and the overflow channel and the analysis extended through this phase and all the way upstream to Rose Crossing. Hyde said the initial civil plans for the preliminary plat included the predicted flood elevations. Sorensen asked if this was being designed as an R-3 and Wirtala said it is designed as a PUD to meet the underlying R-3 zoning. Sorensen noted the planning board has been discussing the garage forward design in relation to lots less than 70 feet which would require alleys and Jentz said he wasn't certain if alleys were required but architectural features that would break up the design would be. Wirtala noted in phase 1 of Trumbull Creek Crossing there are very few garage oriented homes and she suggested the committee visit the model house for phase 1. There was further discussion regarding high ground water and the possible prohibition of basements and crawl spaces; the hydrants would have to be adjusted to city standards; and access roads. After the committee gets a chance to review the plat and submits their comments to Conrad they want to come back on July 9th to further discuss the proposal. Johnson asked for 3 copies of the civil plans for Public Works. Samaritan House/Flathead Special Education Cooperative Conditional Use Permit: Conrad noted the Samaritan House has purchased the Armory building on 2nd Street West and has filed a conditional use permit to lease a portion of the building to the Flathead Special Education Cooperative. The conditions for the conditional use permit for the school will include the need for them to meet all applicable building and fire codes. Although this will not affect the approval of the CUP for the school, there was discussion regarding requesting information from Samaritan House on the future uses proposed on this property and other improvements that will have to be made including sidewalks along 2nd Street West; boulevard trees; the potential contamination from the gun range on site; and other building and fire codes for the remainder of the building. Silverbrook Estates, Phase IA Final Plat: Conrad said the city has received the final plat for Silverbrook Estates, Phase I and noted CTA may be contacting the Fire, Parks and Public Works to request an updated letter for their final plat because they want to make the July 6th city council meeting. Johnson asked if phase 1 is located south and west of Silverbrook Drive and Conrad said yes and added on the east side of Silverbrook Drive he is contacting the surveyor to show Lazy Creek Drive as being a dedicated street on the plat. Conrad added they do not anticipate bonding for any improvements and Public Works said the warranty period has not started and they have some sewer issues that they are resolving however, this issue will not prevent the final plat from being approved. Conrad said staff will continue to process the plat and forward it to city council for approval unless Public Works, Parks and Fire has issues that would hold up the plat. Fincher said he would take a look at the site. Mountain View Plaza — Proposed Taco Bell: Conrad continued several weeks ago there was discussion regarding the possibility of constructing a Taco Bell in the parking area of Home Depot. Conrad was contacted by Marc Bancal from WGM Group regarding the city's requirement for a Traffic Impact Study to look at the intersection of Highway 93 and West Reserve however if the impacts are on site would the study be required. Burnham said the intersection Public Works has concerns about is Treeline Road and Highway 93 and they feel a Traffic Impact Study should be done on that intersection and Conrad said he will tell Mr. Bancal to contact Paul Burnham. Conrad said the study requirement will be a part of the preliminary plat submittal and the amendment of the PUD would be considered a major amendment that would have to go through city council. For the council's review the developer will have to submit a revised overall plan for the entire development and address issues such as landscaping, lighting, parking requirements, and ground water/compaction issues. OTHER REPORTS: Conoco Service Station — East Idaho & 3'd Avenue East: Haas reported the Conoco Service Station put in a propane refill island on the SW corner of the property and asked if there are any city permits required. Haas told them they needed bollards and Clawson mentioned they called about the bollards but they were told a permit would not be required. Westview Estates, Phase 3 Final Plat: Public Works has no unresolved issues with Westview Estates as long as they stick to the plans submitted. Therefore the plat can be scheduled for city council on July 20th. Spring Creek Estates Landscaping Trees: There was discussion regarding the trees installed at Spring Creek Estates that interfere with the stop signs and Fincher said he will contact Tim Birk. Fox Trotter Meadows Phase 1: There was discussion regarding parkland dedication for Fox Trotter Meadows Phase 1 since Phase 2 will not be completed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m.